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Created September 2, 2013 06:48
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Metadata for Deus ex Machinations: Keys.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<map proto="1.3.0">
<name>Deus ex Machinations: Keys</name>
<objective>Collect 10 Keystones from throughout the map and place them in the enemy's Command Center. Once 10 Keystones are placed, go through the doors and destroy the Lift Core to win the game!</objective>
<contributor contribution="XML">nixter1029</contributor>
<contributor contribution="Aesthetics and Gameplay">Tywnis</contributor>
<contributor contribution="Aesthetics">i2</contributor>
<team color="gold" max="75" max-overfill="100">Machinists</team>
<team color="dark aqua" max="75" max-overfill="100">Administration</team>
<destroyables name="Lift Core" materials="obsidian" completion="100%">
<destroyable owner="machinists">
<cuboid min="-1,35,127" max="-1,35,127"/>
<destroyable owner="administration">
<cuboid min="-1,35,-129" max="-1,35,-129"/>
<rule>Don't Team-Grief the Keys. If you have a Key, use it!</rule>
<stage title="Objective">
<line>`rThis map is a `a`lKeystone `rDTM-Type map</line>
<line>The objective is to collect 10 out of the 23 available</line>
<line>Keystones and place them on the Enemy Team's side.</line>
<point yaw="-90">-70,60,0</point>
<stage title="Placing the Keys">
<line>This is the `6Orange Team`f's `b(Machinists) `f"Key Hub", located inside `3Cyan Team`f's `b(Administration) `f"Command Center".</line>
<line>`6Orange Team `fmust collect the `bKeystones `b(Ender Eyes) `ffrom across the map and place them here.</line>
<line>`3Cyan Team `fshould defend these areas against `6Orange Team `finvaders who are trying to collect the `bKeystones `fand</line>
<line>make it back alive.</line>
<point yaw="180">0,60,-100</point>
<stage title="Finding the Keys">
<line>This is one of the many chests spread across the map</line>
<line>that contain one of the Keystones.</line>
<line>Most of the chests will be condensed towards the center</line>
<line>of the map, with a few hidden in small areas.</line>
<line>Keep a lookout for pressure plates or other Redstone</line>
<line>activation tools. It might reveal a hidden chest!</line>
<point yaw="180" pitch="30">0,44,-44</point>
<stage title="The Monument">
<line>Once all ten Keystones are placed in the "Hub", a door will</line>
<line>open to the Lift Core,</line>
<line>a one-block Obsidian Monument in which your team must break</line>
<line>to win the game.</line>
<point yaw="180">14,38,-119</point>
<stage title="Team Spawns">
<line>Here is one of the few spawn points for `6Orange Team`f.</line>
<line>In order to help reduce spawn killing, players will spawn</line>
<line>on top of the pillars, and must jump down to get into</line>
<line>the game.</line>
<line>You'll have some Feather Falling boots equipped, so don't</line>
<line>worry about the fall damage!</line>
<point yaw="-43" pitch="30">37,52,100</point>
<stage title="Jump Pads">
<line>If you get stuck in the center region, use these</line>
<line>"Jump Pads" to get back to the upper level.</line>
<line>&5&lOnce done with the introduction, jump into the</line>
<line>&5&lgame and have some fun!</line>
<point yaw="0" pitch="45">0,43,31</point>
<kit name="default">
<potion duration="oo">speed</potion>
<potion duration="oo">night vision</potion>
<kit name="spawn" parents="default">
<item slot="0" amount="64">glass</item>
<item slot="1">diamond pickaxe</item>
<item slot="2">diamond sword</item>
<item slot="3" enchantment="arrow infinite:1">bow</item>
<item slot="4" amount="64">bread</item>
<item slot="5" amount="2">golden apple</item>
<item slot="8">nether star</item>
<item slot="28">arrow</item>
<potion duration="5" amplifier="1">regeneration</potion>
<helmet>iron helmet</helmet>
<leggings>iron leggings</leggings>
<boots enchantment="protection fall:5">iron boots</boots>
<kit name="machinists" parents="spawn">
<chestplate color="D87F33" enchantment="protection environmental:1">leather chestplate</chestplate>
<kit name="administration" parents="spawn">
<chestplate color="4C7F99" enchantment="protection environmental:1">leather chestplate</chestplate>
<tool>diamond sword</tool>
<tool>diamond pickaxe</tool>
<item>iron helmet</item>
<item>leather chestplate</item>
<item>iron leggings</item>
<item>iron boots</item>
<filter name="deny-icemelt">
<filter name="allow-world"/>
<filter name="deny-all"/>
<filter name="block-break" parents="deny-blocks">
<filter name="only-administration" parents="deny-players deny-world">
<filter name="only-machinists" parents="deny-players deny-world">
<rectangle name="administration-key-room" min="-12,138" max="11,109"/>
<rectangle name="machinists-key-room" min="10,-140" max="-13,-111"/>
<apply block="deny-icemelt block-break">
<sphere name="icemelt-block" origin="-0.5,86,-0.5" radius="150"/>
<apply block="only-administration" use="only-administration" enter="only-administration" message="ou may not modify your own Key Room!">
<region name="administration-key-room"/>
<apply block="only-machinists" use="only-machinists" enter="only-machinists" message="You may not modify your own Key Room!">
<region name="machinists-key-room"/>
<spawns team="machinists" kit="machinists">
<spawn yaw="135">
<cylinder base="-44.5,52,106.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawn yaw="-135">
<cylinder base="-43.5,52,106.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawn yaw="180">
<cylinder base="81.5,52,81.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawn yaw="180">
<cylinder base="-82.5,52,81.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawns team="administration" kit="administration">
<spawn yaw="45">
<cylinder base="-44.5,52,-107.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawn yaw="0">
<cylinder base="-82.5,52,-82.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawn yaw="-45">
<cylinder base="43.5,52,-107.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<spawn yaw="0">
<cylinder base="81.5,52,-82.5" height="0" radius="2"/>
<default kit="default" yaw="90">
<cylinder base="-0.5,86,-0.5" height="0" radius="4"/>
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