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Last active December 20, 2015 14:19
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Save rnons/6145437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A barebone mpd client built with threepenny.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (decodeString)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core
import Network.MPD
import qualified Network.MPD as MPD
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Threepenny
main :: IO ()
main =
startGUI Config
{ tpPort = 10000
, tpCustomHTML = Nothing
, tpStatic = "static"
} setup
setup :: Window -> IO ()
setup w = do
return w # set title "A barebone MPD client"
elePause <- UI.button
eleNext <- UI.button # set UI.text "Next"
eleInfo <- UI.span
elePlaying <- UI.span
element eleInfo # set text "Current Song: "
getBody w #+
[ row [ element eleInfo, element elePlaying ]
, row [ element elePause, element eleNext]
(mpdHandler, mpdSink) <- newAddHandler
networkDescription :: forall t. Frameworks t => Moment t ()
networkDescription = do
ePause <- event elePause
eNext <- event eleNext
bMpd <- fromChanges ("", "") mpdHandler
mPause :: Frameworks s => Moment s ()
mPause = do
st <- liftIO $ withMPD status
if fmap stState st == Right Playing
then do
liftIO $ withMPD $ MPD.pause True
void $ liftIO $ element elePause # set text "Play"
else do
liftIO $ withMPD $ MPD.pause False
void $ liftIO $ element elePause # set text "Pause"
mNext :: Frameworks s => Moment s ()
mNext = void $ liftIO $ withMPD next
execute $ FrameworksMoment mPause <$ ePause
execute $ FrameworksMoment mNext <$ eNext
return elePause # sink text (fst <$> bMpd)
return elePlaying # sink text (snd <$> bMpd)
loop = do
st <- withMPD status
let state = if fmap stState st == Right Playing
then "Pause" else "Play"
song <- mpdPlaying
mpdSink (state, song)
withMPD $ idle [PlayerS]
network <- compile networkDescription
actuate network
void $ forkIO $ loop
mpdPlaying :: IO String
mpdPlaying = do
title <- mpdMeta Title
artist <- mpdMeta Artist
return (artist ++ " - " ++ title)
mpdMeta :: Metadata -> IO String
mpdMeta info = do
song <- withMPD currentSong
let metaValue = liftM (Map.lookup info . sgTags . fromJust) song
meta = (\(Value v) -> v) $ head $ fromJust $ (\(Right v) -> v) metaValue
return $ decodeString $ C8.unpack meta
import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (decodeString)
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Graphics.UI.Threepenny.Core
import qualified Graphics.UI.Threepenny as UI
import Network.MPD
main :: IO ()
main =
startGUI Config
{ tpPort = 10000
, tpCustomHTML = Nothing
, tpStatic = "static"
} setup
setup :: Window -> IO ()
setup w = do
return w # set title "A barebone MPD client"
elPause <- UI.button
elNext <- UI.button # set UI.text "Next"
elInfo <- UI.span
elPlaying <- UI.span
element elInfo # set text "Current Song: "
getBody w #+
[ row [ element elInfo, element elPlaying ]
, row [ element elPause, element elNext]
redoLayout :: IO ()
redoLayout = do
withMPD $ idle [PlayerS]
mkLayout :: IO Element
mkLayout = do
title <- mpdMeta Title
artist <- mpdMeta Artist
element elPlaying # set text (artist ++ " - " ++ title)
st <- withMPD status
if fmap stState st == Right Playing
then element elPause # set text "Pause"
else element elPause # set text "Play"
on elPause $ \_ -> do
st <- withMPD status
if fmap stState st == Right Playing
then do
withMPD $ pause True
element elPause # set text "Play"
else do
withMPD $ pause False
element elPause # set text "Pause"
on elNext $ \_ -> withMPD next
void $ forkIO redoLayout
mpdMeta :: Metadata -> IO String
mpdMeta info = do
song <- withMPD currentSong
let metaValue = liftM (Map.lookup info . sgTags . fromJust) song
meta = (\(Value v) -> v) $ head $ fromJust $ (\(Right v) -> v) metaValue
return $ decodeString $ C8.unpack meta
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