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Created May 23, 2023 18:18
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Using asyncio start_tls with Python 3.11
Example Client
The client connects without TLS, but using the fully qualified domain name. To
authenticate the server, the FQDN is required. This can be specified either at
connection time, or with the start_tls call.
First the client sends a "PING" over the unencrypted stream to the server. The
server should respond with "PONG".
Next the client sends "STARTTLS" to instruct the server to upgrade the
connection to TLS. The client then calls the upgrade method on the writer to
negotiate the upgrade.
The client sends "PING" to the server, this time over the encrypted stream. The
server should respond with "PONG".
Finally the client sends "QUIT" to the server and closes the connection.
import asyncio
import socket
import ssl
async def start_client():
print("Connect to the server with using the fully qualified domain name")
reader, writer = await asyncio.open_connection(socket.getfqdn(), 10001)
print(f"The writer ssl context is {writer.get_extra_info('sslcontext')}")
print("Sending PING")
response = (await reader.readline()).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
print(f"Received: {response}")
print("Sending STARTTLS")
print("Upgrade the connection to TLS")
ctx = ssl.create_default_context(
await writer.start_tls(ctx)
print(f"The writer ssl context is {writer.get_extra_info('sslcontext')}")
print("Sending PING")
response = (await reader.readline()).decode('utf-8').rstrip()
print(f"Received: {response}")
print("Sending QUIT")
await writer.drain()
print("Closing client")
await writer.wait_closed()
print("Client disconnected")
if __name__ == '__main__':
Example Server
The server listens for client connections.
On receiving a connection it enters a read loop.
When the server receives "PING" it responds with "PONG".
When the server receives "QUIT" it closes the connection.
When the server receives "STARTTLS" it calls the upgrade method on the writer
to negotiate the TLS connection.
import asyncio
from asyncio import StreamReader, StreamWriter
from functools import partial
from os.path import expanduser
import socket
import ssl
async def handle_client(
ctx: ssl.SSLContext,
reader: StreamReader,
writer: StreamWriter
) -> None:
print("Client connected")
while True:
request = (await reader.readline()).decode('utf8').rstrip()
print(f"Read '{request}'")
if request == 'QUIT':
elif request == 'PING':
print("Sending pong")
await writer.drain()
elif request == 'STARTTLS':
print("Upgrading connection to TLS")
await writer.start_tls(ctx)
print("Closing client")
await writer.wait_closed()
print("Client closed")
async def run_server():
ctx = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER)
handler = partial(handle_client, ctx)
print("Starting server")
server = await asyncio.start_server(handler, socket.getfqdn(), 10001)
async with server:
await server.serve_forever()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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