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from talon import Context, Module, actions
from typing import List, Optional, Union, Iterator
mod = Module()
ctx = Context()
digits = "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine".split()
teens = "eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen".split()
tens = "ten twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety".split()
scales = "hundred thousand million billion trillion quadrillion quintillion sextillion septillion octillion nonillion decillion".split()
@mod.capture(rule="<user.letter> | <user.number_key> | <user.symbol_key> | ship <user.letter>")
def char(m) -> str:
"""A single character."""
if m[0] == "ship": return m.letter.upper()
return str(m)
def chars(m) -> str:
"""A sequence of characters, spelled out."""
return "".join(m.char_chunk_list)
# two folks have different preferences if one likes a beer the other doesn't.
differ(a, b) :- person(b), likes(beer, a), !likes(beer, b).
differ(a, b) :- person(a), !likes(beer, a), likes(beer, b).
# what you want to write
unique(a) :- ∀b. (a = b or differ(a,b)).
# how you have to write it.
unique(a) :- not exists_same(a).
exists_same(a) :- person(a), person(b), !differ(a,b), a != b.
from talon import Context, Module, actions, speech_system
from talon import speech_system
from talon.lib import flac
from talon_init import TALON_HOME
import os
import struct
import wave
from datetime import datetime
rntz /
Last active June 17, 2020 19:04
Uniform handling of delimiters in talon
from talon import Module, Context, actions
delimiters = {x[0]: x[1] for x in "() [] {} <> “”".split()}
mod = Module()
class Actions:
def delimiter_close(delimiter: str) -> str:
"""Turns a delimiter into its corresponding closing delimiter."""
return delimiters.get(delimiter, delimiter)
# this will work with python 3, but probably not python 2
from functools import reduce
class BoolSemi:
zero = False
one = True
def plus(x, y):
return x or y
def times(x, y):
return x and y
rntz /
Last active February 15, 2022 16:23
A simple inlining pass in tagless-final style.
(* Inlining for the λ-calculus, implemented in tagless final style. This seems
* like it _must_ be related to Normalization By Evaluation (see eg [1,2]),
* since they both amount to β-reduction (plus η-expansion in extensional NBE),
* and the techniques have a similar "flavor", but I don't immediately see a
* formal connection.
* [1]
* [2]
rntz / hang.tex
Created July 2, 2019 00:33
a file that hangs pdflatex
rntz / mystery.hs
Last active July 1, 2019 18:51
it is a mystery
-- I'm honestly slightly perturbed that this works.
-- Adapted from code in the `timeit` package.
-- Returns the time in seconds it took to evaluate the argument.
-- Of course, if the argument thunk was already forced, this will be small.
foo :: a -> IO Double
foo x = do
t1 <- getCPUTime
t2 <- seq x getCPUTime
return (fromIntegral (t2-t1) * 1e-12)
rntz / knuth-metafont-sample.tex
Created March 6, 2019 18:51
A sample from "The Concept of a Metafont", for font rendering comparison purposes
%% This recreates the abstract from "The Concept of a Meta-Font" by Don Knuth,
%% Observe that "modern" Computer Modern as rendered in a PDF viewer(*) is much
%% lighter in weight (has much thinner strokes) than Computer Modern as printed
%% in 1982.
%% (*) In my case, evince 3.30.1 on Ubuntu Linux 18.10 on a 4K screen in 2019.
%% Different PDF viewers on different operating systems and different screens
%% may have different font rendering behavior - in particular, I have heard that