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Created March 7, 2012 20:13
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Modified SympaSessions
# - This module includes functions managing HTTP sessions in Sympa
# Sympa - SYsteme de Multi-Postage Automatique
# Copyright (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Comite Reseau des Universites
# Copyright (c) 1997,1998, 1999 Institut Pasteur & Christophe Wolfhugel
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
package SympaSession;
use strict ;
use Digest::MD5;
use POSIX;
use CGI::Cookie;
use Time::Local;
use Log;
use Conf;
# this structure is used to define which session attributes are stored in a dedicated database col where others are compiled in col 'data_session'
my %session_hard_attributes = ('id_session' => 1,
'date' => 1,
'remote_addr' => 1,
'robot' => 1,
'email' => 1,
'start_date' => 1,
'hit' => 1,
'new_session' => 1,
sub new {
my $pkg = shift;
my $robot = shift;
my $context = shift;
my $cookie = $context->{'cookie'};
my $action = $context->{'action'};
my $rss = $context->{'rss'};
do_log('debug', 'SympaSession::new(%s,%s,%s)', $robot,$cookie,$action);
my $session={};
bless $session, $pkg;
unless ($robot) {
&do_log('err', 'Missing robot parameter, cannot create session object') ;
return undef;
# passive_session are session not stored in the database, they are used for crawler bots and action such as css, wsdl and rss
if (&tools::is_a_crawler($robot,{'user_agent_string' => $ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}})) {
$session->{'is_a_crawler'} = 1;
$session->{'passive_session'} = 1;
$session->{'passive_session'} = 1 if ($rss||$action eq 'wsdl'||$action eq 'css');
# if a session cookie exist, try to restore an existing session, don't store sessions from bots
if (($cookie)&&($session->{'passive_session'} != 1)){
my $status ;
$status = $session->load($cookie);
unless (defined $status) {
return undef;
if ($status eq 'not_found') {
do_log('info',"SympaSession::new ignoring unknown session cookie '$cookie'" ); # start a new session (may ne a fake cookie)
return (new SympaSession ($robot));
# checking if the client host is unchanged during the session brake sessions when using multiple proxy with
# load balancing (round robin, etc). This check is removed until we introduce some other method
# if($session->{'remote_addr'} ne $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}){
# do_log('info','SympaSession::new ignoring session cookie because remote host %s is not the original host %s', $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'},$session->{'remote_addr'}); # start a new session
# return (new SympaSession ($robot));
# create a new session context
$session->{'new_session'} = 1; ## Tag this session as new, ie no data in the DB exist
$session->{'id_session'} = &get_random();
$session->{'email'} = 'nobody';
$session->{'remote_addr'} = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'};
$session->{'date'} = time;
$session->{'start_date'} = time;
$session->{'hit'} = 1;
$session->{'robot'} = $robot;
$session->{'data'} = '';
return $session;
sub load {
my $self = shift;
my $cookie = shift;
do_log('debug', 'SympaSession::load(%s)', $cookie);
unless ($cookie) {
do_log('err', 'SympaSession::load() : internal error, SympaSession::load called with undef id_session');
return undef;
my $statement ;
$statement = "SELECT id_session AS id_session, date_session AS \"date\", remote_addr_session AS remote_addr, robot_session AS robot, email_session AS email, data_session AS data, hit_session AS hit, start_date_session AS start_date FROM session_table WHERE id_session = ?";
my $dbh = &List::db_get_handler();
my $sth;
## Check database connection
unless ($dbh and $dbh->ping) {
return undef unless &List::db_connect();
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement : %s', $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute($cookie)) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
my $session = $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc');
if ( $sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc')){
do_log('err',"the SQL statement %s did return more then one session. Is this a bug comming from dbi or mysql ? ");
$session->{'email'} = '';
unless ($session) {
return 'not_found';
my %datas= &tools::string_2_hash($session->{'data'});
foreach my $key (keys %datas) {$self->{$key} = $datas{$key};}
$self->{'id_session'} = $session->{'id_session'};
$self->{'date'} = $session->{'date'};
$self->{'start_date'} = $session->{'start_date'};
$self->{'hit'} = $session->{'hit'} +1 ;
$self->{'remote_addr'} = $session->{'remote_addr'};
$self->{'robot'} = $session->{'robot'};
$self->{'email'} = $session->{'email'};
return ($self);
## This method will both store the session information in the database
sub store {
my $self = shift;
do_log('debug', '');
return undef unless ($self->{'id_session'});
return if ($self->{'is_a_crawler'}); # do not create a session in session table for crawlers;
return if ($self->{'passive_session'}); # do not create a session in session table for action such as RSS or CSS or wsdlthat do not require this sophistication;
my %hash ;
foreach my $var (keys %$self ) {
next if ($session_hard_attributes{$var});
next unless ($var);
$hash{$var} = $self->{$var};
my $data_string = &tools::hash_2_string (\%hash);
my $dbh = &List::db_get_handler();
my $sth;
## Check database connection
unless ($dbh and $dbh->ping) {
return undef unless &List::db_connect();
## If this is a new session, then perform an INSERT
if ($self->{'new_session'}) {
## Store the new session ID in the DB
my $add_statement = sprintf "INSERT INTO session_table (id_session, date_session, remote_addr_session, robot_session, email_session, start_date_session, hit_session, data_session) VALUES (%s,%d,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d,%s)",$dbh->quote($self->{'id_session'}),time,$dbh->quote($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}),$dbh->quote($self->{'robot'}),$dbh->quote($self->{'email'}),$self->{'start_date'},$self->{'hit'}, $dbh->quote($data_string);
unless ($dbh->do($add_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to update session information in database while execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $add_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
## If the session already exists in DB, then perform an UPDATE
}else {
## Update the new session in the DB
my $update_statement = sprintf "UPDATE session_table SET date_session=%d, remote_addr_session=%s, robot_session=%s, email_session=%s, start_date_session=%d, hit_session=%d, data_session=%s WHERE (id_session=%s)",time,$dbh->quote($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}),$dbh->quote($self->{'robot'}),$dbh->quote($self->{'email'}),$self->{'start_date'},$self->{'hit'}, $dbh->quote($data_string), $dbh->quote($self->{'id_session'});
unless ($dbh->do($update_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to update session information in database while execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $update_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
return 1;
## This method will renew the session ID
sub renew {
my $self = shift;
do_log('debug', 'id_session=(%s)',$self->{'id_session'});
return undef unless ($self->{'id_session'});
return if ($self->{'is_a_crawler'}); # do not create a session in session table for crawlers;
return if ($self->{'passive_session'}); # do not create a session in session table for action such as RSS or CSS or wsdlthat do not require this sophistication;
my %hash ;
foreach my $var (keys %$self ) {
next if ($session_hard_attributes{$var});
next unless ($var);
$hash{$var} = $self->{$var};
my $data_string = &tools::hash_2_string (\%hash);
my $dbh = &List::db_get_handler();
my $sth;
## Check database connection
unless ($dbh and $dbh->ping) {
return undef unless &List::db_connect();
# Hack by to prevent issue
# Prevents randomisation of session id for image requests.
# To remove this patch, delete the unless wrapper starting on the line below. The contents of the unless block are
# pre-existing sympa source.
unless ($ENV{'PATH_INFO'} =~ /\.jpg$|\.png$|\.gif$/) {
## Renew the session ID in order to prevent session hijacking
my $new_id = &get_random();
## First remove the DB entry for the previous session ID
my $update_statement = sprintf "UPDATE session_table SET id_session=%s WHERE (id_session=%s)",$dbh->quote($new_id), $dbh->quote($self->{'id_session'});
unless ($dbh->do($update_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to renew session ID for session %s',$self->{'id_session'});
return undef;
## Renew the session ID in order to prevent session hijacking
$self->{'id_session'} = $new_id;
return 1;
## remove old sessions from a particular robot or from all robots. delay is a parameter in seconds
sub purge_old_sessions {
my $robot = shift;
do_log('info', 'SympaSession::purge_old_sessions(%s,%s)',$robot);
my $delay = &tools::duration_conv($Conf{'session_table_ttl'}) ;
my $anonymous_delay = &tools::duration_conv($Conf{'anonymous_session_table_ttl'}) ;
unless ($delay) { do_log('info', 'SympaSession::purge_old_session(%s) exit with delay null',$robot); return;}
unless ($anonymous_delay) { do_log('info', 'SympaSession::purge_old_session(%s) exit with anonymous delay null',$robot); return;}
my @sessions ;
my $sth;
my $dbh = &List::db_get_handler();
my $robot_condition = sprintf "robot_session = %s", $dbh->quote($robot) unless (($robot eq '*')||($robot));
my $delay_condition = time-$delay.' > date_session' if ($delay);
my $anonymous_delay_condition = time-$anonymous_delay.' > date_session' if ($anonymous_delay);
my $and = ' AND ' if (($delay_condition) && ($robot_condition));
my $anonymous_and = ' AND ' if (($anonymous_delay_condition) && ($robot_condition));
my $count_statement = sprintf "SELECT count(*) FROM session_table WHERE $robot_condition $and $delay_condition";
my $anonymous_count_statement = sprintf "SELECT count(*) FROM session_table WHERE $robot_condition $anonymous_and $anonymous_delay_condition AND email_session = 'nobody' AND hit_session = '1'";
my $statement = sprintf "DELETE FROM session_table WHERE $robot_condition $and $delay_condition";
my $anonymous_statement = sprintf "DELETE FROM session_table WHERE $robot_condition $anonymous_and $anonymous_delay_condition AND email_session = 'nobody' AND hit_session = '1'";
## Check database connection
unless ($dbh and $dbh->ping) {
return undef unless &List::db_connect();
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($count_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement %s : %s',$count_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
my $total = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($total == 0) {
do_log('debug','SympaSession::purge_old_sessions no sessions to expire');
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement : %s', $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($anonymous_count_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement %s : %s',$anonymous_count_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $anonymous_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
my $anonymous_total = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($anonymous_total == 0) {
do_log('debug','SympaSession::purge_old_sessions no anonymous sessions to expire');
return $total ;
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($anonymous_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement : %s', $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $anonymous_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
return $total+$anonymous_total;
## remove old one_time_ticket from a particular robot or from all robots. delay is a parameter in seconds
sub purge_old_tickets {
my $robot = shift;
do_log('info', 'SympaSession::purge_old_tickets(%s,%s)',$robot);
my $delay = &tools::duration_conv($Conf{'one_time_ticket_table_ttl'}) ;
unless ($delay) { do_log('info', 'SympaSession::purge_old_tickets(%s) exit with delay null',$robot); return;}
my @tickets ;
my $sth;
my $dbh = &List::db_get_handler();
my $robot_condition = sprintf "robot_one_time_ticket = %s", $dbh->quote($robot) unless (($robot eq '*')||($robot));
my $delay_condition = time-$delay.' > date_one_time_ticket' if ($delay);
my $and = ' AND ' if (($delay_condition) && ($robot_condition));
my $count_statement = sprintf "SELECT count(*) FROM one_time_ticket_table WHERE $robot_condition $and $delay_condition";
my $statement = sprintf "DELETE FROM one_time_ticket_table WHERE $robot_condition $and $delay_condition";
## Check database connection
unless ($dbh and $dbh->ping) {
return undef unless &List::db_connect();
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($count_statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement %s : %s',$count_statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
my $total = $sth->fetchrow;
if ($total == 0) {
do_log('debug','SympaSession::purge_old_tickets no tickets to expire');
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement : %s', $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
return $total;
# list sessions for $robot where last access is newer then $delay. List is limited to connected users if $connected_only
sub list_sessions {
my $delay = shift;
my $robot = shift;
my $connected_only = shift;
do_log('debug', 'SympaSession::list_session(%s,%s,%s)',$delay,$robot,$connected_only);
my @sessions ;
my $sth;
my $dbh = &List::db_get_handler();
my $condition = sprintf "robot_session = %s", $dbh->quote($robot) unless ($robot eq '*');
my $condition2 = time-$delay.' < date_session ' if ($delay);
my $and = ' AND ' if (($condition) && ($condition2));
$condition = $condition.$and.$condition2 ;
my $condition3 = " email_session != 'nobody' " if ($connected_only eq 'on');
my $and2 = ' AND ' if (($condition) && ($condition3));
$condition = $condition.$and2.$condition3 ;
my $statement = sprintf "SELECT remote_addr_session, email_session, robot_session, date_session, start_date_session, hit_session FROM session_table WHERE $condition";
do_log('debug', 'SympaSession::list_session() : statement = %s',$statement);
## Check database connection
unless ($dbh and $dbh->ping) {
return undef unless &List::db_connect();
unless ($sth = $dbh->prepare($statement)) {
do_log('err','Unable to prepare SQL statement : %s', $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
unless ($sth->execute) {
do_log('err','Unable to execute SQL statement "%s" : %s', $statement, $dbh->errstr);
return undef;
while (my $session = ($sth->fetchrow_hashref('NAME_lc'))) {
$session->{'formated_date'} = &Language::gettext_strftime ("%d %b %y %H:%M", localtime($session->{'date_session'}));
$session->{'formated_start_date'} = &Language::gettext_strftime ("%d %b %y %H:%M", localtime($session->{'start_date_session'}));
# do_log('debug', 'SympaSession::list_session() DUMP : %s,%s,%s,%s',$session->{'remote_addr_session'}, $session->{'email_session'}, $session->{'robot_session'}, $session->{'formated_date'});
push @sessions, $session;
return \@sessions;
# Subroutines to read cookies #
## Generic subroutine to get a cookie value
sub get_session_cookie {
my $http_cookie = shift;
if ($http_cookie =~/\S+/g) {
my %cookies = parse CGI::Cookie($http_cookie);
foreach (keys %cookies) {
my $cookie = $cookies{$_};
next unless ($cookie->name eq 'sympa_session');
return ($cookie->value);
return (undef);
## Generic subroutine to set a cookie
## Set user $email cookie, ckecksum use $secret, expire=(now|session|#sec) domain=(localhost|<a domain>)
sub set_cookie {
my ($self, $http_domain, $expires,$use_ssl) = @_ ;
do_log('debug','Session::set_cookie(%s,%s,secure= %s)',$http_domain, $expires,$use_ssl );
my $expiration;
if ($expires =~ /now/i) {
## 10 years ago
$expiration = '-10y';
$expiration = '+'.$expires.'m';
if ($http_domain eq 'localhost') {
my $cookie;
if ($expires =~ /session/i) {
$cookie = new CGI::Cookie (-name => 'sympa_session',
-value => $self->{'id_session'},
-domain => $http_domain,
-path => '/',
-secure => $use_ssl,
-httponly => 1
}else {
$cookie = new CGI::Cookie (-name => 'sympa_session',
-value => $self->{'id_session'},
-expires => $expiration,
-domain => $http_domain,
-path => '/',
-secure => $use_ssl,
-httponly => 1
## Send cookie to the client
printf "Set-Cookie: %s\n", $cookie->as_string;
return 1;
sub get_random {
do_log('debug', 'SympaSession::random ');
my $random = int(rand(10**7)).int(rand(10**7)); ## Concatenates 2 integers for a better entropy
$random =~ s/^0(\.|\,)//;
return ($random)
## Return the session object content, as a hashref
sub as_hashref {
my $self = shift;
my $data;
foreach my $key (keys %{$self}) {
$data->{$key} = $self->{$key};
return $data;
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