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Last active January 27, 2022 02:57
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tiny categorical compiler framework
#lang racket
(require syntax/parse/define)
;; steps:
;; 1. defining the category structure
;; 2. typechecking/elaborating into morphisms
;;; ---------- CATEGORICAL STRUCTURE ----------
;; a category maps names to generic morphisms or operations on morphisms.
(define category/c (hash/c symbol? any/c #:flat? #t))
;; instead of using a parameter to pass this around I should maybe use
;; parameterized modules or just a function.
(define/contract the-cat (parameter/c category/c) (make-parameter #f))
;; The category of single-argument racket functions. I use (A -> B) for
;; meta-level functions, (A → B) for morphisms, and (A => B) for exponential
;; objects.
(define/contract racket-cat category/c
'id (lambda (x) x)
'compose (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))))
;; terminal object
'into-terminal (lambda (x) '())
;; pairs
'pi1 car 'pi2 cdr
'pair (lambda (f g) (lambda (x) (cons (f x) (g x))))
;; binary sums
'inl (lambda (x) (cons 'inl x))
'inr (lambda (x) (cons 'inr x))
'case2 (lambda (f g) (match-lambda
[`(inl ,x) (f x)]
[`(inr ,x) (g x)]))
;; exponentials
;; lambda: (Γ x A → B) -> (Γ → (A => B))
'lambda (lambda (f) ;; meta-level
(lambda (env) ;; morphism
(lambda (a) ;; exponential
(f (cons env a)))))
;; eval: (A => B) × A → B
'eval (match-lambda [(cons f x) (f x)])
;;; Categorical operators.
(define-syntax-rule (cat x) (hash-ref (the-cat) 'x))
(define (id) (cat id))
(define/match (compose . fs)
[('()) (cat id)]
[((cons f fs))
(let ([compose (cat compose)])
(for/fold ([f f]) ([g fs])
(compose f g)))])
(define (pipe . fs) (apply compose (reverse fs)))
(define (into-terminal) (cat into-terminal))
(define (pi1) (cat pi1))
(define (pi2) (cat pi2))
(define (pair f g) ((cat pair) f g))
(define (cat-lambda f) ((cat lambda) f))
(define (cat-eval) (cat eval))
;; ---------- CONTEXTS ----------
;; TODO: Make n-ary products into a categorical structure instead of
;; just using binary products.
;; A ctx represents a map from frontend variables to types or other info, and a
;; backend tuple type with one entry per variable.
;; Currently the context Γ,B,A becomes the type ((Γ × B) × A).
;; We use an alist to represent the key-value mapping.
(define context? list?)
;; context-empty : ctx
;; context-extend : ctx, key, value --> ctx, (Γ × A → Γ,A)
;; context-get : ctx, key --> value, (Γ → A)
(define (context-empty) '())
(define (context-extend c k v)
(values (cons (cons k v) c) (id)))
(define (context-get c k)
(match c
['() (error "no matching variable")]
[`((,(== k) . ,v) . ,_) (values v (pi2))]
[(cons _ xs)
(let-values ([(val proj) (context-get xs k)])
(values val (pipe (pi1) proj)))]))
;;; ---------- FRONTEND / TYPECHECKER ----------
;; Syntax:
;; (isa type term) -- type ascription
;; (let ([x term] ...) term)
;; (cons term ...) -- makes a tuple; can be empty, (cons)
;; (pi n term) -- tuple projection, n must be literal >= 1
;; (lambda (x ...) term) -- curried lambda
;; (term term ...) -- curried application
;; x -- variable
(define morphism? any/c) ; fixme
(define term? any/c) ; fixme
(define type?
(flat-rec-contract type?
(cons/c '* (listof type?))
(list/c '-> type? type?)
;; base types
(define subtype? equal?)
(define/contract the-context
(parameter/c context?)
(make-parameter (context-empty)))
;; synth : term --> type morph
;; check : type term --> morph
;; elab : type? term --> type morph
(define (synth term) (elab #f term))
(define (check type term) (let-values ([(_ morph) (elab type term)]) morph))
(define/contract (elab expected term)
(-> (or/c type? #f) term? (values type? morphism?))
(define (inferred got morph)
(when (and expected (not (subtype? got expected)))
(error 'elab "Type error, got ~a but wanted ~a" got expected))
(values got morph))
#;(define (checked morph) (values expected morph))
(define-syntax-rule (expecting pat body ...)
(values expected (match-let ([pat expected]) body ...)))
(match term
[(? symbol? x)
(define-values (xt xproj) (context-get (the-context) x))
(inferred xt xproj)]
[`(isa ,A ,e) (inferred A (check A e))]
;; TODO: let-binding
;; TODO: n-ary tuples.
[`(cons) (inferred '(*) (into-terminal))]
[`(cons ,x ,y)
;; TODO: synthesis for tuples
(expecting `(* ,A ,B) (pair (check A x) (check B y)))]
[`(pi ,n ,x) #:when (<= 1 n 2)
(match-define-values (`(* ,A ,B) xm) (synth x))
(define-values (tp proj)
(match n [1 (values A (pi1))] [2 (values B (pi2))]))
(inferred tp (compose proj xm))]
;; functions & application
;; TODO: curried/multi-argument function syntax
[`(lambda (,x) ,e)
(expecting `(-> ,A ,B)
(define-values (newctx extend-morph) (context-extend (the-context) x A))
(cat-lambda ;; (Γ x A → B) -> (Γ → A => B)
extend-morph ; Γ x A → Γ,A
;; Γ,A → B
(parameterize ([the-context newctx]) (check B e)))))]
[`(,e1 ,e2)
(match-define-values (`(-> ,A ,B) e1m) (synth e1))
(define e2m (check A e2))
(inferred B (pipe (pair e1m e2m) (cat-eval)))]))
;; Tests
(require racket/trace)
#;(trace elab #;context-get #;context-extend)
(module+ test
(require (rename-in rackunit (check ru:check))
(the-cat racket-cat)
;; id-morph: ∅ → (a => a)
(define id-stx '(lambda (x) x))
(define id-morph (check '(-> a a) id-stx))
(check-equal? "lol" ((id-morph '()) "lol"))
(define flip-stx '(lambda (f) (lambda (b) (lambda (a) ((f a) b)))))
(define flip-type '(-> (-> a (-> b c)) (-> b (-> a c))))
(define flip-morph (check flip-type flip-stx))
(check-equal? '(b a) ((((flip-morph '()) (lambda (x) (lambda (y) (list x y)))) 'a) 'b))
;; flip const == const id
(define constid-stx
`((isa (-> (-> a (-> b a)) (-> b (-> a a))) ,flip-stx)
(lambda (a) (lambda (b) a))))
(define constid-morph (check '(-> b (-> a a)) constid-stx))
(check-equal? 'produced (((constid-morph '()) 'ignored) 'produced))
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