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Last active April 7, 2023 17:19
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Gnome Starter Kit

The following is made for gnome 3.38 that comes with Debian non-free. This should work with Ubuntu and other distros (change package manager if using Arch or Fedora) with gnome 3.38 or higher versions.

Remove Gnome bloat

!!Proceed with caution!! One man's feature is another man's bloat, carefully look at what will be removed before executing the commands.

  1. Gnome games
sudo apt remove --purge -y gnome-2048 aisleriot gnome-chess five-or-more four-in-a-row hitori gnome-klotski lightsoff gnome-mahjongg gnome-mines gnome-nibbles quadrapassel cl-reversi gnome-robots gnome-sudoku swell-foop gnome-taquin gnome-tetravex tali && sudo apt -y clean && sudo apt -y autoremove
  1. Libre Office
sudo apt remove --purge -y libreoffice* && sudo apt -y clean && sudo apt -y autoremove
  1. Other Gnome utils (Double check what's going to be removed)
sudo apt remove --purge -y gnome-calculator gnome-calendar cheese gnome-clocks gnome-contacts simple-scan gnome-documents evolution gnome-maps gnome-music malcontent rhythmbox seahorse shotwell gnome-sound-recorder gnome-todo transmission* totem* gnome-weather && sudo apt -y clean && sudo apt -y autoremove


Go to of Firefox/any chromium based browser. A popup may appear asking you install a browser extension, go ahead and install the extension. In addition, you may also want to install chrome-gnome-shell if it isn't installed.

sudo apt install chrome-gnome-shell

Once installed you can now add gnome extensions.

  1. User themes
  2. Dash to dock
  3. Hide top bar
  4. Extended gestures
  5. Clipboard
  6. Horizontal workspaces
  7. GSConnect


  1. GTK Themes: Download the files from below, extract and place the folder in /home/{username}/.themes
    • Orchis -- comes with GTK theme and shell theme as well
    • More
  2. Icons: Download the files from below, extract and place the folder in /home/{username}/.icons
  3. Shell: This option maybe disabled, to activate go to extensions and turn on "User Themes", Download the files from below, extract and place the folder in /home/{username}/.themes Yes, the path is .themes NOT A TYPO.
  4. Go to tweaks -> Appearance, have fun!

Some software install

  1. Chromium
[For debian]
sudo apt install chromium

[For ubuntu]
sudo apt install chromium-browser

[Optional -- change Exec to avoid keyring on chromium on boot]
sudo nano /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop
Exec=/usr/bin/chromium--password-store=basic %U

  1. Media player
sudo apt install vlc


sudo apt install mpv
  1. Visual studio code
sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
sudo apt install code
  1. GSConnect Commands

    a. Lock Screen

    SESSION=$(loginctl list-sessions | grep $(whoami) | awk '{print $1}'); loginctl lock-session $SESSION

    b. Unlock Screen

    SESSION=$(loginctl list-sessions | grep $(whoami) | awk '{print $1}'); loginctl unlock-session $SESSION

    c. Logout

    gnome-session-quit --logout --no-prompt

    d. suspend

    systemctl suspend

    d. Power Off

    systemctl poweroff

    e. Restart

    systemctl reboot

    f. Screenshot

    file=/tmp/$(hostname)_$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").png; gnome-screenshot -f "${file}" && ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ -d $(~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/ -a) --share-file="${file}"
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