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  • Save rnystrom/93bcd2da6b0ad113f840fd0cc312c0b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rnystrom/93bcd2da6b0ad113f840fd0cc312c0b9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ bash -l -c "$(curl -sfL" 18-05-04 12:54:54
=> Creating a temporary directory for codesigndoc ...
=> Downloading version: 2.1.0
=> Downloading codesigndoc from ( to (/var/folders/cp/3k3452xn2w9223mgpchm2059krf8ch/T/codesigndocXXXXXX.REa5smBc/codesigndoc) ...
######################################################################## 100.0%
=> Making it executable ...
=> codesigndoc version: 2.1.0
=> Running codesigndoc scan ...
Xcode (xcodebuild) version: Xcode 9.3 (Build version 9E145)
Please drag-and-drop your Xcode Project (.xcodeproj) or Workspace (.xcworkspace) file,
the one you usually open in Xcode, then hit Enter.
(Note: if you have a Workspace file you should most likely use that) : /Users/rnystrom/Development/iOS/Freetime/Freetime.xcworkspace
🔦 Scanning Schemes ...
$ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/rnystrom/Development/iOS/Freetime/Freetime.xcworkspace" "-list"
Select the Scheme you usually use in Xcode
Please select from the list:
[1] : Alamofire-iOS
[2] : Alamofire-watchOS
[3] : AlamofireNetworkActivityIndicator
[4] : Apollo-iOS
[5] : Apollo-watchOS
[6] : AutoInsetter
[7] : cmark-gfm-swift
[8] : ContextMenu
[9] : DateAgo-iOS
[10] : DateAgo-iOS-Resources
[11] : DateAgo-watchOS
[12] : DateAgo-watchOS-Resources
[13] : FBSnapshotTestCase
[14] : FLAnimatedImage
[15] : FlatCache
[16] : FLEX
[17] : Freetime
[18] : Freetime-AppCenter
[19] : FreetimeWatch
[20] : GitHubAPI-iOS
[21] : GitHubAPI-watchOS
[22] : GitHubSession-iOS
[23] : GitHubSession-watchOS
[24] : GoogleToolboxForMac
[25] : Highlightr
[26] : HTMLString
[27] : IGListKit
[28] : leveldb-library
[29] : MessageViewController
[30] : nanopb
[31] : NYTPhotoViewer
[32] : NYTPhotoViewer-NYTPhotoViewer
[33] : Pageboy
[34] : Pods-Freetime
[35] : Pods-FreetimeTests
[36] : Pods-FreetimeWatch
[37] : Pods-FreetimeWatch Extension
[38] : SDWebImage
[39] : SnapKit
[40] : StringHelpers-iOS
[41] : StringHelpers-watchOS
[42] : StyledText
[43] : SwipeCellKit
[44] : Tabman
[45] : TUSafariActivity
[46] : TUSafariActivity-TUSafariActivity
(type in the option's number, then hit Enter) [1] : 18
🔦 Running an Xcode Archive, to get all the required code signing settings...
$ xcodebuild "-workspace" "/Users/rnystrom/Development/iOS/Freetime/Freetime.xcworkspace" "-scheme" "Freetime-AppCenter" "clean" "archive" "-archivePath" "/var/folders/cp/3k3452xn2w9223mgpchm2059krf8ch/T/__codesigndoc__042018730/Freetime-AppCenter.xcarchive"
💡 Saving xcodebuild output into file: /Users/rnystrom/Development/iOS/Freetime/codesigndoc_exports/xcodebuild-output.log
Codesign settings used for archive:
development team: Ryan Nystrom (523C4DWBTH)
codesign identity: iPhone Developer: Ryan Nystrom (SYX4T2QB92) [5851467404833826068]
provisioning profiles: iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.whoisryannystrom.freetime -> com.whoisryannystrom.freetime
iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.whoisryannystrom.freetime.watchkitapp -> com.whoisryannystrom.freetime.watchkitapp
iOS Team Provisioning Profile: com.whoisryannystrom.freetime.watchkitapp.watchkitextension -> com.whoisryannystrom.freetime.watchkitapp.watchkitextension
🔦 Analyzing the archive, to get ipa export code signing settings...
Targets to sign:
- com.whoisryannystrom.freetime with 0 capabilities
- com.whoisryannystrom.freetime.watchkitapp with 0 capabilities
- com.whoisryannystrom.freetime.watchkitapp.watchkitextension with 0 capabilities
Select the ipa export method
Please select from the list:
[1] : development
[2] : app-store
[3] : ad-hoc
[4] : enterprise
(type in the option's number, then hit Enter) [1] : 2
To collect available code sign files, we search for installed Provisioning Profiles:"
- which has installed Codesign Identity in your Keychain"
- which can provision your application target's bundle ids"
- which has the project defined Capabilities set"
- which matches to the selected ipa export method"
Do you want to collect another ipa export code sign files
(select NO to finish collecting codesign files and continue) [yes/NO]: NO
no ipa export code sign groups collected
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