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Last active May 6, 2021 18:13
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That Conference 2019 - Postman Talk - Ryan Niemeyer


An Incredible Tool For API Development And Testing

Ryan Niemeyer - @rpniemeyer - Planview / LeanKit

Postman getpostman

Download from here

Free tool is extremely useful. For paid services, check comparison here.

Basic Usage

  • Hit "+" to get a new tab
  • Choose your verb (common are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE)
  • Enter URL and Send
  • Can hover over Status and Headers to get more information

More Advanced Usage

  • Authorization - discrete fields for all of the various types. Docs here.
  • Query/Path params - can enter in fields on "Params" tab rather than manipulate URL
  • Body options - Raw is most commmon (application/json). GraphQL is a new beta tab that features auto-complete when using a schema.
  • Code button allows you to generate snippets of code in various languages to make a request. Curl is useful to paste into a terminal.

Workflow for Capturing and Importing a Request

  • Go to Chrome Dev Tools
  • On the Network tab, capture requests
  • Right-click on a request
  • Choose "Copy as cURL"
  • Import into Postman
  • Go to "Paste Raw Text" tab and paste, then Import
  • Now you will have the request and all headers ready to go


  • Environments are named sets of variables that are typically used to represent different contexts like test server vs. staging server vs. production


  • Docs here
  • Can dynamically change any value in a request
  • Specify a variable like {{myVariable}}
  • Can get/set in scripts as well

Dynamic variables

  • Docs here
  • Many dynamic variables like {{$guid}}, {{$timestamp}}, {{$randomFirstName}}, {{$randomInt}} and many more

Managing environmentes

  • Use eyeball icon to quickly view/edit current environment and see global variables
  • Hit gear icon (next to eyeball) to manage environments where you can duplicate, export, delete, and edit environments
  • Current value is not sent to Postman servers. For Initial value, you can use things like "YOURPASSWORDHERE" for sensitive data, then can share with others to use same variable structure.


  • Save requests into Collectons to organize/document or run as a set
  • Can set things like Authorization, scripts, and variables at collection level
  • Can further nest requests into folders for organization
  • Can set Authorization at folder level. For tests, could have folders for Admin, Normal, and Read-Only user workflows, as an example.

Collection Source Control

  • can fork, pull, merge with conflict resolution
  • docs here

Collection Runner

  • Execute a set of requests
  • Can choose environment, # of iterations and other options
  • Results will show executions and test pass/fail

Data Files

  • Can use a CSV or JSON file to run requests with different variables for each variation.
  • In next examples, collection runner with execute 3 iterations with different variable values for each one




        "variable1": "foo",
        "variable2": "bar"
        "variable1": "apple",
        "variable2": "banana"
        "variable1": "ketchup",
        "variable2": "mustard"
  • For data files, you would normally have variables to set up request and variables for what you expect in response like (error code, error message, body contents, etc.)


  • Postman scripting is written using JavaScript
  • Code is executed in the Postman Sandbox
  • You have access to require a number of common libraries
  • The pm global object provides a number of useful functions like
    • pm.request - access properties of the request
    • pm.response - access properties of response like status code, response time, body, headers
    • pm.test - execute a test
    • pm.expect - assert a value in a test
    • pm.variables - access variables
    • pm.environment - get/set environment variables
    • pm.globals - get/set global variables
    • pm.sendRequest - programmatically send a request

Pre-request Scripts

  • Runs before request
  • Typical used to set a variable
  • Could programmatically make a request and set a variable from response (like get an API token)


const moment = require( "moment" );
const now = moment();
pm.environment.set("now_formatted", now.format() );
pm.environment.set("now_unix", now.unix() );

Test Scripts

  • Runs after request. Docs here
  • Can test status code, response time, response body, etc.
  • Can set a variable that a subsequent request might need (create a record and save id)
  • Test assertions use Chai assertion library. Syntax help here

A few test examples:

pm.test("Status code is 200", function () {;

pm.test("Response time is less than 500ms", function () {

pm.test("Body looks correct", function () {
    pm.expect(pm.response.text()).to.include("<title>Knock Me Out</title>");


  • Docs here and repo is here
  • CLI (command-line interface) tool that has feature parity with collection runner
  • Can't always run in UI and want to integrate with build system / automated tests
  • Install like npm install -g newman
  • Run like newman run collection.json -e environment.json --bail
  • Can run against exported files or against those saved to Postman servers

Using Newman as a Node dependency

  • For the ultimate flexibility / control, you can use Newman as a node dependency
  • Not limited to Postman sandbox


const newman = require( "newman" ); {
	collection: require( "./lk-collection.json" ),
	environment: require( "./lk-env" ),
	reporters: "cli"
}, ( err, summary ) => {
	if ( err ) {
		throw err;

	console.log( "Success", summary );
} );
  • Gets a callback with error that can be checked/thrown and summary object that has a ton of information related to the run including results/timings
  • Additionally, there are a number of events that you can attach to like:
const newman = require( "newman" ); {
	collection: require( "./lk-collection.json" ),
	environment: require( "./lk-env" ),
	reporters: "cli"
} ).on( "request", ( err, data ) => {
	console.log( data.response.code );
} );


  • Postman offers a number of services and sets limits based on your edition. Compare here


  • Monitor a collection.
  • Choose how often and from which region requests are initiated
  • Docs here


  • Mock a collection. Provides a URL and does good matching to hit your APIs.
  • Uses saved responses. Can match against saved responses by query params or status code.
  • Can use x-mock-response-code to force mock to return a status code
  • Full docs here

API Documentation

  • Generate documentation from a collection
  • Uses descriptions (can be markdown)
  • Uses body and saved responses from requests
  • Can use a custom URL
  • Docs here
  • Instructions on how to generate a "Run in Postman" button here


I hope that you will be able to get more out of Postman


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