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Last active June 10, 2019 19:48
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Simple Implementation of DEG in Heath and Parikh
# Ryan L Murphy
# Toy illustrative implementation of DEG in
# Heath & Parikh 2011, Generating random graphs with tunable clustering coefficients
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The algorithm may get stuck for a while, this toy implementation just exits if
# there is no progress for some number of iterations
import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import numpy.random as npr
def deg(n, d, C, max_stuck=100):
Simple implementation of DEG on page 4583
:param n: Number of vertices
:param d: Degree sequence graph to be created (the degree of every vertices)
:param C: Target clustering coefficient of output graph
:param max_stuck: Maximum number of iterations without progress before the function just exits
:return: Edge list of graph as a set object
V = np.arange(0, n)
E = set()
M = sum(d)/2.0
rd = d.copy()
T = C * 1.0/3.0 * sum(0.5*d*(d-1))
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Create Triangles
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
while T > 0:
# Choose 3 nodes, without replacement, from V.
# with probabilities given in the paper
# (add small number since python doesn't like 0 values in probs)
probs = (rd+0.01)/sum(rd + 0.01)
v, u, w = npr.choice(V, size=3, replace=False, p=probs)
# Identify the three edges that would make a triangle
e1 = tuple(sorted([v, u]))
e2 = tuple(sorted([v, w]))
e3 = tuple(sorted([u, w]))
# Identify which edges have not yet been added
need_to_add = []
v_appearances = 0
u_appearances = 0
w_appearances = 0
# Check e1, e2, e3, count appearances of u, v, w
if e1 not in E:
v_appearances += 1
u_appearances += 1
if e2 not in E:
v_appearances += 1
w_appearances += 1
if e3 not in E:
u_appearances += 1
w_appearances += 1
# If all edges are already in E, decrease T by one, per paper
if len(need_to_add) == 0:
T -= 1
# Determine if residual degree is sufficient
if (rd[v] < v_appearances) or (rd[u] < u_appearances) or (rd[w] < w_appearances):
# Add edges
# Update values
T -= 1
M -= len(need_to_add)
rd[v] -= v_appearances
rd[u] -= u_appearances
rd[w] -= w_appearances
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# Add remaining edges
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
times_stuck = 0
while M > 0 and times_stuck < max_stuck:
# Sample 2 nodes without replacement
probs = (rd+0.001)/sum(rd+0.001)
v, u = npr.choice(V, size=2, replace=False, p=probs)
# need to add this since python doesn't like zero-values
# of the probabilities in npr.choice
if rd[u] == 0 or rd[v] == 0:
times_stuck += 1
e1 = tuple(sorted([v, u]))
if e1 not in E:
rd[v] -= 1
rd[u] -= 1
M -= 1
times_stuck = 0
times_stuck += 1
if times_stuck == max_stuck:
raise Warning("Algorithm was stuck for {} iterations, returning.".format(times_stuck))
return E
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("The target clustering coefs are 0.06 and 0.33")
# Reproduce two of the empirical results from the paper (those shown in Table 1)
deg_seq_1 = np.repeat(10, 1000)
deg_seq_2 = np.repeat(4, 1000)
edge_list_1 = deg(n=len(deg_seq_1),
edge_list_2 = deg(n=len(deg_seq_2),
ii = 1
for el in [edge_list_1, edge_list_2]:
G = nx.from_edgelist(el)
print("The empirical degree sequence of graph {} is {}".format(ii,
print("The empirical clustering coef of graph {} is {}\n".format(ii, nx.average_clustering(G)))
ii += 1
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