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Created February 17, 2016 19:30
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{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Junction where
import GHC.Generics
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative
data Junction a = Pure a
| Any [Junction a]
| All [Junction a]
| One [Junction a]
| Not (Junction a)
deriving (Show, Generic)
-- I'd like to do something a little more general, but I'm not sure exactly how.
-- Could probably exhaustively generate truth-tables?
instance Eq (Junction Bool) where a == b = test a == test b
none :: [Junction a] -> Junction a
none = All . map Not
-- or, semi-equivalently (but see `pair', below):
-- none = Not . Any
-- The raison d'etre of junctions.
test :: Junction Bool -> Bool
test (Pure x) = x
test (Any l) = any test l
test (All l) = all test l
test (One l) = 1 == length (filter test l)
test (Not a) = not (test a)
instance Functor Junction where
fmap f (Pure x) = Pure (f x)
fmap f (Any l) = Any (map (fmap f) l)
fmap f (All l) = All (map (fmap f) l)
fmap f (One l) = One (map (fmap f) l)
fmap f (Not a) = Not (fmap f a)
-- See
-- The sentences near "If two or more arguments are junctive" are particularly
-- relevant here.
pair :: Junction a -> Junction b -> Junction (a,b)
-- left-most all or none junction first
pair (Not a) b = Not (pair a b)
pair (All as) b = All [pair a b | a <- as]
pair a (Not b) = Not (pair a b)
pair a (All bs) = All [pair a b | b <- bs]
-- otherwise, the leftmost any or one junction
pair (Any as) b = Any [pair a b | a <- as]
pair (One as) b = One [pair a b | a <- as]
pair a (Any bs) = Any [pair a b | b <- bs]
pair a (One bs) = One [pair a b | b <- bs]
-- and finally, the nop case.
pair (Pure a) (Pure b) = Pure (a,b)
instance Applicative Junction where
pure = Pure
f <*> x = uncurry ($) <$> pair f x
-- QuickCheck infrastructure
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Junction a) where
shrink = genericShrink
arbitrary = sized arb
where arb 0 = Pure <$> arbitrary
arb n = oneof [ Pure <$> arbitrary
, Any <$> listOf (arb (n-1))
, All <$> listOf (arb (n-1))
, One <$> listOf (arb (n-1))
, Not <$> arb (n-1) ]
-- Some QuickCheck tests for the applicative laws.
swap (a,b) = (b,a)
test_swap :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> Junction a -> Junction a -> Bool
test_swap f a b = (uncurry f . swap <$> pair a b) == (uncurry f <$> pair b a)
prop_a :: Junction Int -> Junction Int -> Bool
prop_a = test_swap (<)
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