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Last active May 31, 2022 16:20
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My pymol rc script
from pymol import preset, cmd
from glob import glob
from os.path import sep, basename
from pathlib import Path
def bns(sel: str = "bb."):
preset.ball_and_stick(selection=sel, mode=1)
def plddt(sel: str = "all"):
seleobjs = cmd.get_object_list(sel)
for obj in seleobjs:
if obj.startswith("ranked") or "alphafold" in obj or "af2" in obj:
minimum: float = 50
maximum: float = 90
minimum = 0.5
maximum = 0.9
cmd.spectrum("b", "red_green", obj, minimum, maximum)
def loadDir(dirName=".", suff="pdb", group=None):
Loads all files with the suffix suff (the input parameter) from the directory dirName).
dirName: directory path
suff: file suffix. Should be simply "pdb" or "sdf" or similar. Will accept the
wildcard and dot in case the user doesn't read this. So, "*.pdb", ".pdb",
and "pdb" should work. The suffix can be anything valid that PyMOL knows
how to natively load.
group: groupName to add the files to.
# load all the PDBs in the current directory
# load all SD files from /tmp
loadDir /tmp, "sdf"
make sure you call this script w/o quotes around your parameters:
loadDir ., .pdb
as opposed to
loadDir ".", "*.pdb"
Use the former.
g = dirName + sep + "*." + suff.split(".")[-1]
for c in glob( g ):
if ( group != None ): group, basename(c).split(".")[0], "add" )
def alignto(sel: str, ref: str, ce: bool = False):
seleobjs = cmd.get_object_list(sel)
best_obj, best_rmsd = None, float("inf")
for obj in seleobjs:
if ce:
res = cmd.cealign(ref, obj)
rmsd = res["RMSD"]
rmsd, *_ = cmd.align(obj, ref)
if rmsd < best_rmsd:
best_rmsd = rmsd
best_obj = obj
print(f"Best: {best_obj}, RMSD: {best_rmsd}")
def load_predictions(directory: str):
import pandas as pd
path = Path(directory).absolute()
target =
method =
plddt = path / f"{target}-plddtmask.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(plddt)
max_plddt = df["plddt"].idxmax()
min_plddt = df["plddt"].idxmin()
base_path = path / f"{target}-base.pdb"
max_path = path / f"{target}-{max_plddt}.pdb"
min_path = path / f"{target}-{min_plddt}.pdb"
af2_path = path.parent.parent.parent / target / "ranked_0.pdb"
if base_path.exists():
if max_path.exists():
cmd.load(max_path, f"{target}-max")
if min_path.exists():
cmd.load(min_path, f"{target}-min")
if af2_path.exists():
cmd.load(af2_path, f"af2-{target}")
# def load_af2(name)
cmd.extend("bns", bns)
cmd.extend("plddt", plddt)
cmd.extend("loadDir", loadDir)
cmd.extend("alignto", alignto)
cmd.extend("load_predictions", load_predictions)
run ~/
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