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Last active February 3, 2018 23:20
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  • Save rnapier/b1f13be8d018bf4d145b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// Previous async code based on Result. A "Search" wraps an async operation and offers features like cancel().
// An earlier experiment includes self.pages = result ?? [], but that's cheating.
// If you didn't care about error handling, what's the point of Result? Added displayError() to test reality.
// Of course maybe "self.pages = result ?? { displayError(err); return [] }()" would work,
// but that gets a little obtuse and scales poorly.
func search(text: String, completionHandler: (Result<[Page]>) -> Void) -> Search { ... }
self.currentSearch =, completionHandler: { result in
switch result {
case .Success(let pages):
self.pages = pages
case .Failure(let err):
self.pages = []
// New idea based on throws. Note use of "() throws -> T" as a replacement for Either
// The closure is a little funny, but it's actually shorter and less "noisy" than the Result approach
// when you take real error handling into account (calling displayError)
func search(text: String, completionHandler: (() throws -> [Page]) -> Void) -> Search { ... }
self.currentSearch = search(searchString, completionHandler: { result in
do {
try self.pages = result()
} catch {
self.pages = []
// Here's the Result-way that I handled processing that completion handler:
struct Operation<ResultType> {
let task: NSURLSessionDataTask
init(url: NSURL, queue: NSOperationQueue, parser: NSData -> Result<ResultType>, completionHandler: Result<ResultType> -> Void) {
let handler = operationHandler(queue: queue, parser: parser, completionHandler: completionHandler)
self.task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: handler)
func cancel() {
private func operationHandler<T>(#queue: NSOperationQueue, #parser: NSData -> Result<T>, #completionHandler: Result<T> -> Void)
(data: NSData?, _: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?) {
switch (data, error) {
case (_, .Some(let error)) where error.isCancelled():
break // Ignore cancellation
case (_, .Some(let error)):
case (.Some(let data), _):
fatalError("Did not receive an error or data.")
// And here's the throw-wrapped way:
struct Operation<ResultType> {
let task: NSURLSessionDataTask?
init(url: NSURL, queue: NSOperationQueue, parser: (NSData) throws -> ResultType, completionHandler: (() throws -> ResultType) -> Void) {
let handler = operationHandler(queue: queue, parser: parser, completionHandler: completionHandler)
self.task = NSURLSession.sharedSession().dataTaskWithURL(url, completionHandler: handler)
func cancel() {
private func operationHandler<T>(queue queue: NSOperationQueue, parser: (NSData) throws -> T, completionHandler: (() throws -> T) -> Void)
(data: NSData?, _: NSURLResponse?, error: NSError?)
switch (data, error) {
case (_, .Some(let error)) where error.isCancelled():
break // Ignore cancellation
case (_, .Some(let error)):
queue.addOperationWithBlock {completionHandler({ throw error })}
case (.Some(let data), _):
queue.addOperationWithBlock {completionHandler({ try parser(data) })}
fatalError("Did not receive an error or data.")
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