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Last active September 12, 2023 00:30
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import qualified Data.List as List
data Regex = Class [Char] -- character class
| Seq [Regex] -- sequence, ABC
| Choice [Regex] -- choice, A|B|C
| Star Regex -- zero or more, A*
deriving (Show)
data Size = Finite Int | Infinite deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Num Size where
abs = undefined; signum = undefined; negate = undefined -- unnecessary
fromInteger = Finite . fromInteger
Finite x + Finite y = Finite (x + y)
_ + _ = Infinite
Finite x * Finite y = Finite (x * y)
x * y = if x == 0 || y == 0 then 0 else Infinite
-- computes size & language (list of matching strings, if regex is finite)
eval :: Regex -> (Size, [String])
eval (Class chars) = (Finite (length cset), [[c] | c <- cset])
where cset = List.nub chars
eval (Seq regexes) = (product sizes, concat <$> sequence langs)
where (sizes, langs) = unzip $ map eval regexes
eval (Choice regexes) = (size, lang)
where (sizes, langs) = unzip $ map eval regexes
lang = concat langs
size = if elem Infinite sizes then Infinite
-- finite, so just count 'em. inefficient but works.
else Finite (length (List.nub lang))
eval (Star r) = (size, lang)
where (rsize, rlang) = eval r
size | rsize == 0 = 1
| rsize == 1 && List.nub rlang == [""] = 1
| otherwise = Infinite
lang = [""] ++ ((++) <$> [x | x <- rlang, x /= ""] <*> lang)
size :: Regex -> Size
size = fst . eval
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