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Full Stack Developer: Rogério Rodrigues de Alcântara

Rogério Rodrigues de Alcântara · +55 (11) 996873252 · São Paulo/Brazil

Full Stack Developer

Driven and focused team player, experienced in web/mobile/microservices development who thrives in agile environments. Enthusiastic for DevOps culture, code reviews practices and automated testing.

Personal Details

  • Willing to relocate: Anywhere
  • Currently Employed: Yes
  • Birthday: 1982-05-04
  • ID: 218.570.058-80
  • Person with Disabilities (PWD): No
  • Industries:
    • Beauty and Wellness
    • construction
    • Software development
    • Finance and Banking
    • Marketing
    • Health
    • Insurance
    • Technology
    • Consulting/Coaching

Work Experience

iSolutions: Full-stack Developer

São Paulo, SP - (Dec/21 - Present)

Refactoring of Kotlin's POS Android app.

Epic Digital Marketing & Technology: Agile & Scrum Master Coach (consultant)

São Paulo, SP (Jan/21 - Apr/21)

Leveraged agile practices across the company, gleaning relevant data on team progress and process health, decreasing the overall feedback loop from customers and, establishing a steady and manageable cadence of deployments.

  • Introduced Lean, Kanban and Scrum practices improving the overall project visibility.
  • Advanced the adoption of Azure DevOps, which simplified the delivery process considerably.
  • Introduced Gherkin, which was required by the deployment process, fostering a shared understanding between stakeholders and developers while unifying the documentation.

N2B Brasil: CTO & Full-stack Developer

São Paulo, SP (Jan/18 - Nov/20)

Team up with such brilliant partners, participating in the Google Launchpad and Residency programs. Led a team of devs and UX - picked at eight - to build highly scalable iOS/Android Apps robust enough to handle nearly 10.000 simultaneous access during the MVP stage. The App was even adapted into 24 white-labelled versions, customised to each customer look, feel and needs. Today, the app has already been downloaded more than 1.000.000 times, keeping the average score never lower than 4.5.

  • Oversaw product backlog, collaborated in a cross-functional team to elaborate user stories, roadmap and release planning while facilitating Scrum ceremonies.
  • Collaborated closely with the business team on go-to-market strategies, employing Lean Startup, Jobs To Be Done and OKR techniques.
  • Angular, Typescript, RxJS, Nx, Nodejs, NestJS were used to build both the back-office and the IOS and Android Apps (Ionic, eventually migrated to Flutter).
  • The code and the project were managed on GitHub, using semantic release on the CI/CD pipeline with Bitrise/ Fastlane.
  • The GCP was the cornerstone of the MVP architecture using nearly all Firebase features, such as Cloud Functions, Authentication, Hosting, Firestore, Pub/Sub, Predictions, Messaging, BigQuery, TensorFlow, Analytics and so on - eventually migrated to Hasura.

Equalize: Scrum Master & Full-stack Developer (co-founder)

São Paulo, SP (Ju/16 - Nov/17)

Oversaw a project of automating the whole product certification chain according to their respective regulatory agency, optimising a process that used to take three months (on average) to one week, saving nearly 40% of the time and over 90% of the costs.

  • Ensuring the realisation of all SCRUM ceremonies
  • Adopted the Code Review process to the development workflow (GitHub Flow)
  • Spined up isolated environments per Pull Requests
  • The Semantic Release process has been adopted during the Continuous Delivery pipeline.
  • Rails, Bootstrap, and CoffeeScript, Postgresql and indexed by Elasticsearch helped us to reach 100% of test coverage by applying TDD via RSpec and Codecov.

Sciensa: Full-stack Developer (project)

São Paulo, SP (Feb/17 - Jun/17)

Took part in automating several workflows for estimating insurance pricing for one of the most prominent market players, considering numerous inputs and external sources. This project was expected to speed up such a process while providing decision-makers with business intelligence and eventually even market predictions.

  • The service orchestrator, based on Node-Red, used NodeJS, ES6 and Git
  • The whole project was dockerized, orchestrated by Rancher, and while Bitbucket managed the source code and CI
  • Both Scrum and Kanban managed the project

Avatek Solução e Serviços Ltda: Full-stack Developer

São Paulo, SP (Sep/13 - May/16)

Redesigned and implemented a highly flexible POS management system. The new codebase shortened the release cycle drastically. The highly customisable modules fit the needs of each client while keeping a single source of truth. Multilingual from the beginning, the system has been prepared to be used in any language by design, fostering the expansion in emerging markets across Latin America.

  • Reverse engineered legacy system that was already being used by a large number of clients
  • Provided support during the analysis and implementation of the systems working in a colocated environment closely with stakeholders (Buenos Aires, AR), providing quick fixes on the spot
  • Scrum and Kanban managed the project while the source code was versioned on BitBucket and integrated continuously by Hudson
  • Grails, Spock, Twitter Bootstrap, JQuery, built up the system which used MySQL as a database, orchestrated by AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Theo & Co: Full-stack Developer (freelancer · part-time)

Perth WA (Mar/14 - Jun/14)

Developing a fully responsive web store for ordering pizza online helped increase sales while drastically reducing costs.

  • Managed from the analysis, prototyping, design until the development, testing, implantation and support of the system from scratch
  • Versioned on Github and continuously deployed on Heroku, the project used PostgreSQL as a data source
  • Twitter Bootstrap and Coffeescript were the foundation for its frontend

Publicações Técnicas Internacionais Ltda: Full-stack Developer

São Paulo, SP (Feb/11 - Sep/13)

Took ownership of the entire mobile native apps life cycle from prototyping, designing, and coding until publishing on Google Play and Apple App Store.

  • Configured and deployed the apps on Google Play and Apple App Store.
  • The back-office app has been developed using Java, VRaptor4, Twitter Bootstrap, JQuery and MySQL and deployed on AWS EC2 Auto Scaling infrastructure.

Gommo Agência Digital - Software Developer

São Paulo, SP (Dec/08 - Jan/11)

In this role, the highlight was embracing agile practices, XP techniques and TDD.

  • Collaborated with the frontend teams to ship enhancements to many projects
  • Worked closely with the QA team to fix bugs and improvise the quality of the products
  • Java, Spring, Quartz, Velocity, JPA, Tomcat, JBoss, JUnit4, JMock, XP, MySQL and Oracle were usually the stack

Mind Services Ltda: Junior Software Developer

São Paulo, SP (Jul/07 - Nov/08)

Maintenance of many legacy windows and web apps was the primary function.

  • Enhancements and support of legacy systems offering technical solutions
  • Java, Struts 1, JSF, Hibernate3 and EJB composed the main stack
  • SVN and MS-TFS versioned the source code

Matec Engenharia e Construção Ltda: Junior Software Developer

São Paulo, SP (Apr/07 - Dec/07)

The primary duties were to maintain legacy operations while building a bridge system between .NET and SAP.

  • Analysis and development of web and desktop patches to support the legacy systems
  • Assist the QA to resolve bugs and coordinate with clients to discuss tasks flow and gather modifications if needed
  • The stack was Dotnet 2, ASP.NET, Windows Applications/Services, Crystal Reports, VSS, SQL Server 2000

Sistema RCC Editora Ltda: Trainee Software Developer

São Paulo, SP (Feb/03 - Mar/05)

Migrate a legacy VB.NET web app to C#, ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000.


Federal University of São Carlos: Postgraduate (Lato Sensu)

São Carlos, SP (Jul/08 - Jul/09)

Software Development with Open Source Stack

Universidade Anhembi Morumbi: Associate Degree / Higher Diploma

São Paulo, SP (Jan/05 - Jul/07)

Software Development for the Web


  • Portuguese - Native/Expert
  • English - Fluent
  • Spanish - Beginner

Certifications and Licenses

All Seeing Orb

Test Expectations with Chef InSpec (Nov/21)

IELTS: Overall: 7,5

International English Language Testing System (Aug/15)

  • Credential ID: 15AU002915RODR467G

CAE: Grade C

Certificate in Advanced English (Apr/15)

  • Credential ID: 153AU0325015 (0048658204)

FCA: Grade A

First Certificate in English (Dec/14)

  • Credential ID: 14CAU0320064 (0047561410)


  • XP (10+ years)
  • Git (10+ years)
  • Linux (10+ years)
  • SCRUM (10+ years)
  • HTML5 (10+ years)
  • Github (10+ years)
  • (S)CSS (10+ years)
  • Javascript (10+ years)
  • Bash/Shellscript (10+ years)
  • TDD (9 years)
  • Kanban (9 years)
  • Bitbucket (8 years)
  • BDD (7 years)
  • MySQL (6 years)
  • AWS, S2, S3 (6 years)
  • Lean Startup (6 years)
  • Twitter Bootstrap (6 years)
  • Continuous Integration (6 years)
  • TFS (5 years)
  • ZSH (5 years)
  • Java (5 years)
  • Spring (5 years)
  • VSCode (5 years)
  • Gitflow (5 years)
  • SQL Server (5 years)
  • Elasticsearch (5 years)
  • Semantic Release (5 years)
  • Google Play Store (5 years)
  • Apple Itunes Connect (5 years)
  • Ionic/Cordova/Phonegap (5 years)
  • Ruby / Rails / Rake / Gems / Rspec (5 years)
  • Jest (4 years)
  • Docker (4 years)
  • ESLint (4 years)
  • NodeJS (4 years)
  • Rubocop (4 years)
  • Angular (4 years)
  • Firebase (4 years)
  • Prettier (4 years)
  • Gherking (4 years)
  • DockerHub (4 years)
  • Firestore (4 years)
  • PostgreSQL (4 years)
  • Typescript (4 years)
  • Github Flow (4 years)
  • Continuous Delivery (4 years)
  • Conventional Commits (4 years)
  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk (4 years)
  • Google Cloud - Functions (4 years)
  • Google Cloud - Management (4 years)
  • Nx (3 years)
  • SVN (3 years)
  • Jenkins (3 years)
  • Selenium (3 years)
  • Android/Android Studio (3 years)
  • Google Cloud - Pub/Sub (3 years)
  • Groovy / Grails / Spock (3 years)
  • iOS / Xcode / Objective C (3 years)
  • Redis (2 years)
  • NestJS (2 years)
  • Heroku (2 years)
  • Cypress (2 years)
  • Wakatime (2 years)
  • CircleCI (2 years)
  • Github Actions (2 years)
  • Password store/Gopass/Bitwarden (2 years)
  • ASDF (1 year)
  • Direnv (1 year)
  • Neovim (1 year)
  • Kibana (1 year)
  • Inspec (1 year)
  • Cucumber (1 year)
  • TravisCI (1 year)
  • Make/Makefile (1 year)
  • Golang (Less than 1 year)
  • Python (Less than 1 year)
  • Storybook (Less than 1 year)
  • AWS Lambda Functions (1 year)
  • TaskWarrior (Less than 1 year)
  • Nix/Nixpackages (Less than 1 year)
  • Ansible/Ansible Vault/Molecule (1 year)
  • Lua / LuaJIT / Luarocks / Busted (1 year)


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