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Last active October 19, 2020 02:01
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Monte Carlo Walk-on-Spheres sampling of a vector field defined on mesh surfaces
// Copyright Ryan Schmidt 2020
// Released under the terms of the Boost License:
static FVector ComputeMonteCarloVectorFieldSample(
FDynamicMesh3& Mesh,
FDynamicMeshAABBTree3& AABBTree,
FVector3d FixedDirection, // target fixed direction. This will be projected onto mesh normals to create vector field that is interpolated
FVector3d WorldPosition, // position we want to sample at
int NumSamples, // How many monte-carlo paths to compute and average
float Epsilon, // path is terminated when we are within Epsilon of boundary constraints (ie mesh)
bool bUseVertexNormals, // whether to use vertex or face normals
bool bProjectToZPlane, // whether to project vectors onto Z plane (2D-ifies solution in that case)
bool bParallel)
int32 MaxPathLen = 50; // maximum length of Monte Carlo path before we abort (could be parameter)
FRandomStream Random; // for picking random points on spheres
const FVector3d StartPos = WorldPosition;
const FVector3d StartPosNearest = AABBTree.FindNearestPoint(StartPos);
FCriticalSection AccumLock;
FVector3f AccumVector = FVector3f::Zero();
int32 AccumSamples = 0;
ParallelFor(NumSamples, [&](int32 si)
FVector3d CurPos = StartPos;
FVector3d NearestPos = StartPosNearest;
IMeshSpatial::FQueryOptions QueryOptions;
// WoS - repeatedly compute nearest point
bool bTerminated = false;
for (int32 pi = 0; pi < MaxPathLen && !bTerminated; ++pi)
double Dist = CurPos.Distance(NearestPos);
if (Dist < Epsilon)
// within surface tolerance - accumulate a sample at nearest point on mesh
double NearDistSqr;
QueryOptions.MaxDistance = Epsilon;
int32 tid = AABBTree.FindNearestTriangle(CurPos, NearDistSqr, QueryOptions);
FDistPoint3Triangle3d DistQuery = TMeshQueries<FDynamicMesh3>::TriangleDistance(Mesh, tid, CurPos);
// compute surface normal at this point
FVector3d UseNormal = Mesh.GetTriNormal(tid);
if (bUseVertexNormals)
FIndex3i TriVerts = Mesh.GetTriangle(tid);
FVector3f NormalA = Mesh.GetVertexNormal(TriVerts.A);
FVector3f NormalB = Mesh.GetVertexNormal(TriVerts.B);
FVector3f NormalC = Mesh.GetVertexNormal(TriVerts.C);
FVector3f VtxNormal = DistQuery.TriangleBaryCoords.X * NormalA +
DistQuery.TriangleBaryCoords.Y * NormalB + DistQuery.TriangleBaryCoords.Z * NormalC;
UseNormal = (FVector3d)VtxNormal.Normalized();
if (bProjectToZPlane)
UseNormal.Z = 0;
// project fixed direction onto tangent plane perpendicular to surface normal
FFrame3d Plane(NearestPos, UseNormal);
FVector3d FramePt = Plane.ToPlane(Plane.Origin + FixedDirection);
FVector3d ProjectedDir = (FramePt - Plane.Origin).Normalized();
if (ProjectedDir.SquaredLength() < 0.9) // handle degenerate projetion
ProjectedDir = FixedDirection;
AccumVector += (FVector3f)ProjectedDir;
bTerminated = true;
// jump to random point on sphere centered at current position with radius defined by closest surface point
CurPos = CurPos + Dist * Random.GetUnitVector();
// find new nearest pos
NearestPos = AABBTree.FindNearestPoint(CurPos); // (todo: we can bound this search, right? only need to search within 2*Dist?)
}, (bParallel) ? EParallelForFlags::None : EParallelForFlags::ForceSingleThread );
AccumVector /= (AccumSamples > 0) ? (float)AccumSamples : 1.0;
return (FVector)AccumVector.Normalized();
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