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Last active September 12, 2018 22:59
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That "fringe" function, reimplemented in Racket
#lang racket
;; The fringe of a tree is all the things in it that aren't conses - including
;; '(). For example, the fringe of '((1 . 2) ((3)) 4) is '(1 2 3 () () 4 ()).
(define example '((1 . 2) ((3)) 4))
(define example-fringe '(1 2 3 () () 4 ()))
;; (fringe tree) computes a "stream" of the fringe of a tree. In this case, a
;; "stream" is a function that takes a function getter and calls (getter elem
;; rest), where elem is the next element in the stream and rest is a stream of
;; remaining elements. If the stream is exhausted, elem is '(exhausted) and rest
;; is '().
(define stream/c
(-> (-> (or/c (not/c pair?) (list/c 'exhausted)) (or/c stream/c '()) any) any)
(define/contract (fringe tree)
(-> any/c stream/c)
;; node is the next node to visit. alt is our continuation (the rest of the
;; stream).
(define ((fringen node alt) getter)
(if (not (pair? node))
;; if it's not a cons, it's an element of the fringe, so call the getter.
(getter node alt)
;; otherwise, examine the car with a continuation that examines the cdr.
((fringen (car node) (fringen (cdr node) alt)) getter)))
(fringen tree (lambda (getter) (getter '(exhausted) '()))))
(define/contract (stream2list s)
(-> stream/c list?)
(s (lambda (elem rest)
(match elem
['(exhausted) '()]
[_ (cons elem (stream2list rest))]))))
;; A simple test.
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (stream2list (fringe example)) example-fringe)
;; A version of fringe that uses Racket's built-in streams rather than encoding
;; them as higher-order functions. Not as lazy as the original.
(require racket/stream)
(define/contract (fringe-naive tree)
(-> any/c stream?)
(match tree
[(cons x y) (stream-append (fringe-naive x) (fringe-naive y))]
[elem (stream elem)]))
(check-equal? (stream->list (fringe-naive example)) example-fringe)
;; A lazier version using Racket streams. Still not as lazy as the original,
;; which does no work until you give it a getter; this will examine the tree
;; until it finds the first element.
(define/contract (fringe-lazy tree)
(-> any/c stream?)
(define (helper tree cont)
(match tree
[(cons x y) (helper x (lambda () (helper y cont)))]
[elem (stream-cons elem (cont))]))
(helper tree (lambda () empty-stream)))
(check-equal? (stream->list (fringe-lazy example)) example-fringe)
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