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Created September 21, 2016 20:58
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js->clj that works across contexts
(defn cljify
"Does what `(js->clj o :keywordize-keys true) is supposed to do, but works
in environments with more than one context (e.g., web browsers).
See <>.
Note that Date instances are passed through."
(nil? o)
;; Primitives.
(true? o)
(false? o)
(number? o)
(string? o)
;; Dates are passed through.
(not (nil? (aget (aget o "__proto__") "getUTCMilliseconds"))))
;; Array.
(.isArray js/Array o)
(let [n (.-length o)]
(loop [i 0
acc (transient [])]
(if (< i n)
(recur (inc i) (conj! acc (cljify (aget o i))))
(persistent! acc))))
;; Object.
(not (nil? (aget (aget o "__proto__") "hasOwnProperty")))
(let [a (.keys js/Object o)
n (.-length a)]
(loop [i 0
acc (transient {})]
(if (< i n)
(let [key (aget a i)]
(recur (inc i) (assoc! acc
(keyword key)
(cljify (aget o key)))))
(persistent! acc))))
:else o))
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