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powerlaw fit with functional fun
from math import *
# function [alpha, xmin, L]=plfit(x, varargin)
# PLFIT fits a power-law distributional model to data.
# Source:
# PLFIT(x) estimates x_min and alpha according to the goodness-of-fit
# based method described in Clauset, Shalizi, Newman (2007). x is a
# vector of observations of some quantity to which we wish to fit the
# power-law distribution p(x) ~ x^-alpha for x >= xmin.
# PLFIT automatically detects whether x is composed of real or integer
# values, and applies the appropriate method. For discrete data, if
# min(x) > 1000, PLFIT uses the continuous approximation, which is
# a reliable in this regime.
# The fitting procedure works as follows:
# 1) For each possible choice of x_min, we estimate alpha via the
# method of maximum likelihood, and calculate the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
# goodness-of-fit statistic D.
# 2) We then select as our estimate of x_min, the value that gives the
# minimum value D over all values of x_min.
# Note that this procedure gives no estimate of the uncertainty of the
# fitted parameters, nor of the validity of the fit.
# Example:
# x = [500,150,90,81,75,75,70,65,60,58,49,47,40]
# [alpha, xmin, L] = plfit(x)
# or a = plfit(x)
# The output 'alpha' is the maximum likelihood estimate of the scaling
# exponent, 'xmin' is the estimate of the lower bound of the power-law
# behavior, and L is the log-likelihood of the data x>=xmin under the
# fitted power law.
# For more information, try 'type plfit'
# See also PLVAR, PLPVA
# Version 1.0.10 (2010 January)
# Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Aaron Clauset (Santa Fe Institute)
# Ported to Python by Joel Ornstein (2011 July)
# (
# Distributed under GPL 2.0
# The 'zeta' helper function is modified from the open-source library 'mpmath'
# mpmath: a Python library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
# version 0.17 (February 2011) by Fredrik Johansson and others
# Notes:
# 1. In order to implement the integer-based methods in Matlab, the numeric
# maximization of the log-likelihood function was used. This requires
# that we specify the range of scaling parameters considered. We set
# this range to be 1.50 to 3.50 at 0.01 intervals by default.
# This range can be set by the user like so,
# a = plfit(x,'range',[1.50,3.50,0.01])
# 2. PLFIT can be told to limit the range of values considered as estimates
# for xmin in three ways. First, it can be instructed to sample these
# possible values like so,
# a = plfit(x,'sample',100)
# which uses 100 uniformly distributed values on the sorted list of
# unique values in the data set. Second, it can simply omit all
# candidates above a hard limit, like so
# a = plfit(x,'limit',3.4)
# Finally, it can be forced to use a fixed value, like so
# a = plfit(x,'xmin',3.4)
# In the case of discrete data, it rounds the limit to the nearest
# integer.
# 3. When the input sample size is small (e.g., < 100), the continuous
# estimator is slightly biased (toward larger values of alpha). To
# explicitly use an experimental finite-size correction, call PLFIT like
# so
# a = plfit(x,'finite')
# which does a small-size correction to alpha.
# 4. For continuous data, PLFIT can return erroneously large estimates of
# alpha when xmin is so large that the number of obs x >= xmin is very
# small. To prevent this, we can truncate the search over xmin values
# before the finite-size bias becomes significant by calling PLFIT as
# a = plfit(x,'nosmall')
# which skips values xmin with finite size bias > 0.1.
def plfit(x, *varargin):
vec = []
sample = []
xminx = []
limit = []
finite = False
nosmall = False
nowarn = False
# parse command-line parameters trap for bad input
while i<len(varargin):
argok = 1
if type(varargin[i])==str:
if varargin[i]=='range':
Range = varargin[i+1]
if Range[1]>Range[0]:
vec=map(lambda X:X*float(Range[2])+Range[0],\
if Range[0]>=Range[1]:
elif varargin[i]== 'sample':
sample = varargin[i+1]
i = i + 1
elif varargin[i]== 'limit':
limit = varargin[i+1]
i = i + 1
elif varargin[i]== 'xmin':
xminx = varargin[i+1]
i = i + 1
elif varargin[i]== 'finite': finite = True
elif varargin[i]== 'nowarn': nowarn = True
elif varargin[i]== 'nosmall': nosmall = True
else: argok=0
if not argok:
print '(PLFIT) Ignoring invalid argument #',i+1
i = i+1
if vec!=[] and (type(vec)!=list or min(vec)<=1):
print '(PLFIT) Error: ''range'' argument must contain a vector or minimum <= 1. using default.\n'
vec = []
if sample!=[] and sample<2:
print'(PLFIT) Error: ''sample'' argument must be a positive integer > 1. using default.\n'
sample = []
if limit!=[] and limit<min(x):
print'(PLFIT) Error: ''limit'' argument must be a positive value >= 1. using default.\n'
limit = []
if xminx!=[] and xminx>=max(x):
print'(PLFIT) Error: ''xmin'' argument must be a positive value < max(x). using default behavior.\n'
xminx = []
# select method (discrete or continuous) for fitting
if reduce(lambda X,Y:X==True and floor(Y)==float(Y),x,True): f_dattype = 'INTS'
elif reduce(lambda X,Y:X==True and (type(Y)==int or type(Y)==float or type(Y)==long),x,True): f_dattype = 'REAL'
else: f_dattype = 'UNKN'
if f_dattype=='INTS' and min(x) > 1000 and len(x)>100:
f_dattype = 'REAL'
# estimate xmin and alpha, accordingly
if f_dattype== 'REAL':
xmins = unique(x)
xmins = xmins[0:-1]
if xminx!=[]:
xmins = [min(filter(lambda X: X>=xminx,xmins))]
if limit!=[]:
xmins=filter(lambda X: X<=limit,xmins)
if xmins==[]: xmins = [min(x)]
if sample!=[]:
step = float(len(xmins))/(sample-1)
for i in range (0,sample):
if round(index_curr)==len(xmins): index_curr-=1
xmins = unique(new_xmins)
dat = []
z = sorted(x)
for xm in range(0,len(xmins)):
xmin = xmins[xm]
z = filter(lambda X:X>=xmin,z)
n = len(z)
# estimate alpha using direct MLE
a = float(n) / sum(map(lambda X: log(float(X)/xmin),z))
if nosmall:
if (a-1)/sqrt(n) > 0.1 and dat!=[]:
xm = len(xmins)+1
# compute KS statistic
#cx = map(lambda X:float(X)/n,range(0,n))
cf = map(lambda X:1-pow((float(xmin)/X),a),z)
dat.append( max( map(lambda X: abs(cf[X]-float(X)/n),range(0,n))))
D = min(dat)
xmin = xmins[dat.index(D)]
z = filter(lambda X:X>=xmin,x)
n = len(z)
alpha = 1 + n / sum(map(lambda X: log(float(X)/xmin),z))
if finite: alpha = alpha*float(n-1)/n+1./n # finite-size correction
if n < 50 and not finite and not nowarn:
print '(PLFIT) Warning: finite-size bias may be present.\n'
L = n*log((alpha-1)/xmin) - alpha*sum(map(lambda X: log(float(X)/xmin),z))
elif f_dattype== 'INTS':
if vec==[]:
for X in range(150,351):
vec.append(X/100.) # covers range of most practical
# scaling parameters
zvec = map(zeta, vec)
xmins = unique(x)
xmins = xmins[0:-1]
if xminx!=[]:
xmins = [min(filter(lambda X: X>=xminx,xmins))]
if limit!=[]:
limit = round(limit)
xmins=filter(lambda X: X<=limit,xmins)
if xmins==[]: xmins = [min(x)]
if sample!=[]:
step = float(len(xmins))/(sample-1)
for i in range (0,sample):
if round(index_curr)==len(xmins): index_curr-=1
xmins = unique(new_xmins)
if xmins==[]:
print '(PLFIT) Error: x must contain at least two unique values.\n'
alpha = 'Not a Number'
xmin = x[0]
D = 'Not a Number'
return [alpha,xmin,D]
xmax = max(x)
z = x
for xm in range(0,len(xmins)):
xmin = xmins[xm]
z = filter(lambda X:X>=xmin,z)
n = len(z)
# estimate alpha via direct maximization of likelihood function
# force iterative calculation
L = []
slogz = sum(map(log,z))
xminvec = map(float,range(1,xmin))
for k in range(0,len(vec)):
L.append(-vec[k]*float(slogz) - float(n)*log(float(zvec[k]) - sum(map(lambda X:pow(float(X),-vec[k]),xminvec))))
I = L.index(max(L))
# compute KS statistic
fit = reduce(lambda X,Y: X+[Y+X[-1]],\
(map(lambda X: pow(X,-vec[I])/(float(zvec[I])-sum(map(lambda X: pow(X,-vec[I]),map(float,range(1,xmin))))),range(xmin,xmax+1))),[0])[1:]
for XM in range(xmin,xmax+1):
cdi.append(len(filter(lambda X: floor(X)<=XM,z))/float(n))
datA.append(max( map(lambda X: abs(fit[X] - cdi[X]),range(0,xmax-xmin+1))))
# select the index for the minimum value of D
I = datA.index(min(datA))
xmin = xmins[I]
z = filter(lambda X:X>=xmin,x)
n = len(z)
alpha = datB[I]
if finite: alpha = alpha*(n-1.)/n+1./n # finite-size correction
if n < 50 and not finite and not nowarn:
print '(PLFIT) Warning: finite-size bias may be present.\n'
L = -alpha*sum(map(log,z)) - n*log(zvec[vec.index(max(filter(lambda X:X<=alpha,vec)))] - \
sum(map(lambda X: pow(X,-alpha),range(1,xmin))))
print '(PLFIT) Error: x must contain only reals or only integers.\n'
alpha = []
xmin = []
L = []
return [alpha,xmin,L]
# helper functions (unique and zeta)
def unique(seq):
# not order preserving
set = {}
map(set.__setitem__, seq, [])
return set.keys()
def _polyval(coeffs, x):
p = coeffs[0]
for c in coeffs[1:]:
p = c + x*p
return p
_zeta_int = [\
_zeta_P = [-3.50000000087575873, -0.701274355654678147,
-0.0672313458590012612, -0.00398731457954257841,
-0.000160948723019303141, -4.67633010038383371e-6,
-1.02078104417700585e-7, -1.68030037095896287e-9,
_zeta_Q = [1.00000000000000000, -0.936552848762465319,
-0.0588835413263763741, -0.00441498861482948666,
-0.000143416758067432622, -5.10691659585090782e-6,
-9.58813053268913799e-8, -1.72963791443181972e-9,
_zeta_1 = [3.03768838606128127e-10, -1.21924525236601262e-8,
2.01201845887608893e-7, -1.53917240683468381e-6,
-5.09890411005967954e-7, 0.000122464707271619326,
-0.000905721539353130232, -0.00239315326074843037,
0.084239750013159168, 0.418938517907442414, 0.500000001921884009]
_zeta_0 = [-3.46092485016748794e-10, -6.42610089468292485e-9,
1.76409071536679773e-7, -1.47141263991560698e-6, -6.38880222546167613e-7,
0.000122641099800668209, -0.000905894913516772796, -0.00239303348507992713,
0.0842396947501199816, 0.418938533204660256, 0.500000000000000052]
def zeta(s):
Riemann zeta function, real argument
if not isinstance(s, (float, int)):
s = float(s)
except (ValueError, TypeError):
s = complex(s)
if not s.imag:
return complex(zeta(s.real))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
raise NotImplementedError
if s == 1:
raise ValueError("zeta(1) pole")
if s >= 27:
return 1.0 + 2.0**(-s) + 3.0**(-s)
n = int(s)
if n == s:
if n >= 0:
return _zeta_int[n]
if not (n % 2):
return 0.0
if s <= 0.0:
return 0
if s <= 2.0:
if s <= 1.0:
return _polyval(_zeta_0,s)/(s-1)
return _polyval(_zeta_1,s)/(s-1)
z = _polyval(_zeta_P,s) / _polyval(_zeta_Q,s)
return 1.0 + 2.0**(-s) + 3.0**(-s) + 4.0**(-s)*z
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