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Last active September 12, 2023 18:19
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data Regex = Class [Char] -- character class
| Seq [Regex] -- sequence, ABC
| Choice [Regex] -- choice, A|B|C
| Star Regex -- zero or more, A*
deriving (Show)
-- The language of a regex is, in theory, defined inductively as follows, substituting
-- lists for mathematical sets.
naive :: Regex -> [String]
naive (Class chars) = [[c] | c <- chars]
naive (Seq regexes) = concat <$> sequence (map naive regexes)
naive (Choice regexes) = union $ map naive regexes
where union = concat -- I did say we were being naive!
naive (Star r) = rstar
where rstar = [""] ++ ((++) <$> naive r <*> rstar)
-- The main problem here is that lists aren't sets, especially when infinity is involved.
-- In particular, the following two operations are tricky:
-- union, {x | x ∈ s or x ∈ t} for Choice
-- "append", {x ++ y | x ∈ s, y ∈ t} for Seq
-- On finite lists, the following approximations are fine:
-- union xs ys = xs ++ ys
-- append xs ys = [x ++ y | x <- xs, y <- ys]
-- `naive` is defined using n-ary equivalents of these.
-- But on infinite lists, these are non-exhaustive, because they do not interleave fairly
-- between xs and ys. `union` must exhaust xs before it includes anything from ys; while
-- `append` must examine every element of xs before it advances a single element in ys.
-- The next problem is star, and its interaction with termination. For most regexes r, the
-- iteration r* is an infinite language. However, if r is "small" (equivalent to either
-- Choice [] or Seq [], ie. empty or containing only the empty string), then r* is equal
-- to Seq [] (contains only the empty string). In this case, we'd like to compute [""], a
-- finite and terminating list.
-- However, the naive definition
-- star r = {""} ∪ {x ++ y | x ∈ r, y ∈ star r}
-- is directly recursive, and its Haskell translation will not terminate.
-- We solve the issues with union and append by using a fair interleaving. We solve the
-- issue with star by tracking the "size" of a regex:
data Size = Empty -- no strings
| Small -- at most the empty string
| Finite -- includes some non-empty string but is finite
| Infinite -- infinite
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Ord Size where
Empty <= _ = True; _ <= Infinite = True; Small <= Finite = True; x <= y = x == y
-- Returns the size of a language & a list of all strings in its language.
-- If the language is finite, the list will be too.
-- The list is exhaustive, even for infinite languages, but may contain duplicates.
-- Size calculation assumes that in (Class chars), chars is finite.
eval :: Regex -> (Size, [String])
eval (Class chars) = (if null chars then Empty else Finite, [[c] | c <- chars])
eval (Seq regexes) = (size, foldr appendo [""] langs)
where (sizes, langs) = unzip $ map eval regexes
size | any (== Empty) sizes = Empty
| otherwise = maximum (Small : sizes)
eval (Choice regexes) = (maximum (Empty : sizes), union langs)
where (sizes, langs) = unzip $ map eval regexes
eval (Star r) = (rstarsize, rstarlang)
where (rsize, rlang) = eval r
rstarsize | rsize <= Small = Small
| otherwise = Infinite
rstarlang = [""] ++ if rsize <= Small then [] else appendo rlang rstarlang
-- Fair implementations of union and append.
union :: [[String]] -> [String]
union [] = []
union xss = [x | (x:_) <- xss] ++ union [xs | (_:xs) <- xss] -- breadth-first search
appendo :: [String] -> [String] -> [String]
appendo (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x ++ y) : union [map (x ++) ys, map (++ y) xs, appendo xs ys]
appendo _ _ = []
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