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Last active February 15, 2022 16:23
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A simple inlining pass in tagless-final style.
(* Inlining for the λ-calculus, implemented in tagless final style. This seems
* like it _must_ be related to Normalization By Evaluation (see eg [1,2]),
* since they both amount to β-reduction (plus η-expansion in extensional NBE),
* and the techniques have a similar "flavor", but I don't immediately see a
* formal connection.
* [1]
* [2]
(* Symbols: string names paired with unique ids. *)
type sym = {uid: int; name: string}
module Sym = struct
type t = sym
let compare x y = x.uid - y.uid
let next_uid = ref 0
let gen (name: string): t =
let uid = !next_uid in next_uid := uid + 1; { uid; name }
(* Contexts: maps from symbols to things. *)
module Cx = Map.Make(Sym)
type 'a cx = 'a Cx.t
(* Signature for interpretations of the λ calculus. *)
module type LANG = sig
type term
val var: sym -> term
val app: term -> term -> term
val lam: sym -> term -> term
(* Precedence-aware printing. *)
module Pretty: LANG with type term = int * string = struct
type term = int * string
let paren (outer: int) (inner, text) =
if inner <= outer then text else "(" ^ text ^ ")"
let var x = 0,
let app m n = 1, paren 1 m ^ " " ^ paren 0 n
let lam x body = 2, "\\" ^ ^ ". " ^ paren 2 body
(* Inlining. Note that inlining might not terminate, eg. (λx.xx)(λx.xx).
* But if you restrict to simply-typeable terms, it will. *)
module Inline(Next: LANG) = struct
(* Thinking of inlining as a compiler pass, Next is the remaining backend or
* the "next stage". `next` is the type of terms in the next stage. *)
type next = Next.term
(* A value takes a list of argument values and produces a next-stage term. *)
type value = value' list -> next
and value' = {apply: value}
(* A term yields a value given a substitution mapping variables to values. *)
type term = value cx -> value
let appnext (f: next) (a: value'): next = f (a.apply [])
(* `varval x` produces a value corresponding to the bare variable `x`. *)
let varval (x: sym): value = List.fold_left appnext (Next.var x)
let var x cx = try Cx.find x cx with Not_found -> varval x
(* Shove `e` on the argument stack and evaluate `f`. *)
let app f e cx args = f cx ({apply = e cx} :: args)
let lam x body cx = function
(* If we're given an argument, inline it and apply body to remaining
arguments. *)
| arg::args -> body (Cx.add x arg.apply cx) args
(* Otherwise, produce a lambda. We freshen the parameter `x` to avoid
capture, since we might be substituting terms into `body` which `x` as a
free variable. *)
| [] ->
let x' = Sym.gen in
let cx' = Cx.add x (varval x') cx in
Next.lam x' (body cx' [])
module Test = struct
module I = Inline(Pretty)
open I
let x,y,z,foo,bar,baz =
Sym.(gen "x", gen "y", gen "z", gen "foo", gen "bar", gen "baz")
let vx,vy,vz,vfoo,vbar,vbaz = var x, var y, var z, var foo, var bar, var baz
let (@) = app
(* x y z ==> x y z *)
let t1 = (vx @ vy) @ vz
(* (\x.x) (y x) ==> y x *)
let t2 = (lam x vx @ (vy @ vx))
(* (\x y. y x) foo ==> \y. y foo *)
let t3 = (lam x (lam y (vy @ vx))) @ vfoo
(* (\x y. y x) foo bar ==> bar foo *)
let t4 = ((lam x (lam y (vy @ vx))) @ vfoo) @ vbar
(* (\x y. y x) foo (\x. x bar) ==> foo bar *)
let t5 = ((lam x (lam y (vy @ vx))) @ vfoo) @ (lam x (vx @ vbar))
(* TODO: moar tests. *)
let run (x: I.term) = print_endline (snd (x Cx.empty []))
let run_tests () = run t1; run t2; run t3; run t4; run t5
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