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Created December 18, 2012 02:44
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import networkx as nx
import random
import copy
def isValidPair(G, Gp):
This function checks if the weighted, undirected graphs G and Gp
constitute a valid pair.
G and Gp constitute a valid pair if, for every vertex u in G and Gp,
the multiset of weights for u is the same in both graphs.
This function returns True if (G,Gp) constitutes a valid pair and False
if not G.size() == Gp.size(): return False
for u in G.nodes_iter():
# assert that G(u) & Gp(v) have the same multiset of edge weights
weights = sorted([ G[u][v]['weight'] for v in G.neighbors(u) ])
weightsPrime = sorted([ Gp[u][v]['weight'] for v in Gp.neighbors(u) ])
for i in xrange(len(weights)):
if weights[i] != weightsPrime[i]: return False
return True
def main():
density = 0.1
N = 100
G = nx.gnm_random_graph( N, density * ( N*(N-1) / 2.0 ) )
# Map from each weight to the potential endpoints (with multiplicity) having this weight
halfEdges = {}
# randomly weight the edges in the original graph
for u,v in G.edges_iter():
w = random.randrange(10)
G[u][v]['weight'] = w
if w in halfEdges:
halfEdges[w] = [v,u]
# make a copy of the half edge map (since we'll destroy it)
heCopy = copy.deepcopy(halfEdges)
for k,v in heCopy.iteritems():
# randomize the endpoints
# our new, random graph
GRand = nx.Graph()
keys = heCopy.keys()
# keep track of the edges in the new graph by their weight
newEdges = { k : [] for k in keys }
# while we have edges left to add
while len(keys) > 0:
# pick a random weight
kind = random.randrange(len(keys))
k = keys[kind]
endpoints = heCopy[k]
# if we have nothing left of this weight, then remove the key
# and move on to the next iteration
if len(endpoints) == 0:
del keys[kind]
# pick one random endpoing
uind = random.randrange(len(endpoints))
u = endpoints[uind]
foundEdge = False
while not foundEdge:
# our options for the other endpoint of this edge
# it must be different from u and it must not form a duplicate of an existing edge
vopts = filter( lambda i: endpoints[i] != u and (not GRand.has_edge(u,endpoints[i])), xrange(len(endpoints)) )
if len(vopts) == 0:
# If we have no options, then we've gotten "stuck" by an earlier decision.
# To avoid remaining "stuck", we undo previous edges of this weight, inserting
# their endpoints back into the set of valid endpoints until we can get unstuck
eind = random.randrange(len(newEdges[k]))
w,z = newEdges[k][eind]
del newEdges[k][eind]
# Otherwise, we found a satisfactory option
vind = random.choice( vopts )
v = endpoints[vind]
foundEdge = True
# delete this u & v from the set of endpoints
del endpoints[uind]
if vind < uind:
del endpoints[vind]
del endpoints[vind-1]
# add the edge {u,v} to the graph with the correct weight
# add the edge to our map of new edges
edge = (u,v) if u < v else (v,u)
print(GRand.size(), G.size())
# print the size of the final graph
# assert that the original graph and our new random graph
# constitute a "valid" pair.
assert( isValidPair(G, GRand) )
if __name__ == "__main__":
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