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Created March 31, 2024 18:15
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{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module IncrementalStreams where
import Prelude hiding (init)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
class Change a da where
(<+>) :: a -> da -> a
apply :: da -> a -> a
apply dx x = x <+> dx
zero :: a -> da
class Integrable t a | t -> a where
integrate :: t -> [a] -- return partial sums for each timestep
final :: t -> a -- integrate over all time
final = last . integrate
-- A value followed by a stream of updates.
data Updates a da = Up { init :: !a, deltas :: [da] }
deriving (Show)
instance Change a da => Integrable (Updates a da) a where
integrate (Up x []) = [x]
integrate (Up x (dx:dxs)) = x : integrate (Up (x <+> dx) dxs)
-- Monotone incremental operators on growing sets.
type GrowSet a = Updates (Set a) (Set a)
instance Ord a => Change (Set a) (Set a) where
(<+>) = Set.union; zero _ = Set.empty
munion :: Ord a => GrowSet a -> GrowSet a -> GrowSet a
munion x y = Up (init x `Set.union` init y)
(zipWith Set.union (deltas x) (deltas y))
-- we can use a fixed filter function, or...
mfilter :: (a -> Bool) -> GrowSet a -> GrowSet a
mfilter p (Up x dxs) = Up (Set.filter p x) (map (Set.filter p) dxs)
-- we can try to handle monotone growth of the condition.
-- Monotonically growing booleans.
data GrowBool = Now | Never | MaybeLater GrowBool deriving Show
instance Integrable GrowBool Bool where
integrate Now = [True]
integrate Never = [False]
integrate (MaybeLater g) = False : integrate g
growFilter :: forall a. Ord a => (a -> GrowBool) -> GrowSet a -> GrowSet a
growFilter p (Up x dxs) = Up y ys
where y:ys = loop Map.empty (x : dxs)
loop :: Map a GrowBool -> [Set a] -> [Set a]
loop todo (dx:dxs) =
-- Here we take advantage of monotonicity to not care about timing; we treat
-- time "relatively" rather than "absolutely" when calling (p a).
let bools = Map.toList $ Map.union todo $ Map.fromList [(a, p a) | a <- Set.toList dx]
dones = Set.fromList [a | (a, Now) <- bools]
todo' = Map.fromList [(a, p) | (a, MaybeLater p) <- bools]
in dones : loop todo' dxs
loop todo [] | Map.null todo = []
| otherwise = loop todo [Set.empty]
-- Example:
ex1 = growFilter (\x -> if even x then MaybeLater Now else Never)
(Up Set.empty [Set.singleton i | i <- [1..10]])
-- try "integrate ex1"
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