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Last active October 7, 2018 14:25
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Bidirectional typechecking and normalisation by evaluation for a simply-typed lambda calculus, all in one
(* Based on *)
exception TypeError
type tp = Base | Fn of tp * tp
let subtype (x: tp) (y: tp): bool = x = y
type sym = {name: string; id: int}
let next_id = ref 0
let nextId() = let x = !next_id in next_id := x + 1; x
let gensym name () = {name = name; id = nextId()}
type ('nf, 'ne) normF = [ `Lam of sym * 'nf ]
type ('nf, 'ne) neutF = [ `Var of sym | `App of 'ne * 'nf ]
type ('term, 'expr) exprF = [ `The of tp * 'term | ('term,'expr) neutF ]
(* Normal and neutral terms. *)
type nf = [ (nf, ne) normF | (nf, ne) neutF ]
and ne = (nf, ne) neutF
(* Checking terms & synthesizing expressions. *)
type term = [ (term, expr) normF | (term, expr) exprF ]
and expr = (term, expr) exprF
(* Typing contexts *)
type cx = (sym * tp) list
(* NBE "values", mixing neutral syntax & semantics. *)
type value = Neut of ne | Func of string * (value -> value)
type env = (sym * value) list
(* A term denotes a map from environments to values. *)
type den = env -> value
(* Maybe I should pass types to reflect, reify & app?
* Then I could do extensional NBE! *)
let reflect (x: ne): value = Neut x
let rec reify (x: value): nf = match x with
| Neut e -> (e :> nf)
| Func (n,f) -> let x = gensym n () in
`Lam (x, reify (f (reflect (`Var x))))
let app (f: value) (a: value): value = match f with
| Neut f -> reflect (`App (f, reify a))
| Func (_,f) -> f a
let rec check (cx: cx) (expect: tp) (tm: term): den = match tm with
| `Lam (x,body) ->
(match expect with
| Fn(a,b) -> let den = check ((x,a)::cx) b body in
fun env -> Func (, fun v -> den ((x,v)::env))
| _ -> raise TypeError)
| #expr as e -> let (got,den) = infer cx e in
if subtype got expect then den
else raise TypeError
and infer (cx: cx) (tm: expr): tp * den = match tm with
| `The (tp,term) -> (tp, check cx tp term)
| `Var x -> (List.assoc x cx,
fun env -> try List.assoc x env with Not_found -> Neut (`Var x))
| `App (fncE, argT) ->
(match infer cx fncE with
| (Fn (a,b), fnc) ->
let arg = check cx a argT in
(b, fun env -> app (fnc env) (arg env))
| _ -> raise TypeError)
let norm (d: den): nf = reify (d [])
(* Tests *)
let x = gensym "x" ();;
let y = gensym "y" ();;
let idfn = check [] (Fn (Base, Base)) (`Lam (x, `Var x));;
let (Base, boolx) = infer [x, Base] (`Var x);;
let (Fn (Base, Base), idfn2) = infer [] (`The (Fn (Base,Base), `Lam (x, `Var x)));;
let (Base, boolx2) = infer [x, Base] (`App (`The (Fn (Base,Base), `Lam (y, `Var y)), `Var x));;
(* Try: (norm idfn, norm boolx, norm idfn2, norm boolx2) *)
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