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Created February 8, 2024 02:56
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Useful git aliases
# Add files to the staging area
# @example: git a
# Add all files to the staging area
# @example: git aa
aa=add --all
# Commit the staged changes
# @example: git c
# Commit with a message
# @example: git cm
cm=commit --message
# Commit without running hooks
# @example: git cn
cn=commit --no-verify
# Commit with a message, without running hooks
# @example: git cmn
cmn=commit --message --no-verify
# Amend the last commit
# @example: git ca
ca=commit --amend
# Amend the last commit without running hooks
# @example: git can
can=commit --amend --no-verify
# Amend the last commit, reusing the same message
# @example: git car
car=commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD
# Commit all changes
# @example: git caa
caa=commit --all
# Commit all changes without running hooks
# @example: git caan
caan=commit --all --no-verify
# Commit all changes with a message
# @example: git caam
caam=commit --all --message
# Work-in-progress commit of all changes
# @example: git wip "Temp"
wip=!git commit --all --no-verify --message 'wip: '${1:-Temp}
# Reset HEAD softly to a specific commit
# @example: git rh
# @example: git rh [commit]
rh=!git reset --soft ${1:-HEAD}
# Reset HEAD hard to a specific commit
# @example: git rhr
# @example: git rhr [commit]
rhr=!git reset --hard ${1:-HEAD}
# Restore working directory files
# @example: git discard
discard=!git restore ${1:-.}
# Unstage files from the staging area
# @example: git unstage
unstage=!git restore --staged ${1:-.}
# Undo the last commit
# @example: git undo
# @example: git undo [commit]
undo=!git reset ${1:-HEAD}^
# root - Delete the HEAD reference
# @example: git undo-from-root
undo-from-root=update-ref -d HEAD
# Show short status of the repository
# @example: git st
st=status --short
# Show the status of the repository
# @example: git sts
# Show short status with branch information
# @example: git stv
stv=status --short --branch
# List files with merge conflicts
# @example: git conflicts
conflicts=!git st | grep '^[UMDA]\\{2\\} ' | awk '{ print $2 }'
# List all staged files
# @example: git staged
staged=!git st | grep '^[M|A|D]'
# List all unstaged but tracked files
# @example: git unstaged
unstaged=!git st | grep '^ [M|A|D]'
# List all untracked files
# @example: git untracked
untracked=!git st | grep '^?'
# List all files with changes, including untracked and modified
# @example: git changes
changes=!git st | grep -E '\\?| M|MM|DM| D'
# Display the log with color
# @example: git l
l=log --color=always
# Display the last 100 commits from all branches with color
# @example: git lo
lo=log --color=always --all --max-count=100
# Display a colored graphical log of all branches
# @example: git lolg
lolg=log --color=always --all --graph
# Show the last commit with file changes statistics
# @example: git last
last=log -1 HEAD --stat
# Display a graphical tree of all commits and branches
# @example: git tree
tree=log --graph --oneline --all
# List commit hashes
# @example: git commits
commits=log --pretty='%h'
# Show the hash of the last commit
# @example: git last-commit
last-commit=log -1 HEAD --pretty='%h'
# List branches with detailed information
# @example: git b
b=branch --verbose --verbose --color=always
# List all branches with detailed information
# @example: git bv
bv=branch --verbose --verbose --color=always --list
# List all branches (local and remote) with detailed information
# @example: git ba
ba=branch --verbose --verbose --color=always --list --all
# Delete a specified branch
# @example: git bd [branch-name]
bd=branch --delete
# Show multiple branches and their divergences
# @example: git bs
# List branches that are merged into the current HEAD
# @example: git merged
merged=branch --no-color --merged
# List all local branches except HEAD
# @example: git branches
branches=!git ba | grep -v 'HEAD'
# Get the name of the current branch
# @example: git current-branch
current-branch=rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
# Get the default branch name (e.g., main or master)
# @example: git main-branch
main-branch=config init.defaultBranch
# Delete branches that are merged, excluding main, master, and develop
# @example: git clear-merged
clear-merged=!git merged | grep -v '\\*\\|main\\|master\\|develop' | xargs git branch -D
# List remote branches for a specified remote (default: origin)
# @example: git remote-branches [remote-name]
remote-branches=!git branch -a | grep remotes/${1:-origin}/ | cut -f 3 -d '/'
# Deinitialize and remove a specified submodule
# @example: git remove-submodule [submodule-path]
remove-submodule=!git submodule deinit -f -- ${1} && rm -rf .git/modules/${1} ${1}
# Synchronize and update all submodules recursively
# @example: git update-submodules
update-submodules=!git submodule sync && git submodule update --recursive
# Switch to a specified branch or commit
# @example: git co [branch-name]
# Create and switch to a new branch
# @example: git cob [new-branch-name]
cob=checkout -b
# Guess and switch to a branch based on partial input
# @example: git cog [partial-branch-name]
cog=checkout --guess
# Rebase the current branch with statistics
# @example: git r [base-branch]
r=rebase --stat
# Abort an ongoing rebase
# @example: git ra
ra=rebase --abort
# Continue a rebase after resolving conflicts
# @example: git rc
rc=rebase --continue
# Skip a patch during a rebase
# @example: git rs
rs=rebase --skip
# Start an interactive rebase
# @example: git ri [base-branch]
ri=rebase --interactive
# Start an interactive rebase with automatic stash and apply
# @example: git ris [base-branch]
ris=rebase --interactive --autostash
# Start an interactive rebase with automatic squash
# @example: git risq [base-branch]
risq=rebase --interactive --autosquash
# Perform an interactive rebase with autostash and show stats, defaulting to HEAD
# @example: git autosrebase [commit]
autosrebase=rebase --autostash --interactive --stat ${1:-HEAD}
# Perform an autosrebase starting from the parent of a specified commit
# @example: git rebase-from [commit]
rebase-from="!f() { COMMIT=$(git rev-parse ${1:-HEAD}); git autosrebase $COMMIT^; }; f"
# Begin an autosrebase, setting the latest commit to be edited
# @example: git edit [commit]
edit="!f() { GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='sed -i -e 1s/^pick/edit/' git autosrebase ${1:-HEAD}^; }; f"
# Start an autosrebase, dropping the latest commit
# @example: git drop [commit]
drop="!f() { GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='sed -i -e 1s/^pick/drop/' git autosrebase ${1:-HEAD}^; }; f"
# Begin an autosrebase, rewording the latest commit
# @example: git reword [commit]
reword="!f() { GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='sed -i -e 1s/^pick/reword/' git autosrebase ${1:-HEAD}^; }; f"
# Create a fixup commit for a specified commit
# @example: git fixup [commit]
fixup="!f() { COMMIT=$(git rev-parse ${1:-HEAD}); git commit --no-verify --fixup $COMMIT; }; f"
# Create a fixup commit for a specified commit and autosquash it
# @example: git fix [commit]
fix="!f() { COMMIT=$(git rev-parse ${1:-HEAD}); git commit --no-verify --fixup $COMMIT; GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=: git rebase --autosquash -i $COMMIT^; }; f"
# Create a squash commit for a specified commit
# @example: git squash [commit]
squash="!f() { git commit --squash ${1:-HEAD} --no-verify --no-post-rewrite; }; f"
# Stage all changes and create a fixup commit for a specified commit
# @example: git fix-all [commit]
fix-all=!git add . && git fix ${1:-HEAD}
# Stage all changes and create a squash commit for a specified commit
# @example: git squash-all [commit]
squash-all=!git add . && git squash ${1:-HEAD}
# Cherry-pick a commit
# @example: git cp [commit-hash]
# Abort an ongoing cherry-pick operation
# @example: git cpa
cpa=cherry-pick --abort
# Continue a cherry-pick after resolving conflicts
# @example: git cpc
cpc=cherry-pick --continue
# Skip a commit during a cherry-pick
# @example: git cps
cps=cherry-pick --skip
# Stash current changes
# @example: git s
# Stash all changes, including untracked files and ignored files
# @example: git saa
saa=stash --all
# Stash changes without stashing changes already added to the index
# @example: git stsh
stsh=stash --keep-index
# Pop the top stash entry
# @example: git sp
sp=stash pop
# Save changes in a new stash
# @example: git ss [message]
ss=stash save
# Drop the top stash entry
# @example: git sd
sd=stash drop
# Apply the top stash entry
# @example: git sa
sa=stash apply
# List stashes in a pretty format
# @example: git stashes
stashes=stash list --pretty=format:%gd
# Show the patch and statistics for the top stash entry
# @example: git sst
sst=stash show --patch --stat
# Show the patch for a specified stash entry
# @example: git ssw [stash-index]
ssw=stash show -p stash@{${1:-0}}
# Stash changes including untracked files
# @example: git ssu
ssu=stash save --include-untracked
# Show patches for all stashes
# @example: git patches
patches="!f() { for s in $(git stashes); do git stash show -p $s; done; };f"
# Fetch updates from the remote
# @example: git f
# Fetch updates from all remotes
# @example: git fa
fa=fetch --all
# Pull updates from the remote
# @example: git u
# Pull with fast-forward only, showing stats and pruning
# @example: git uf
uf=pull --ff-only --stat --prune
# Pull with rebase
# @example: git ur
ur=pull --rebase
# Pull with rebase from the origin remote for the current branch
# @example: git up
up=pull --rebase origin HEAD
# Pull with rebase from the origin remote for the main branch
# @example: git uu
uu=!git pull --rebase origin $(git main-branch)
# Pull with rebase from the upstream remote for the main branch
# @example: git uup
uup=!git pull --rebase upstream $(git main-branch)
# Push the current branch to the origin remote with verbose output
# @example: git p
p=!git push --verbose origin $(git current-branch)
# Force push (with lease) the current branch to the origin remote with verbose output
# @example: git pf
pf=!git push --verbose origin $(git current-branch) --force-with-lease
# Push all branches to the origin remote with verbose output
# @example: git pa
pa=!git push --verbose origin $(git current-branch) --all
# Push tags of the current branch to the origin remote with verbose output
# @example: git pt
pt=!git push --verbose origin $(git current-branch) --tags
# Push the current branch to the origin remote and set it as upstream with verbose output
# @example: git pc
pc=!git push --verbose --set-upstream origin $(git current-branch)
# Pull and then push the current branch to/from the origin remote with verbose output
# @example: git pp
pp=!git pull origin $(git current-branch) && git push --verbose origin $(git current-branch)
# Show differences between commits, commit and working tree, etc.
# @example: git d
# Show differences made since midnight of the current day
# @example: git today
today=diff --stat 'HEAD@{midnight}'
# Show differences made on the previous day
# @example: git yesterday
yesterday=diff --stat 'HEAD@{yesterday}' 'HEAD@{midnight}'
# List remote repositories with detailed information
# @example: git re
re=remote --verbose --verbose
# Prune all stale remote tracking branches
# @example: git rep
rep=remote prune
# Update remote branches and prune any stale branches
# @example: git reu
reu=remote update --prune
# Change a global configuration setting
# @example: git cg [setting] [value]
cg=config --global
# List all global configuration settings
# @example: git configs
configs=config --global --list
# List all configuration settings with their origin
# @example: git cfgs
cfgs=config --list --show-origin
# Interactively search through all configuration settings and their origins
# @example: git cfgz
cfgz=!git cfgs | fzf --ansi
# Get the top-level directory of the Git repository
# @example: git root-dir
root-dir=rev-parse --show-toplevel
# Remove files from the repository that match a given pattern
# @example: git remove-files '[pattern]'
remove-files="!f(){ find . -name $1 -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch; }; f"
# Get the configured pager used by Git
# @example: git pager
pager=config --get core.pager
# Shorten a URL using
# @example: git shorten [url]
shorten=!sh -c 'curl -i -F url=$1'
# Extract the first 7 characters of a commit hash
# @example: git grep-commit
grep-commit=!sh -c 'grep -o "[a-f0-9]{7}" | cut -d" " -f1 | tr -d "\n"'
# Get the last word in a line, often used to get the last part of a branch name
# @example: git tail
tail=!rev | cut -d' ' -f 1 | rev
# Extract the branch name from a string
# @example: git grep-branch
grep-branch=!sh -c 'sed "s/^..//g" | rev | cut -d" " -f 1 | rev'
# Extract the branch name from a string, removing 'remotes/origin/' prefix
# @example: git head-branch
head-branch=!sh -c 'sed "s/^..//g" | cut -d" " -f 1 | tr -d "\n" | sed "s@remotes/origin/@@"'
# Interactive log view using fzf to select a commit
# @example: git fzl
fzl=!git log --color=always | fzf --ansi | git grep-commit
# Interactive diff selection with fzf for multiple files
# @example: git fzdiff [options]
fzdiff=!HASH=$(git diff $@ --name-only | fzf --multi --ansi --header \" git diff [ --preview 'git diff $@ --color=always -- {-1}' <pathspec >…​]\")
# Interactive add using fzf to select multiple files with changes
# @example: git fza
fza=!HASH=$(git changes | fzf --ansi -m --header \" git add --force [ ^-x\t- restore [ ^-s\t- restore --staged [ --preview 'git diff $@ --color=always -- {-1}' --bind 'ctrl-x:reload(git restore $(cut -d \" \" -f3 <<<{}) 1>/dev/null && git changes)' --bind 'ctrl-u:reload(git restore --staged $(cut -d \" \" -f3 <<<{}) 1>/dev/null && git changes)' <pathspec >…​]\n >git <pathspec >…​]\nﮦ >git <pathspec >…​]\" | git tail) && git add $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $0 }') && git status
# Interactive unstage using fzf to select unstaged files
# @example: git fzu
fzu=!HASH=$(git unstaged | fzf --ansi -m --header \" git restore [ --preview 'git diff $@ --color=always -- {-1}' <pathspec >…​]\" | git tail) && git restore -- $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $0 }') && git st -b
# Interactive unstage staged files using fzf
# @example: git fzus
fzus=!HASH=$(git staged | fzf --ansi -m --header \" git restore --staged [ --preview 'git diff $@ --color=always -- {-1}' <pathspec >…​]\" | git tail) && git restore --staged -- $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $0 }') && git st -b
# Interactive checkout branch using fzf
# @example: git fzc
fzc=!HASH=$(git branches | fzf --ansi --header \" git checkout --guess [ <branch >]\" | git head-branch) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git checkout --guess $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive delete branch using fzf
# @example: git fzbd
fzbd=!HASH=$(git branches | fzf --ansi -m --header \" git branch -d [ <branch >]\" | git head-branch --preview 'git branch -d $@ --color=always -- {-1}' | git tail) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git branch -d $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive force delete branch using fzf
# @example: git fzbx
fzbx=!HASH=$(git branches | fzf --ansi -m --header \" git branch -D [ <branch >]\" | git head-branch --preview 'git branch -D $@ --color=always -- {-1}' | git tail) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git branch -D $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive rebase using fzf to select a commit
# @example: git fzr
fzr=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git rebase --autostash --interactive --stat [ <options >]^\n\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git rebase-from $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive fixup using fzf to select a commit
# @example: git fzf
fzf=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git fixup [ <pathspec >…​]\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git fix $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }') && git st -b
# Interactive reword using fzf to select a commit
# @example: git fzw
fzw=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git reword [ <options >]\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git reword $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive edit using fzf to select a commit
# @example: git fze
fze=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git edit [ <options >]\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git edit $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive drop commit using fzf
# @example: git fzd
fzd=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git drop [ <options >]\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git drop $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1 }')
# Interactive soft reset using fzf
# @example: git fzhs
fzhs=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git reset --soft [ <options >]^\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git reset --soft $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1\"^\" }') && git st -b
# Interactive hard reset using fzf
# @example: git fzhh
fzhh=!HASH=$(git log --color=always | fzf --ansi --header \" git reset --hard [ <options >]^\" | git grep-commit) && [[ -n \"${HASH}\" ]] && git reset --hard $(echo ${HASH} | awk '{ print $1\"^\" }') && git st -b
# Interactive unstage files using fzf
# @example: git fzunstage
fzunstage=!HASH=$(git staged | sed -E 's/(M|A|D) //' | fzf --ansi --header-lines=1 --multi --ansi --header ' git rm --cached <file
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