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Created April 21, 2016 21:16
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(ns shpn.core
(:require [ :as io]
[clojure.string :as s]))
(def input "nodes.txt")
(def findA "Node3")
(def findB "Node4")
(defn read-source
"Read source and build hashmap where keys is child and value is parent.
It's possible to have nil value that means not connected node"
(let [rows (-> fname io/resource slurp (s/split #"\n"))
pairs (map #(s/split % #" ") rows)]
(zipmap (map first pairs) (map second pairs))))
(defn path-for
"Get path to root node."
[tree node]
(loop [acc [node] node node]
(let [parent (get tree node)]
(if-not parent
(recur (conj acc parent) parent)))))
(defn -main
"Find lca for given tree and nodes."
[& args]
(let [tree (read-source input)
pathA (path-for tree findA)
pathB (path-for tree findB)]
(first (filter (set pathA) pathB))))
;; (-main)
;; Result: "Node1"
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