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Created February 14, 2019 21:06
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Custom key decoding strategy
import Foundation
let json = Data("""
// Makes me sad, but it's private to JSONEncoder.swift
func convertFromSnakeCase(_ stringKey: String) -> String {
guard !stringKey.isEmpty else { return stringKey }
// Find the first non-underscore character
guard let firstNonUnderscore = stringKey.firstIndex(where: { $0 != "_" }) else {
// Reached the end without finding an _
return stringKey
// Find the last non-underscore character
var lastNonUnderscore = stringKey.index(before: stringKey.endIndex)
while lastNonUnderscore > firstNonUnderscore && stringKey[lastNonUnderscore] == "_" {
stringKey.formIndex(before: &lastNonUnderscore)
let keyRange = firstNonUnderscore...lastNonUnderscore
let leadingUnderscoreRange = stringKey.startIndex..<firstNonUnderscore
let trailingUnderscoreRange = stringKey.index(after: lastNonUnderscore)..<stringKey.endIndex
var components = stringKey[keyRange].split(separator: "_")
let joinedString : String
if components.count == 1 {
// No underscores in key, leave the word as is - maybe already camel cased
joinedString = String(stringKey[keyRange])
} else {
joinedString = ([components[0].lowercased()] + components[1...].map { $0.capitalized }).joined()
// Do a cheap isEmpty check before creating and appending potentially empty strings
let result : String
if (leadingUnderscoreRange.isEmpty && trailingUnderscoreRange.isEmpty) {
result = joinedString
} else if (!leadingUnderscoreRange.isEmpty && !trailingUnderscoreRange.isEmpty) {
// Both leading and trailing underscores
result = String(stringKey[leadingUnderscoreRange]) + joinedString + String(stringKey[trailingUnderscoreRange])
} else if (!leadingUnderscoreRange.isEmpty) {
// Just leading
result = String(stringKey[leadingUnderscoreRange]) + joinedString
} else {
// Just trailing
result = joinedString + String(stringKey[trailingUnderscoreRange])
return result
struct AnyKey: CodingKey {
var stringValue: String
var intValue: Int?
init(stringValue: String) {
self.stringValue = stringValue
self.intValue = nil
init(intValue: Int) {
self.stringValue = String(intValue)
self.intValue = intValue
func convertFromSnakeCase(exceptWithin: [String]) -> ([CodingKey]) -> CodingKey {
return { keys in
let lastKey = keys.last!
let parents = keys.dropLast().compactMap {$0.stringValue}
if parents.contains(where: { exceptWithin.contains($0) }) {
return lastKey
else {
return AnyKey(stringValue: convertFromSnakeCase(lastKey.stringValue))
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.keyDecodingStrategy = .custom(convertFromSnakeCase(exceptWithin: ["userInfo"]))
struct User: Decodable {
let userName: String
let userInfo: [String : String]
let user = try decoder.decode(User.self, from: json)
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