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Forked from andypols/ntlm.js
Created September 4, 2017 23:44
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Javascript to create the type1, type3 messages you need to communicate with an ntlm server. I used this to talk to a NTLM enabled windows server from a node.js application.
var url = require('url');
var crypto = require('crypto');
STEP 1: The Client requests a protected resource from the server
STEP 2: The Server responds with a 401 status, with a header indicating that the client must authenticate
STEP 3: The Client resubmits the request with an Authorization header containing a Base-64 encoded Type 1 message. From this point forward, the connection is kept open; closing the connection requires reauthentication of subsequent requests.
STEP 4: The Server replies with a 401 status containing a Base-64 encoded Type 2 message in the WWW-Authenticate header
STEP 5: The Client responds to the Type 2 message by resubmitting the request with an Authorization header containing a Base-64 encoded Type 3 message
STEP 6: Finally, the Server validates the responses in the client's Type 3 message and allows access to the resource.
STEP 1: The Client submit an empty POST request with a Type 1 message in the "Authorization" header
STEP 2: The Server replies with a 401 status containing a Base-64 encoded Type 2 message in the WWW-Authenticate header
STEP 3: The Client resubmits the POST with a Base-64 encoded Type 3 message Type 3 message, sending the data payload with the request.
function decodeType2(buf) {
var proto = buf.toString('ascii', 0, 7);
if (buf[7] !== 0x00 || proto !== 'NTLMSSP') {
throw new Error('magic was not NTLMSSP');
var type = buf.readUInt8(8);
if (type !== 0x02) {
throw new Error('message was not NTLMSSP type 0x02');
return buf.slice(24, 32);
function oddpar(buf) {
for (var j = 0; j < buf.length; j++) {
var par = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < 8; i++) {
par = (par + ((buf[j] >> i) & 1)) % 2;
buf[j] |= par & 1;
return buf;
* Expand a 56-bit key buffer to the full 64-bits for DES.
* Based on code sample in:
function expandkey(key56) {
var key64 = new Buffer(8);
key64[0] = key56[0] & 0xFE;
key64[1] = ((key56[0] << 7) & 0xFF) | (key56[1] >> 1);
key64[2] = ((key56[1] << 6) & 0xFF) | (key56[2] >> 2);
key64[3] = ((key56[2] << 5) & 0xFF) | (key56[3] >> 3);
key64[4] = ((key56[3] << 4) & 0xFF) | (key56[4] >> 4);
key64[5] = ((key56[4] << 3) & 0xFF) | (key56[5] >> 5);
key64[6] = ((key56[5] << 2) & 0xFF) | (key56[6] >> 6);
key64[7] = (key56[6] << 1) & 0xFF;
return key64;
function lmhashbuf(inputstr) {
/* ASCII --> uppercase */
var x = inputstr.substring(0, 14).toUpperCase();
var xl = Buffer.byteLength(x, 'ascii');
/* null pad to 14 bytes */
var y = new Buffer(14);
y.write(x, 0, xl, 'ascii');
y.fill(0, xl);
/* insert odd parity bits in key */
var halves = [
oddpar(expandkey(y.slice(0, 7))),
oddpar(expandkey(y.slice(7, 14)))
/* DES encrypt magic number "KGS!@#$%" to two 8-byte ciphertexts, (ECB, no padding) */
var buf = new Buffer(16);
var pos = 0;
var cts = halves.forEach(function (z) {
var key = z.toString('binary');
var des = crypto.createCipheriv('DES-ECB', key, '');
var str = des.update('KGS!@#$%', 'binary', 'binary');
buf.write(str, pos, pos + 8, 'binary');
pos += 8;
/* concat the two ciphertexts to form 16byte value, the LM hash */
return buf;
function nthashbuf(str) {
/* take MD4 hash of UCS-2 encoded password */
var ucs2 = new Buffer(str, 'ucs2');
var md4 = crypto.createHash('md4');
return new Buffer(md4.digest('binary'), 'binary');
function makeResponse(hash, nonce) {
var out = new Buffer(24);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var keybuf = oddpar(expandkey(hash.slice(i * 7, i * 7 + 7)));
var key = keybuf.toString('binary');
var des = crypto.createCipheriv('DES-ECB', key, '');
var str = des.update(nonce.toString('binary'), 'binary', 'binary');
out.write(str, i * 8, i * 8 + 8, 'binary');
return out;
function write16Bits(buf, ntdomainlen, pos) {
buf.writeUInt16LE(ntdomainlen, pos);
return pos + 2;
function writeNtlmProtocolMarker(buf, messageType) {
buf.write('NTLMSSP', 0, 7, 'ascii'); // byte protocol[8];
buf.writeUInt8(0, 7);
buf.writeUInt8(messageType, 8);
buf.fill(0x00, 9, 12);
return 12;
function writePadding(buf, pos, quantity) {
buf.fill(0x00, pos, pos + quantity);
return pos + quantity;
module.exports = {
type1Message: function (endpoint, ntdomain) {
ntdomain = ntdomain.toUpperCase();
var hostname = url.parse(endpoint).hostname.toUpperCase();
var hostnamelen = Buffer.byteLength(hostname, 'ascii');
var ntdomainlen = Buffer.byteLength(ntdomain, 'ascii');
var ntdomainoff = 0x20 + hostnamelen;
var buf = new Buffer(32 + hostnamelen + ntdomainlen);
var pos = writeNtlmProtocolMarker(buf, 0x01);
pos = write16Bits(buf, 0xb203, pos); // short flags;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntdomainlen, pos); // short dom_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntdomainlen, pos); // short dom_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntdomainoff, pos); // short dom_off;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, hostnamelen, pos); // short host_len
pos = write16Bits(buf, hostnamelen, pos); // short host_len
pos = write16Bits(buf, 0x20, pos); // short host_off
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
buf.write(hostname, 0x20, hostnamelen, 'ascii');
buf.write(ntdomain, ntdomainoff, ntdomainlen, 'ascii');
return buf.toString('base64');
type3Message: function (endpoint, username, password, ntdomain, response) {
var typeTwoMessage = response.headers['www-authenticate'].split(' ')[1];
var nonce = decodeType2(new Buffer(typeTwoMessage, 'base64'));
ntdomain = ntdomain.toUpperCase();
var hostname = url.parse(endpoint).hostname.toUpperCase();
var lmh = new Buffer(21);
lmh.fill(0x00, 16); // null pad to 21 bytes
var nth = new Buffer(21);
nth.fill(0x00, 16); // null pad to 21 bytes
var lmr = makeResponse(lmh, nonce);
var ntr = makeResponse(nth, nonce);
var usernamelen = Buffer.byteLength(username, 'ucs2');
var hostnamelen = Buffer.byteLength(hostname, 'ucs2');
var ntdomainlen = Buffer.byteLength(ntdomain, 'ucs2');
var lmrlen = 0x18;
var ntrlen = 0x18;
var ntdomainoff = 0x40;
var usernameoff = ntdomainoff + ntdomainlen;
var hostnameoff = usernameoff + usernamelen;
var lmroff = hostnameoff + hostnamelen;
var ntroff = lmroff + lmrlen;
var msg_len = 64 + ntdomainlen + usernamelen + hostnamelen + lmrlen + ntrlen;
var buf = new Buffer(msg_len);
var pos = writeNtlmProtocolMarker(buf, 0x03);
pos = write16Bits(buf, lmrlen, pos); // short lm_resp_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, lmrlen, pos); // short lm_resp_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, lmroff, pos); // short lm_resp_off;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntrlen, pos); // short nt_resp_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntrlen, pos); // short nt_resp_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntroff, pos); // short nt_resp_off;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntdomainlen, pos); // short dom_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntdomainlen, pos); // short dom_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, ntdomainoff, pos); // short dom_off;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, usernamelen, pos); // short user_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, usernamelen, pos); // short user_len;
pos = write16Bits(buf, usernameoff, pos); // short off;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, hostnamelen, pos); // short host_len;;
pos = write16Bits(buf, hostnamelen, pos); // short host_len;;
pos = write16Bits(buf, hostnameoff, pos); // short host_off;;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 6); // byte zero[6];
pos = write16Bits(buf, msg_len, pos); // short msg_len;;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
pos = write16Bits(buf, 0x8201, pos); // short flags;
pos = writePadding(buf, pos, 2); // byte zero[2];
buf.write(ntdomain, ntdomainoff, ntdomainlen, 'ucs2');
buf.write(username, usernameoff, usernamelen, 'ucs2');
buf.write(hostname, hostnameoff, hostnamelen, 'ucs2');
lmr.copy(buf, lmroff, 0, lmrlen);
ntr.copy(buf, ntroff, 0, ntrlen);
return buf.toString('base64');
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