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Created April 27, 2010 13:59
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skype hotdeploy apple script
#display dialog (do shell script "cd /Users/tobiasb/Sites/qype_admin && pwd")
my hotdeploy()
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
my hotdeploy()
end adding folder items to
on hotdeploy()
set usr_home to "/Users/tobiasb/"
set prj_folder to usr_home & "Sites/qype_admin/"
set filename to "report_queries.yml"
set srcs to usr_home & "Downloads/" & filename
set dest to prj_folder & "config/" & filename
tell application "Finder" to set file_exists to exists srcs as POSIX file
if file_exists then
say "here we go"
do shell script "mv " & srcs & " " & dest
set diff to do shell script "/opt/local/bin/svn diff " & dest
if not diff is equal to "" then
#set commit to "/opt/local/bin/svn ci --quiet -m'SkypeAutoCommiter: updated report queries' " & dest & ";"
#set hotdeploy to "cd " & prj_folder & "; /usr/bin/cap production qype:hotdeploy FILES=config/" & filename & ";"
#set out to commit & hotdeploy
set out to do shell script "/Users/tobiasb/bin/"
# /opt/local/bin/svn ci -m'SkypeAutoCommiter: updated report queries' /Users/tobiasb/Sites/qype-admin/config/report_queries.yml
# cd /Users/tobiasb/Sites/qype-admin/
#/usr/bin/cap production qype:hotdeploy FILES=config/report_queries.yml
my message("done")
say "done"
my message("no changes")
end if
return "no file"
end if
on error the error_message number the error_number
my message("error")
say "error"
set the error_text to "Error: " & the error_number & ". " & the error_message
display dialog the error_text buttons {"OK"} default button 1
return the error_text
end try
end hotdeploy
on message(msg)
tell application "Skype" to send command "MESSAGE justalii SkypeAutoCommiter: " & msg script name "to Alli"
#say msg
end message
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