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Created December 21, 2022 09:44
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Check if a Raspberry Pi is being throttled due to under-voltage or over-heating
#!/usr/bin/env python
# 1110000000000000010
# ||| |||_ under-voltage
# ||| ||_ currently throttled
# ||| |_ arm frequency capped
# |||_ under-voltage has occurred since last reboot
# ||_ throttling has occurred since last reboot
# |_ arm frequency capped has occurred since last reboot
import subprocess
GET_THROTTLED_CMD = 'vcgencmd get_throttled'
0: 'Under-voltage detected. Check your power supply (volts/amps) matches your Pis min hardware requirements',
1: 'ARM frequency capped',
2: 'Currently throttled',
3: 'Soft temperature limit active',
16: 'Under-voltage has occurred since last reboot. Check your power supply (volts/amps) matches your Pis min hardware requirements',
17: 'ARM frequency capped has occurred since last reboot',
18: 'Throttling has occurred since last reboot',
19: 'Soft temperature limit has occurred'
class Logger:
COLOR_ERROR = '\033[91m'
COLOR_SUCCESS = '\033[92m'
COLOR_WARNING = '\033[93m'
COLOR_INFO = '\033[33m'
COLOR_RESET = '\033[0m'
def error(cls, msg):
print(cls.COLOR_ERROR + msg + cls.COLOR_RESET)
def success(cls, msg):
print(cls.COLOR_SUCCESS + msg + cls.COLOR_RESET)
def warn(cls, msg):
print(cls.COLOR_WARNING + msg + cls.COLOR_RESET)
def info(cls, msg):
print(cls.COLOR_INFO + msg + cls.COLOR_RESET)
print("Checking for throttling issues since last reboot...")
throttled_output = subprocess.check_output(GET_THROTTLED_CMD, shell=True)
throttled_binary = bin(int(throttled_output.split(b'=')[1], 0))
warnings = 0
for position, message in MESSAGES.items():
# Check for the binary digits to be "on" for each warning message
if len(throttled_binary) > position and throttled_binary[0 - position - 1] == '1':
warnings += 1['vcgencmd', 'measure_temp'], universal_newlines=True))
if warnings == 0:
Logger.success("No issues detected")
Logger.warn("Issues were detected")
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