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Last active June 28, 2018 12:06
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Inferring monotonicity with modal types for a simple lambda-calculus
#lang racket
(require racket/hash rackunit)
;;; ---------- TONES and TONE CONTEXTS ---------- ;;;
(define tone? (or/c 'id 'op 'iso 'path))
(define (tone<=? a b)
(match* (a b)
[('iso _) #t] [(_ 'path) #t]
[(x x) #t]
[(_ _) #f]))
(define (tone-meet . tones)
(match (set->list (set-remove (apply set tones) 'path))
['() 'path]
[(list x) x]
[_ 'iso]))
(define (tone-compose a b)
(match* (a b)
[(_ (or 'iso 'path)) b]
[((or 'iso 'path) _) a]
[('id b) b] [(a 'id) a]
[('op 'op) 'id]))
(define (tones-apply T tones)
(for/hash ([(x U) tones]) (values x (tone-compose T U))))
(define (tones-meet . tones)
(apply hash-union #hash() tones #:combine tone-meet))
;;; ---------- BASE TYPES and LITERALS ---------- ;;;
(define base-type? (or/c 'bool 'real 'str))
(define (lit? x) (if (lit-type x) #t #f))
(define (lit-type l)
[(boolean? l) 'bool]
[(real? l) 'real]
[(string? l) 'str]
[(null? l) '(*)]
[#t #f]))
;;; ---------- POINTED TYPES ---------- ;;;
(struct exn:bottomless exn:fail () #:transparent)
(define (raise-bottomless msg) (raise (exn:bottomless msg (current-continuation-marks))))
(define (bottom tone tp)
(match* (tone tp)
[('id 'bool) #f] [('op 'bool) #t]
[('id 'str) ""]
[('id `(set ,A)) (set)]
[(T `(,(? tone? U) ,A)) (bottom (tone-compose T U) A)]
[(T `(* ,@As)) (map (curry bottom T) As)]
[(T `(-> ,A ,B)) (let ([bot (bottom T B)]) (lambda (_) bot))]
;; singleton sums. I'm not sure this is a good idea. by adding branches,
;; subtyping could turn a "bottom" value into a non-bottom! i.e. now bottom
;; isn't covariant!
[(T `(+ ,(hash-table (name A)))) (hash name (bottom tone A))]
[(T A) (raise-bottomless (format "type ~s has no bottom at tone ~s" A T))]))
(define (type-pointed? tp)
(with-handlers ([exn:bottomless? (lambda () #f)])
(bottom 'id tp)
;;; ---------- SUBTYPING ---------- ;;;
(define (left-adjoint tone)
(match tone ['id 'id] ['op 'op] ['iso 'path]))
(define (strip-tone T type)
(match type
[`(,(? tone? U) ,A) (strip-tone (tone-compose T U) A)]
[A (values T A)]))
(define (detune type)
(define-values (T A) (strip-tone 'id type))
(values (left-adjoint T) A))
;; Yields a tone T such that TA <: B, or errors.
(define (subtype A B)
(define (fail) (error 'subtype "~s is not a subtype of ~s" A B))
(match* (A B)
;; base cases.
[(A A) #:when (base-type? A) 'id]
;; tone introduction/elimination
[(A `(,(? tone? U) ,B)) (tone-compose U (subtype A B))]
[(`(,(? tone? V) ,A) B) (tone-compose (subtype A B) (left-adjoint V))]
;; sets
[(`(set ,A) `(set ,B)) (subtype A B) 'id]
;; distribution over products & sums.
[(`(* ,@As) `(* ,@Bs)) (apply tone-meet (map subtype As Bs))]
[(`(+ ,@As) `(+ ,@Bs))
#:when (subset? (hash-keys As) (hash-keys Bs))
(apply tone-meet
(for/list ([(name A) As])
(subtype A (hash-ref B name))))]
;; function cases
[(`(-> ,A1 ,B1) `(-> ,A2 ,B2))
(define dom (subtype A2 A1))
(define cod (subtype B1 B2))
(unless (match cod
;; TODO: can I simplify this to a single case? THEORY!
['path (eq? 'path (tone-compose 'path dom))]
[_ (tone<=? (left-adjoint cod) dom)])
;; failure case.
[(A B) (fail)]))
;;; ---------- TYPE CHECKING ---------- ;;;
(define env (make-parameter #hash()))
(define (typerr msg . vals) (error (apply format msg vals)))
(define (unbound x) (typerr "unbound variable: ~a" x))
(define-syntax-rule (with-var x-expr A body ...)
(let ([x x-expr])
(define tones (parameterize ([env (hash-set (env) x A)]) body ...))
(values (hash-ref tones x 'path) (hash-remove tones x))))
(define-syntax-rule (with-vars vars body ...)
(with-vars-do vars (lambda () body ...)))
(define (with-vars-do vars thunk)
(define tones
(parameterize ([env (hash-union (env) vars #:combine (lambda (x y) y))])
(for/hash ([(x T) tones] #:when (hash-has-key? vars x)) (values x T))
(for/hash ([(x T) tones] #:unless (hash-has-key? vars x)) (values x T))))
;; Checks that `pat` can match values of `type`, returning the variables it
;; binds and their types.
(define (check-pat type pat #:tone [tone 'id])
(define-values (T A) (strip-tone tone type))
(set! tone T)
(match* (A pat)
[(A (? symbol? x)) (hash x `(,tone ,A))]
[(A (app lit-type B)) #:when B (subtype B A) #hash()]
[(`(* ,@As) `(tuple ,@Ps))
(apply hash-union #hash() (map (curry check-pat #:tone tone) As Ps))]
[(`(+ ,@arms) `(tag ,name ,P)) (=> fail)
(check-pat (hash-ref arms name (lambda () (fail))) P #:tone tone)]
[(A P) (typerr "pattern ~s cannot match type ~s" P A)]))
;; Infers a type for expr if it is a synthesizing expression
;; (variables, literals, annotated expressions, and applications).
(define (infer expr)
(match expr
[(? symbol? x)
(values (hash-ref (env) x (lambda () (unbound x)))
(hash x 'id))]
[(app lit-type A) #:when A (values A #hash())]
[`(the ,A ,M) (values A (check A M))]
[`(,M ,N)
(define-values (M-type M-tones) (infer M))
(match-define-values (M-tone `(-> ,A ,B)) (detune M-type))
(define N-tones (check A N))
(values B (tones-meet (tones-apply M-tone M-tones) N-tones))]))
;; Checks that an expression has a type.
(define (check expected expr)
(define-syntax-rule (mustbe pat)
(match-define pat
(match expected
[pat expected]
[_ (typerr "type has wrong form")])))
(match expr
;; if the type is toned, immediately apply the corresponding intro rule.
[(app (const expected) `(,(? tone? tone) ,A))
(tones-apply tone (check A expr))]
[`(let ([,x ,M]) ,N)
(define-values (M-tp M-tones) (infer M))
(define-values (x-tone N-tones) (with-var x M-tp (check expected N)))
(tones-meet (tones-apply x-tone M-tones) N-tones)]
[`(if ,M ,N ,O)
(tones-meet (check '(iso bool) M) (check expected N) (check expected O))]
[`(when ,M ,N)
(unless (type-pointed? expected)
(typerr "cannot use `when` at a type without a bottom"))
(tones-meet (check 'bool M) (check expected N))]
[`(lambda (,x) ,M)
(mustbe `(-> ,A ,B))
(define-values (x-tone M-tones) (with-var x A (check B M)))
(unless (tone<=? 'id x-tone)
(typerr "not used monotonically: ~a" x))
[`(tag ,name ,M)
(mustbe `(+ ,arms))
(define (uhoh) (typerr "invalid constructor for type"))
(check (hash-ref arms name uhoh) M)]
[`(tuple ,@Ms)
(mustbe `(* ,@As))
(apply tones-meet (map check As Ms))]
[`(case ,M (,pats ,Ns) ...)
(define-values (M-type M-tones) (infer M))
(apply tones-meet
(for/list ([pat pats] [N Ns])
(define var-types (check-pat M-type pat))
(define-values (var-tones N-tones)
(with-vars var-types (check expected N)))
(define tone (apply tone-meet (hash-values var-tones)))
(tones-meet (tones-apply tone M-tones) N-tones)))]
;; otherwise, defer to type inference.
(define-values (inferred tones) (infer expr))
(tones-apply (subtype inferred expected) tones)]))
;;; ---------- TESTS ---------- ;;;
(module+ test
(define (checks! tp expr) (check-not-exn (lambda () (check tp expr))))
(define (fails! tp expr) (check-exn any/c (lambda () (check tp expr))))
;; Type checking
(checks! 'bool #t)
(checks! 'real 2)
(checks! '(-> bool real) '(lambda (x) 2))
(checks! '(-> bool bool) '(lambda (x) x))
(checks! '(iso (-> bool bool)) '(lambda (x) x))
(checks! '(-> (op bool) (op bool)) '(lambda (x) x))
(checks! '(-> (iso bool) (op bool)) '(lambda (x) x))
(fails! '(-> bool (op bool)) '(lambda (x) x))
(fails! '(-> bool (iso bool)) '(lambda (x) x))
;; let
(checks! 'real '(let ([x 2]) x))
(checks! '(-> bool bool) '(lambda (x) (let ([y x]) y)))
(checks! '(-> (op bool) (iso real)) '(let ([x 2]) (lambda (y) x)))
;; if & when
(checks! 'real '(if #t 0 1))
(checks! 'str '(when #f "foo"))
(fails! '(-> bool real) '(lambda (x) (if x 1 0)))
(checks! '(-> bool str) '(lambda (x) (when x "foo")))
;; case. TODO: more tests
(checks! 'real '(case 2 [x x]))
(checks! 'bool '(case #t [#t #f] [#f #t]))
(checks! 'bool '(case (the (* bool real) (tuple #f 7))
[(tuple x y) x]))
;; TODO: tests for tag, tuple, the, function application.
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