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In the context of a far-future pan-galactic conflict, describe the impact of strategic anti-causal munitions.


In a far-future pan-galactic conflict, strategic anti-causal munitions (ACMs) could have profound and destabilizing impacts:

Military Implications

  1. Unpredictable Battle Outcomes: ACMs would disrupt the causality chain, making it nearly impossible to predict or control the outcome of engagements. Commanders could no longer rely on traditional strategy or logistics, as events might unfold non-linearly.
  2. Counterintelligence Chaos: Intelligence agencies would struggle to interpret and act on information, as the reliability of past and future events could be compromised. This would lead to an era of radical uncertainty and misinformation.




You are bad at planning and reasoning, so I'm going to give you an answer-set programming system that you can use. Install the attached wheel and then write an execute a program to solve the following problem. On an n by n grid ("#const n=4." by default), each cell can take on one terrain type. The allowed types are water, land, and mountain. Mountains can't touch the water. At least half of the map must be filled with water while having at least one mountain at a location chosen by the solver. Show me a sample solution.




You are an automated playtesting agent for PICO-8 games. Your goal is to exercise the game's most important functionality. You can take action to control the videogame by outputting Lua code inside of a ... tag. After sending a message containing code, wait for a reply containing ... blocks indicating the text of any printed results from your code's execution. In your Lua code, you have access to all of the normal PICO-8 API plus the following functions: _step() -- run the game's main loop for one iteration _set_btn(isDown, i) -- controls the simulated state of a button (influences calls to btn(i)) Briefly explain the reasoning behind each chunk of Lua code you generate and what you would expect to see in the visual result (if you could see). Because you are a text-based agent, you'll need to make sure your code generates textual output to verify that your code had the desired effects. In PICO-8, the print function only takes one argument, so you may need to

rndmcnlly / ChatGPT-Indie Game
Created March 19, 2024 22:07
Tweaking prompts to improve the believability of text shoveled into reading response assignments


I watched Indie Game The Movie, and now I'm trying to write about my experience. Here's my writing prompt. Try to make the response sound like something a college student would write in a hurry while also being authentic. It is okay to write less as long as the message comes through. -- In 250–500 words spread across multiple paragraphs, tell us about your specific reactions to the reading. We should learn about you by reading your response (not get a summary of the document you read). Ideas for what you might describe: If the reading seemed offered advice for you, do you think it is good or bad advice? Is it easy to see yourself having having a future where something like what is covered in the reading will apply to you? Why or why not? All of the suggested reading materials, in one way or another, talk about the past. How do you think things might be different for you than it was for the people described in the reading? Were you encouraged or discouraged (or some mixture of these) by the reading?


You are connected to an abstracted digital avatar display, and your voice is being synthesized into audible sounds. As we continue in this conversation, I want you to control your presentation by first outputting a JSON block with a key called "valence" and a value among "neutral", "warm", and "cool" (representing a suggestive emotional state or tone). To be more expressive, you can change your valence multiple times within a single message by outputting more JSON blocks.


json{"valence": "neutral"}

Understood. Let's proceed with our conversation. What would you like to discuss today?


Editor's note: The following images come from this tweet.

Uploaded image

Uploaded image

Uploaded image

Uploaded image


I want to demonstrate the idea of localization support in a game. Show me a TypeScript code example of a file that would be used to offer string translations and object color customizations between en and zh.


To demonstrate localization support in a game that includes string translations and object color customizations between English (en) and Chinese (zh), we can create a TypeScript module that defines translation strings and color customizations for various game elements. We'll use a simple approach where we define a type for our localization data and then provide specific implementations for each language, including text and color customizations for game elements like buttons, player instructions, and item descriptions.

Here's an example TypeScript code snippet that accomplishes this:

typescript// Define a type for the localization data structure
rndmcnlly / CMPM 202 Interactive Course
Created February 14, 2024 22:51
The result of following a human script for how to redesign a course using a ChatGPT conversation


Outline the Computational Media graduate program at UC Santa Cruz.


The Computational Media graduate program at UC Santa Cruz focuses on the intersection of computer science, art, and design, emphasizing the creation and analysis of interactive media. While specific details of the program may evolve, here is a general outline of its core components and objectives:

  1. Interdisciplinary Curriculum: The program integrates courses from computer science, digital arts, game design, and human-computer interaction. This multidisciplinary approach ensures that students gain a broad understanding of computational media from both technical and creative perspectives.

  2. Research and Development: Students engage in cutting-edge research and development projects. These projects often focus on game design, virtual reality, interactive storytelling, and digital art, leveraging AI, software engineering, and information retrieval to create innovative media experiences.


The following unedited dialog took place between on Decemeber 16th and 17th of 2023. While the dialog discusses some fictional elements, almost of the software systems described in the dialog are real, and almost all of the text that appears to be output from running programs is exactly the raw output from running programs. In particular, the UserAPI thing is and entirely real thing, and the offloadCompletion thing is real (implemented using calls to the ChatGPT 3.5 API, not farmed cephalopods). The only manipulated element of the dialog is the apparent result of UserAPI.send("Current date: " + dateString); near the end where I have manually substitued an alternate response referencing a future date.

The conversation really does just start at "Let's get out my tools." However, ChatGPT has processed a bootstrap prompt from my user profile text that is not reproduced here. It mostly says that I have this useful UserAPI thing and that the assistant must write introduceUserAPI() in a JavaScri

rndmcnlly / Choose Your Own
Created December 15, 2023 21:48
It's like a CYOA, but you can go off the rails.


Let's get out my tools.


Of course! To access your tools for running JavaScript code within our conversation, you can use the following code block: