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Created July 11, 2023 13:40
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Chat GPT Code Interpreter Python packages
| Package | Version | Description | Use Cases |
| absl-py | 1.4.0 | Abseil python common libraries, deep learning research | Command-line arguments manipulation, running unit tests, setting up python apps |
| affine | 2.4.0 | Matrix transformations for 2d spatial data | Geospatial computations, image transformations |
| aiohttp | 3.8.1 | Asynchronous http client/server for asyncio and python | Building and interacting with complex http/rest apis |
| aiosignal | 1.3.1 | Helper for signal handling functionality | Useful in asynchronous io programming |
| analytics-python | 1.4.post1 | python library | Track events and identify users |
| anyio | 3.7.1 | High level compatibility layer for asynchronous i/o | Used in any code base that uses asyncio or trio |
| anytree | 2.8.0 | Simple, lightweight and extensible tree data structure | Create, manipulate and visualize tree data structures |
| argcomplete | 1.10.3 | Bash tab completion for argparse | Command-line tab completion |
| argon2-cffi-bindings | 21.2.0 | Secure password hashing | Password hashing in security-sensitive applications |
| argon2-cffi | 21.3.0 | Cffi bindings to the argon2 password hashing library | Secure password hashing |
| arviz | 0.15.1 | Package for exploratory analysis of bayesian models | Visualization and diagnostics of bayesian models |
| asttokens | 2.2.1 | Library for annotating asts with token and source code information | Code analysis and transformation |
| async-timeout | 4.0.2 | Timeout context manager for asyncio programs | Set timeouts for asyncio operations |
| attrs | 23.1.0 | Package that simplifies writing classes | Remove boilerplate when creating classes |
| audioread | 3.0.0 | Audio file decoder | Decode audio files in different formats |
| babel | 2.12.1 | Internationalization and localization support | Formatting dates, decimal numbers, and currencies in different locales |
| backcall | 0.2.0 | Specifications for callback functions | Specifying the signature of a callback function |
| backoff | 1.10.0 | Function decorator for backoff and retry | Retrying function calls on exceptions |
| backports.zoneinfo | 0.2.1 | Backport of the standard library zoneinfo module | Handling time zone information |
| basemap-data | 1.3.2 | Matplotlib basemap toolkit | Geographical plotting with matplotlib |
| basemap | 1.3.2 | Matplotlib basemap toolkit | Geographical plotting with matplotlib |
| bcrypt | 4.0.1 | Modern password hashing for your software and your servers | Secure password hashing |
| beautifulsoup4 | 4.12.2 | Library for pulling data out of html and xml files | Web scraping to extract data from html and xml |
| bleach | 6.0.0 | An easy whitelist-based html sanitizing tool | Cleaning input from users to prevent xss attacks |
| blinker | 1.6.2 | Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling | Creating event systems within applications |
| blis | 0.7.9 | Blis linear algebra routines for numpy | High-performance linear algebra operations |
| bokeh | 2.4.0 | Interactive visualization library for modern web browsers | Creating interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications |
| branca | 0.6.0 | Generate complex html+js pages with python | Creating data-driven web pages |
| brotli | 1.0.9 | Binding of the brotli compression library | Compressing and decompressing data using the brotli algorithm |
| cachetools | 5.3.1 | Extensible memoizing collections and decorators | Caching expensive or i/o bound function calls |
| cairocffi | 1.6.0 | A cffi-based drop-in replacement for pycairo, a set of python bindings and object-oriented api for cairo. | Creating 2d vector graphics. ideal for rendering svg files, creating figures and plots for scientific computing, etc. |
| cairosvg | 2.5.2 | A simple svg converter based on cairo. it can read svg files and convert them into various other formats. | Useful when you need to convert svg files to other formats like pdf, png, etc. can be used in web scraping to handle svg images, in data visualization to generate outputs in different formats. |
| camelot-py | 0.10.1 | Library that makes it easy for anyone to extract tables from pdfs! | Great for data extraction tasks where you need to parse tables from pdf files. used in data analysis, web scraping, etc. |
| catalogue | 2.0.8 | Super lightweight function registry for your library | Creating plugin systems |
| certifi | 2019.11.28 | Package for providing mozilla’s ca bundle | Providing ssl certificate validation |
| cffi | 1.15.1 | Foreign function interface for python calling c code | Calling c code from python |
| chardet | 4.0.0 | Character encoding detector | Detecting the character encoding of a string |
| charset-normalizer | 2.1.1 | Simple charset normalizer to normalize the encoding charset in text data | Normalizing character set encoding names |
| click-plugins | 1.1.1 | Extension module for click to enable registering cli commands via setuptools entry-points | Creating command-line interfaces |
| click | 8.1.4 | Package for creating beautiful command line interfaces | Building command-line applications |
| cligj | 0.7.2 | Click params for command line interfaces to geojson | Building command-line geospatial applications |
| cloudpickle | 2.2.1 | Extended pickling support for python objects | Serializing and deserializing python object structures |
| cmudict | 1.0.13 | Interface to the cmu pronouncing dictionary | Phonetic transcriptions of english text |
| comm | 0.1.3 | Communication library | Inter-process and network communication |
| compressed-rtf | 1.0.6 | Module to decompress rtf | Decompressing rtf files |
| countryinfo | 0.1.2 | Information about countries, iso info and more | Retrieving information about countries |
| cryptography | 3.4.8 | Library which exposes cryptographic recipes and primitives | Secure password storage, encrypting and decrypting data, and more |
| cssselect2 | 0.7.0 | Css selectors for python elementtree | Parsing and manipulating css in python |
| cycler | 0.11.0 | Composable style cycles | Creating cycles of style properties in matplotlib |
| cymem | 2.0.7 | Manage memory efficiently with cython | Managing memory in cython applications |
| dbus-python | 1.2.16 | Bindings for dbus | Inter-process communication in linux systems |
| debugpy | 1.6.7 | An implementation of the debug adapter protocol for python | Debugging python applications in visual studio code and other ides that support the dap |
| decorator | 4.4.2 | Better living through python with decorators | Managing function and method decorators |
| defusedxml | 0.7.1 | Xml bomb protection for python stdlib modules | Secure parsing of xml data |
| deprecat | 2.1.1 | Package for deprecation handling | Marking functions as deprecated |
| dill | 0.3.6 | Serialize all of python (almost) | Serializing and deserializing python objects |
| distro-info | 0.23ubuntu1 | Information about debian distributions | Retrieving information about debian distributions |
| dlib | 19.22.1 | A toolkit for making real world machine learning and data analysis applications | Machine learning and data analysis applications |
| dnspython | 2.3.0 | Dns toolkit for python | Dns lookups and other dns operations |
| docx2txt | 0.8 | A pure python-based utility to extract text and images from .docx files | Extracting text and images from .docx files |
| ebcdic | 1.1.1 | Package for encoding and decoding ebcdic data | Handling ebcdic data in python |
| ebooklib | 0.18 | Library for managing epub2/epub3 and kindle files | Reading, writing, and manipulating epub and kindle files |
| einops | 0.3.2 | Deep learning operations reinvented (for pytorch, tensorflow, jax and others) | Writing deep learning operations in a clear and concise way |
| email-validator | 2.0.0.post2 | A robust email syntax and deliverability validation library | Validating email addresses |
| entrypoints | 0.4 | Discover and load entry points from installed packages | Loading plugins or modules dynamically |
| et-xmlfile | 1.1.0 | A low memory library for creating large xml files | Creating large xml files |
| exceptiongroup | 1.1.2 | Package for grouping exceptions | Handling multiple exceptions as a group |
| exchange-calendars | 3.4 | Exchange calendars for pandas | Handling exchange calendars in financial time series analysis with pandas |
| executing | 1.2.0 | Library for determining which frame of a traceback an object was defined in | Introspection of traceback frames |
| extract-msg | 0.28.7 | Extracts emails and attachments saved in microsoft outlook's .msg files | Reading .msg files from microsoft outlook |
| faker | 8.13.2 | Package that generates fake data | Generating fake data for testing purposes |
| fastapi | 0.92.0 | A modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building apis with python 3.6+ based on standard python type hints | Building efficient and scalable web apis |
| fastjsonschema | 2.17.1 | Fastest python implementation of json schema | Validating data against json schemas |
| fastprogress | 1.0.3 | Library for displaying progress bars | Displaying progress of computations or data processing |
| ffmpeg-python | 0.2.0 | Bindings for ffmpeg - with complex filtering support | Manipulating audio and video files |
| ffmpy | 0.3.0 | Pythonic interface for ffmpeg/ffprobe command line | Interfacing with ffmpeg for multimedia processing |
| filelock | 3.12.2 | A platform independent file lock in python | Locking files to prevent concurrent access |
| fiona | 1.8.20 | Api for ogr | Reading and writing geospatial data formats |
| flask-cachebuster | 1.0.0 | A flask extension for generating cache-busting urls for static resources | Controlling client-side caching of static content |
| flask-cors | 4.0.0 | A flask extension for handling cross origin resource sharing (cors), making cross-origin ajax possible | Handling cors in flask web applications |
| flask-login | 0.6.2 | User session management for flask | Managing user sessions in flask web applications |
| flask | 2.3.2 | A lightweight wsgi web application framework | Developing web applications in python |
| folium | 0.12.1 | Library for creating interactive map visualizations | Visualizing geospatial data |
| fonttools | 4.40.0 | Library to manipulate font files from python | Manipulating and analyzing font files |
| fpdf | 1.7.2 | Class for generating pdf documents | Creating pdf documents |
| frozenlist | 1.3.3 | List that is not modifiable | Used when you need a list that should not be changed |
| future | 0.18.3 | Clean single-source support for python 3 and 2 | Writing python 2-3 compatible code |
| fuzzywuzzy | 0.18.0 | Fuzzy string matching in python | Matching and comparing strings with a measure of similarity |
| gensim | 4.1.0 | Library for topic modelling, document indexing and similarity retrieval with large corpora | Natural language processing tasks such as topic modeling and document similarity analysis |
| geographiclib | 1.52 | Library for performing accurate geographic computations | Geographic computations such as distance calculations and geodesic paths |
| geopandas | 0.10.2 | Library for geospatial data operations | Operations on geospatial data, spatial joins, data manipulation, and data visualization |
| geopy | 2.2.0 | Client for several popular geocoding web services | Geocoding (getting the location of an address), reverse geocoding (getting an address from a location), and measuring distance between locations |
| gradio | 2.2.15 | Library for creating easy-to-use web uis for prototyping and debugging machine learning models | Quickly creating web interfaces to interact with machine learning models |
| graphviz | 0.17 | Interface to graphviz’s command-line interface. allows you to create, manipulate and render graphviz graphs. | Visualizing graph-based data structures, plotting research data, and creating flowcharts or network diagrams. |
| gtts | 2.2.3 | Google text-to-speech, a python library and cli tool interface for google translate's text-to-speech api. | Convert text into speech in various languages supported by google, which can be useful for accessibility features, language learning applications, and text reading software. |
| h11 | 0.14.0 | A pure-python, bring-your-own-i/o implementation of http/1.1. | Creating http/1.1 servers and clients, useful in web development and web scraping. |
| h2 | 4.1.0 | Http/2 protocol stack | Handling http/2 connections |
| h5netcdf | 1.1.0 | Interface for the netcdf4 data format, based on h5py | Reading and writing netcdf4 files |
| h5py | 3.4.0 | Pythonic interface to the hdf5 binary data format | Storing large quantities of numerical data |
| hpack | 4.0.0 | Pythonic header compression | Http/2 header compression |
| html5lib | 1.1 | A pure-python library for parsing html | Parsing and manipulating html in python |
| httpcore | 0.17.3 | A minimal http client | Sending http/1.1 and http/2 requests |
| httptools | 0.6.0 | Binding for nodejs http parser | Parsing http requests and responses |
| httpx | 0.24.1 | A fully featured http client for python 3, which provides sync and async apis | Sending http requests |
| hypercorn | 0.14.3 | An asgi server, based on the sans-io hyper, h11, h2, and wsproto libraries | Running asgi applications |
| hyperframe | 6.0.1 | Http/2 framing layer for python | Handling http/2 connections |
| idna | 2.8 | Library to support the internationalised domain names in applications (idna) protocol | Encoding and decoding internationalized domain names |
| imageio-ffmpeg | 0.4.8 | Wrapper around ffmpeg command line for use with imageio | Reading and writing multimedia data with imageio |
| imageio | 2.31.1 | Library for reading and writing a wide range of image, video, volumetric data and scientific formats | Reading, writing and processing images |
| imapclient | 2.1.0 | Easy-to-use, pythonic and complete imap client library | Interacting with imap servers |
| imgkit | 1.2.2 | Wrapper to convert html to images using webkit | Converting html to image files |
| importlib-metadata | 6.7.0 | Read metadata from python packages | Accessing metadata of python packages |
| importlib-resources | 5.12.0 | Read data from python packages | Accessing files included in python packages |
| iniconfig | 2.0.0 | Ini parsing with interpolation | Parsing ini configuration files |
| ipykernel | 6.24.0 | Ipython kernel for jupyter | Running ipython in jupyter notebooks |
| ipython-genutils | 0.2.0 | Vestigial utilities from ipython | Providing utility functions for ipython |
| ipython | 8.12.2 | Powerful interactive shell | Interactive python development and data analysis |
| isodate | 0.6.1 | Iso 8601 date/time/duration parser and formatter | Parsing and formatting iso 8601 dates, times, and durations |
| itsdangerous | 2.1.2 | Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments and back | Securely signing data to ensure its integrity |
| jax | 0.2.28 | Composable transformations of python+numpy programs: differentiate, vectorize, jit to gpu/tpu, and more | Machine learning and scientific computing, offering transformations such as automatic differentiation and jit compilation |
| jedi | 0.18.2 | Autocompletion/static analysis library for python | Providing autocompletion in python ides and editors |
| jinja2 | 3.1.2 | A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python | Rendering data in templates, commonly for web page generation |
| joblib | 1.3.1 | Lightweight pipelining: using python functions as pipeline jobs | Caching and reusing computations, parallel computing, and more |
| json5 | 0.9.14 | Implementation of the json5 data format | Parsing and serializing json5, a json extension that includes features such as comments, trailing commas, and more |
| jsonpickle | 3.0.1 | Library for serializing complex python objects to and from json | Converting complex python objects to and from json |
| jsonschema-specifications | 2023.6.1 | Package providing json schema specifications | Validating data against json schemas |
| jsonschema | 4.18.0 | An implementation of json schema for python. | Validating json-like data structures, useful in data processing pipelines where json data needs to be validated against a specific schema. |
| jupyter-client | 7.4.9 | Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries | Managing and communicating with jupyter kernels |
| jupyter-core | 5.1.3 | Jupyter core package. a base package on which jupyter projects rely | Used as a base for jupyter projects, providing the core functionality of jupyter |
| jupyter-server | 1.23.5 | Backend server that replaces the classic notebook server for project jupyter | Used as the backend for serving jupyter notebooks, jupyterlab, and other front-end applications |
| jupyterlab-pygments | 0.2.2 | Pygments style for jupyterlab | Syntax highlighting in jupyterlab |
| jupyterlab-server | 2.19.0 | Jupyterlab server provides the backend (i.e., the server-side) to jupyterlab | Used as the server-side component of jupyterlab |
| jupyterlab | 3.4.8 | Web-based user interface for project jupyter | Used as a web-based interface for working with jupyter notebooks, text editors, terminals, and custom components |
| keras | 2.6.0 | Deep learning library for python, built on top of tensorflow 2.0 | Building and training deep learning models |
| kerykeion | 2.1.16 | Astrology calculations for the python programmer | Performing astrology calculations |
| kiwisolver | 1.4.4 | A fast implementation of the cassowary constraint solver | Solving constraints in user interfaces and other systems |
| korean-lunar-calendar | 0.3.1 | Library to convert between gregorian and korean lunar calendars | Handling and converting dates in the korean lunar calendar |
| librosa | 0.8.1 | Library for audio and music analysis | Extracting information from audio files and music data analysis |
| llvmlite | 0.40.1 | A lightweight llvm python binding for writing jit compilers | Used in conjunction with numba to create jit compilers |
| loguru | 0.5.3 | Logging made simple | Handling logging in python applications |
| lxml | 4.9.3 | Pythonic binding for the c libraries libxml2 and libxslt | Parsing, querying, and manipulating xml and html documents |
| markdown2 | 2.4.9 | Implementation of markdown | Converting markdown text to html |
| markdownify | 0.9.3 | Library for converting html to markdown | Converting html text to markdown |
| markupsafe | 2.1.3 | Implements a xml/html/xhtml markup safe string for python | Safely rendering templates and avoiding injection attacks |
| matplotlib-inline | 0.1.6 | Inline backend for matplotlib in jupyter environments | Displaying matplotlib figures inline in jupyter notebooks |
| matplotlib-venn | 0.11.6 | Library for creating venn diagrams with matplotlib | Creating venn diagrams for visualizing set intersections |
| matplotlib | 3.4.3 | Matplotlib is a plotting library for python. it is used for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in python. | Used in data visualization, creating graphical plots like line, bar, scatter, etc. |
| mistune | 3.0.1 | Library for parsing markdown | Parsing and rendering markdown text |
| mizani | 0.9.2 | Library for declarative drawing of scales, axes, and other stylistic elements | Used in conjunction with the plotnine package for creating declarative graphics |
| mne | 0.23.4 | Software for meg and eeg data analysis | Analyzing neuroimaging data (eeg and meg) |
| monotonic | 1.6 | Module for a monotonic time function | Measuring time durations in a way that is not affected by system clock updates |
| moviepy | 1.0.3 | Module for video editing | Editing and manipulating video files, including cutting, concatenation, title insertions, video compositing, video processing, and creation of custom effects |
| mpmath | 1.3.0 | Library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic | Performing high-precision calculations, including support for complex numbers, unlimited exponent sizes, and more |
| mtcnn | 0.1.1 | Implementation of the mtcnn face detector | Detecting faces in images |
| multidict | 6.0.4 | Multidict is a package that provides a dictionary like object which can have multiple keys | Used when a key needs to have multiple values |
| munch | 4.0.0 | Dictionary that provides attribute-style access | Creating dictionaries that can be accessed and modified as objects |
| murmurhash | 1.0.9 | Wrapper for the murmurhash (non-cryptographic) hash function. | Efficient data hashing in large datasets, useful in database indexing, cache systems, and data sharding. |
| mutagen | 1.45.1 | Module to handle audio metadata. | Reading and writing metadata of various audio file formats, useful in music players, audio processing, and music library management software. |
| nashpy | 0.0.35 | A library for the computation of nash equilibria in 2-player strategic games. | Used in game theory research and education, economic modeling, and ai for strategic games. |
| nbclassic | 1.0.0 | Jupyter notebook as a jupyter server extension | Running the classic jupyter notebook interface on jupyter server |
| nbclient | 0.8.0 | A client library for executing notebooks | Executing jupyter notebooks programmatically |
| nbconvert | 7.6.0 | Conversion utilities for jupyter notebooks | Converting jupyter notebooks to other formats such as html, latex, pdf, markdown, restructuredtext, and others |
| nbformat | 5.9.0 | Library to read/write jupyter notebook files | Reading, writing, and validating jupyter notebook files |
| nest-asyncio | 1.5.6 | Patch asyncio to allow nested event loops | Enabling nested use of and loop.run_until_complete |
| networkx | 2.6.3 | Package for creating and manipulating complex networks | Constructing, analyzing, and visualizing complex networks |
| nltk | 3.6.3 | Natural language toolkit - platform for building python programs to work with human language data | Tasks such as tokenization, stemming, tagging, parsing, semantic reasoning, and text classification |
| notebook-shim | 0.2.3 | A shim to make it easier to write jupyter notebook extensions | Developing extensions for jupyter notebooks |
| notebook | 6.5.1 | Web-based notebook environment for interactive computing | Creating and sharing documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text |
| numba | 0.57.1 | Jit (just in time) compiler for python that translates a subset of python and numpy code into fast machine code | Optimizing performance of numerical computations |
| numexpr | 2.8.4 | Package for fast numerical expression evaluator for numpy | Accelerating array computations |
| numpy-financial | 1.0.0 | Financial functions that are based on the functionality available in the old | Performing financial computations, such as calculating future value, present value, interest rates, and more |
| numpy | 1.21.2 | Numpy is a package for scientific computing in python. it provides a high-performance multidimensional array object, and tools for working with these arrays. | Used in mathematical computations, image processing, machine learning, etc. |
| odfpy | 1.4.1 | Api and tools to manipulate opendocument files | Reading and writing opendocument format (.odf) files |
| olefile | 0.46 | Package to parse, read and write microsoft ole2 files | Reading and writing microsoft office files in the ole2 format, such as word, excel, and powerpoint files |
| opencv-python | | Wrapper for opencv, a library for computer vision tasks | Image and video processing, including object and feature detection, image segmentation, and extraction of visual features |
| openpyxl | 3.0.10 | Library to read/write excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files | Reading, writing, and modifying excel files in the .xlsx format |
| opt-einsum | 3.3.0 | Optimizing numpys einsum function | Optimizing complex tensor contractions and tensor network computations using the einstein summation convention |
| orjson | 3.9.1 | Package that serializes python data structures to json | Serializing and deserializing json |
| packaging | 23.1 | Core utilities for python packages | Version handling, specifiers, markers, requirements, tags, and utilities |
| pandas | 1.3.2 | Pandas is a software library written for data manipulation and analysis in python. it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. | Used in data cleaning, data transformation, data analysis, etc. |
| pandocfilters | 1.5.0 | Module for writing pandoc filters | Writing transformation scripts for documents processed by pandoc |
| paramiko | 3.2.0 | Implementation of sshv2 protocol, providing both client and server functionality | Implementing ssh2 protocol for secure (encrypted and authenticated) connections to remote machines |
| parso | 0.8.3 | Library to parse python source code | Parsing python code into its syntax tree representation |
| pathy | 0.10.2 | Library for filesystem paths manipulation with support for local and cloud storage | Working with filesystem paths, including cloud storage systems such as google cloud storage and s3 |
| patsy | 0.5.3 | Library for describing statistical models and for building design matrices | Defining statistical models, especially with statsmodels and for creating design matrices |
| pdf2image | 1.16.3 | Module that wraps pdftoppm and pdftocairo to convert pdf to an image file | Converting pdf files into images |
| pdfkit | 0.6.1 | Wrapper for wkhtmltopdf to convert html to pdf | Converting html to pdf files |
| pdfminer.six | 20200517 | Pdf parser and analyzer | Extracting text, images, and metadata from pdf files |
| pdfplumber | 0.5.28 | Library to extract text, tables, and images from pdfs | Extracting information from pdf documents |
| pdfrw | 0.4 | Library for reading and writing pdf files | Reading and writing pdf files, including manipulating pages, merging and splitting files, and more |
| pexpect | 4.8.0 | Module for spawning child applications and controlling them automatically | Automating interactive applications such as ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc |
| pickleshare | 0.7.5 | Tiny 'shelve'-like database with zodb3 and sqlite3 backends | Providing a small 'shelve'-like database for python |
| pillow | 8.3.2 | The friendly python imaging library fork (pil). supports opening, manipulating, and saving many different image file formats. | Used in image processing tasks, like resizing, cropping, rotating, and adjusting image quality. useful in computer vision, image analysis, and web development. |
| pip | 20.0.2 | Package installer | Installing and managing python packages |
| pkgutil-resolve-name | 1.3.10 | Utility to resolve package names | Resolving package names in python |
| platformdirs | 3.8.0 | Module for determining platform-specific dirs | Finding directories like the user data dir, the user config dir, and others |
| plotly | 5.3.0 | Graphing library makes interactive, publication-quality graphs | Creating interactive plots, dashboards, and data applications |
| plotnine | 0.10.1 | Implementation of a grammar of graphics | Creating complex plots using a grammar of graphics |
| pluggy | 1.2.0 | Plugin and hook calling mechanisms for python | Developing plugin systems, especially for testing tools |
| pooch | 1.7.0 | Package to manage and download data files over the internet | Managing datasets: downloading, storing, and loading them from a central place |
| preshed | 3.0.8 | Cython hash table that trusts the keys are pre-hashed | Efficient storage of pre-hashed keys in data structures |
| priority | 2.0.0 | Pure-python implementation of the http/2 priority tree | Managing http/2 stream priorities |
| proglog | 0.1.10 | Progress bar and logging utility | Generating progress logs and bars for long-running processes |
| prometheus-client | 0.17.0 | Client for the prometheus monitoring system | Instrumenting python applications for monitoring with the prometheus system |
| prompt-toolkit | 3.0.39 | Library for building powerful interactive command lines and terminal applications in python | Building interactive command line applications, shell environments, and text editors |
| pronouncing | 0.2.0 | Interface for the cmu pronouncing dictionary | Finding pronunciations and other information about words |
| psutil | 5.9.5 | Module for retrieving information on running processes and system utilization | Gathering system information, including memory, cpu usage, network, sensors, and more |
| ptyprocess | 0.7.0 | Module for starting subprocesses in pseudo ttys | Controlling interactive subprocesses, terminal coloration, and more |
| pure-eval | 0.2.2 | Safely evaluate expressions without calls or attribute access | Safely evaluating python expressions without performing function calls or attribute accesses |
| py | 1.11.0 | Development support library | Handling various tasks common in python development, such as running unit tests, finding files, and more |
| pyaudio | 0.2.11 | Bindings for portaudio, a cross-platform audio i/o library | Recording and playing audio in a variety of formats on a variety of platforms |
| pycountry | 20.7.3 | Library to get information about countries, languages, and currencies | Looking up information about countries, languages, and currencies |
| pycparser | 2.21 | C parser in python | Parsing c code into an abstract syntax tree |
| pycryptodome | 3.18.0 | Library for modern secure cryptography | Performing a variety of cryptographic operations including encryption, decryption, digital signatures, hashing, and more |
| pydantic | 1.8.2 | Library for data parsing and validation using python type annotations | Data validation and settings management using python type annotations |
| pydot | 1.4.2 | Interface to graphviz's dot language | Creating and manipulating graph descriptions in the dot language of the graphviz graph drawing software |
| pydub | 0.25.1 | A simple and easy-to-use python library for audio manipulation. it can slice, export, and manipulate audio files in various formats. | Used in audio processing tasks, such as slicing audio files, converting file formats, adjusting volume, etc. useful in applications like music editing software, automated podcast editing, and more. |
| pydyf | 0.7.0 | A pure python library for creating pdf files. it focuses on simplicity and directness of the api to make pdf creation as simple as possible. | Generating pdf reports, invoices, tickets, etc. useful in web development for creating pdf responses, in data analysis for generating reports, etc. |
| pygments | 2.15.1 | Syntax highlighter | Syntax highlighting of code for use in html documents or other formats |
| pygobject | 3.36.0 | Bindings for the gobject introspection middleware | Writing software for a wide range of operating systems that include device drivers, real-time operating systems and operating systems for iot devices |
| pygraphviz | 1.7 | Interface to graphviz | Creating, manipulating graphs and drawing them using graphviz |
| pylog | 1.1 | Logging utility | Logging messages that are written to the console or a log file |
| pyluach | 2.2.0 | Library for manipulating hebrew dates, gregorian-hebrew calendar conversions, and jewish holidays | Handling hebrew dates, jewish holidays, and related calculations |
| pymc3 | 3.11.5 | Package for bayesian statistical modeling and probabilistic machine learning | Performing bayesian statistics and probabilistic machine learning tasks, including model fitting, posterior sampling, and predictive modeling |
| pymupdf | 1.19.6 | Bindings for the pdf processing library mupdf | Reading, writing, rendering, and manipulating pdf files |
| pynacl | 1.5.0 | Binding to the networking and cryptography (nacl) library | Encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more |
| pypandoc | 1.6.3 | Interface to pandoc, a universal document converter | Converting documents between various formats such as markdown, restructuredtext, html, latex, pandoc, pdf, etc. |
| pyparsing | 3.1.0 | Parsing module | Creating and executing parsers, especially for processing complex data formats |
| pypdf2 | 1.28.6 | Library to read and write pdf files | Reading, writing, and modifying pdf files |
| pyphen | 0.14.0 | Module for hyphenation using hunspell dictionaries | Hyphenating text using dictionaries from the hunspell spellchecking project |
| pyproj | 3.5.0 | Interface to proj (cartographic projections and coordinate transformations library) | Performing cartographic projections and coordinate transformations |
| pyprover | 0.5.6 | Library for automated theorem proving | Automated theorem proving, boolean algebra, symbolic logic, and more |
| pyshp | 2.1.3 | Pure python read/write support for esri shapefile format | Reading and writing esri shapefiles, a common geospatial data format |
| pyswisseph | | Extension to the swiss ephemeris | High precision astronomy computations and astrological data calculations |
| pytesseract | 0.3.8 | Ocr tool for recognizing and reading the text embedded in images | Optical character recognition (ocr) to convert images to text |
| pytest | 6.2.5 | Testing framework | Writing and running tests, supports unit tests, functional testing, and more |
| pyth3 | 0.7 | Module for converting microsoft office documents (.doc, .xls, .ppt) to html or xml | Converting ms office documents to other formats |
| python-apt | 2.0.1+ubuntu0.20.4.1 | Interface to libapt, the package management library in ubuntu and debian systems. allows you to interact with the package management system. | Automating package management tasks like installing, updating, and removing packages. useful in system administration, devops, and in the creation of custom software installers. |
| python-dateutil | 2.8.2 | Extensions to the standard python datetime module | Parsing dates, handling time zones, working with timedeltas, and more |
| python-docx | 0.8.11 | Library for creating and updating microsoft word (.docx) files | Creating, modifying, and extracting information from .docx files |
| python-dotenv | 1.0.0 | Module that allows you to specify environment variables in traditional unix-like ".env" (dot-env) file | Loading environment variables from a .env file |
| python-multipart | 0.0.6 | Module for encoding and decoding multipart form-data | Handling multipart form-data used in file uploads in http requests |
| python-pptx | 0.6.21 | Library for creating and updating powerpoint (.pptx) files | Creating, modifying, and extracting information from .pptx files |
| pyttsx3 | 2.9 | A text-to-speech conversion library in python. it works offline and is compatible with both python 2 and 3. | Used in applications that need to convert text into speech. useful in the development of personal assistants, accessibility software for visually impaired users, and interactive voice response systems. |
| pytz | 2023.3 | Library to deal with datetime.timezone objects | Handling timezones in python |
| pywavelets | 1.4.1 | Library for wavelet transform | Performing discrete wavelet transforms in python |
| pyxlsb | 1.0.8 | Library for reading excel .xlsb files | Reading data and formatting information from excel files in .xlsb format |
| pyyaml | 6 | Library for parsing and generating yaml data | Parsing and generating yaml data, a human-friendly data serialization standard |
| pyzbar | 0.1.8 | Library to read barcodes and qr codes | Reading barcodes and qr codes from various sources |
| pyzmq | 25.1.0 | Bindings for zeromq, a high-performance asynchronous messaging library | Building distributed or concurrent applications, including servers, clients, and brokers |
| qrcode | 7.3 | Library for generating qr codes | Generating qr codes, two-dimensional barcodes that can store a significant amount of data |
| rarfile | 4 | Module for rar archive reading | Reading rar archive files |
| rasterio | 1.2.10 | Library for reading and writing geospatial raster data | Manipulating geospatial data in raster format, such as images |
| rdflib | 6.0.0 | Library for working with rdf, a simple yet powerful language for representing information | Parsing, serializing, storing, and querying rdf data |
| referencing | 0.29.1 | Library for managing large sets of references | Managing and manipulating large sets of references, like bibliographic references |
| regex | 2023.6.3 | Module for regular expressions | String searching, manipulation, and validation using regular expressions |
| reportlab | 3.6.1 | Library for generating pdfs and graphics | Creating complex pdf documents and graphics programmatically |
| requests-unixsocket | 0.2.0 | Transport adapter for requests to use unix sockets | Enabling the requests library to communicate via unix sockets |
| requests | 2.31.0 | Http library for making http requests | Making http requests to apis, downloading files, and more |
| resampy | 0.4.2 | Library for efficient resampling of digital audio signals | Resampling digital audio signals, a common task in audio signal processing |
| rpds-py | 0.8.8 | Library providing persistent/immutable/functional data structures | Working with persistent, immutable, and functional data structures, which are useful in multithreaded programming and for maintaining historical states of data |
| scikit-image | 0.18.3 | Library for image processing | Image processing tasks such as color space manipulation, filtering, morphology, segmentation, transformation, and more |
| scikit-learn | 1 | Scikit-learn is a free software machine learning library for python. it features various classification, regression, and clustering algorithms. | Used in predictive data analysis, modeling and training machine learning models, etc. |
| scipy | 1.7.3 | Scipy is a free and open-source python library used for scientific computing and technical computing. it contains modules for optimization, linear algebra, integration, interpolation, special functions, fft, signal and image processing, etc. | Used in scientific and technical computations, signal processing, optimization, etc. |
| seaborn | 0.11.2 | Data visualization library based on matplotlib | Creating informative and attractive statistical graphics in python |
| semver | 3.0.1 | Helper for semantic versioning ( | Comparing, manipulating, and analyzing semantic version strings |
| send2trash | 1.8.2 | Library to send files to trash (or recycle bin) natively on all platforms | Safely deleting files by moving them to the trash or recycle bin instead of permanently removing them |
| sentencepiece | 0.1.99 | Unsupervised text tokenizer for neural network-based text generation | Text tokenization in neural network models, especially in nlp tasks |
| setuptools | 45.2.0 | Library designed to facilitate packaging python projects | Building, distributing, and installing python packages |
| shap | 0.39.0 | Library for model-agnostic interpretation of machine learning models | Understanding the output of complex machine learning models |
| shapely | 1.7.1 | Package for set-theoretic analysis and manipulation of planar features using functions from the geos library | Geometric operations like determining the area, distance, or intersection of shapes |
| six | 1.14.0 | 2 and 3 compatibility library | Writing code that works on both python 2 and 3 |
| slicer | 0.0.7 | Utility for slicing objects | Creating slices of objects in python |
| smart-open | 6.3.0 | Library for efficient streaming of very large files from/to storages such as s3, gcs, azure blob storage, hdfs, webhdfs, http, https, sftp, or local filesystem. | Used in data processing tasks that require reading or writing large files in a memory-efficient manner. useful in big data processing pipelines, machine learning where large datasets are used, etc. |
| sniffio | 1.3.0 | A library to detect which async library your code is running under. | Useful in library development where interoperability between different asynchronous i/o libraries is needed. |
| snuggs | 1.4.7 | Library for parsing expressions with numpy | Interpreting specially formatted strings as numpy expressions |
| sortedcontainers | 2.4.0 | Sorted collections library | Creating and manipulating sorted lists, sorted dicts, and sorted sets |
| soundfile | 0.10.2 | Library for reading and writing sound files | Reading, writing, and processing sound files in a variety of formats |
| soupsieve | 2.4.1 | Css selector library for beautifulsoup | Selecting elements from html and xml documents using css selectors |
| spacy-legacy | 3.0.12 | Legacy support for spacy v2.x features in spacy v3.x | Supporting spacy v2.x features in spacy v3.x |
| spacy | 3.1.7 | Library for natural language processing | Tasks in natural language processing, like part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, and dependency parsing |
| speechrecognition | 3.8.1 | Library for performing speech recognition | Converting spoken language into written text |
| srsly | 2.4.6 | Library for serializing data | Serializing and deserializing data in python |
| stack-data | 0.6.2 | Library for inspecting stack data | Inspecting and manipulating stack data in python, often used in debugging |
| starlette | 0.25.0 | Asgi web framework | Building web applications and apis with python |
| statsmodels | 0.12.2 | Library built specifically for statistics | Conducting statistical tests, and statistical data exploration |
| svglib | 1.1.0 | Library to read svg files and convert them (to a reasonable degree) to other formats using the reportlab open source toolkit | Reading svg files and converting them to other formats |
| svgwrite | 1.4.1 | Library to create svg drawings | Creating svg (scalable vector graphics) drawings |
| sympy | 1.8 | Library for symbolic mathematics | Symbolic computation, including algebraic evaluation, differentiation, expansion, complex numbers, etc. |
| tables | 3.6.1 | Library for managing hierarchical datasets and designed to efficiently and easily cope with extremely large amounts of data | Managing large amounts of data, and provides tools for working with hierarchical datasets |
| tabula | 1.0.5 | Wrapper for tabula, which extracts tables from pdf into pandas dataframes | Extracting tables from pdf files into dataframe format |
| tabulate | 0.8.9 | Library for pretty-printing tabular data | Printing tables in a human-readable format, and can output data in several different formats including grid, plain, simple, and more |
| tenacity | 8.2.2 | Library for retrying code blocks/functions with configurable backoff | Making code blocks or functions retryable, often used in scenarios where operations may intermittently fail and need to be retried |
| terminado | 0.17.1 | Library providing a websocket-backed terminal emulator | Creating websocket-backed terminal emulators, often used in web applications |
| text-unidecode | 1.3 | Port of the text-unidecode perl library | The most basic unicode to ascii transliteration |
| textblob | 0.15.3 | Library for processing textual data | Common natural language processing (nlp) tasks such as part-of-speech tagging, noun phrase extraction, sentiment analysis, classification, translation, and more |
| textract | 1.6.4 | Module for extracting text from any document | Extracting text from various types of documents such as pdf, ms word, powerpoint, jpeg, etc. |
| theano-pymc | 1.1.2 | Library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently | Building and estimating statistical models, and for performing optimized array computations |
| thinc | 8.0.17 | Library for building your own machine learning models | Building machine learning models, particularly for nlp tasks |
| threadpoolctl | 3.1.0 | Library to limit the number of threads used in thread pools used in parallel openblas, mkl or accelerate | Controlling the number of threads used in parallel programming |
| tifffile | 2023.7.4 | Library for reading and writing tiff files | Reading and writing tiff files, a common format for storing image data |
| tinycss2 | 1.2.1 | Library that provides a low-level css parser | Parsing css code, useful in web scraping and web development tasks |
| toml | 0.10.2 | Library for handling toml files | Parsing and generating toml (tom's obvious, minimal language) data |
| tomli | 2.0.1 | Library for parsing toml (tom's obvious, minimal language). it's compliant with toml v1.0.0 and works on python 3.6 and newer. | Reading configuration files written in toml format. useful in application development where configuration data needs to be stored in a readable and easy-to-write format. |
| toolz | 0.12.0 | A set of utility functions for iterators, functions, and dictionaries. these functions were developed in the context of functional programming. | Used in data analysis and data processing tasks where functional programming style is desirable. can be useful in creating efficient data pipelines. |
| torch | 1.10.0 | Pytorch is an open-source machine learning library for python, based on torch, used for applications such as natural language processing. | Used in deep learning research and application development. it's useful in fields like computer vision, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence. |
| torchaudio | 0.10.0 | Library that is a part of pytorch, provides audio i/o, transformations, common datasets and more | Working with audio data, includes utilities for audio i/o, transformations, and datasets |
| torchtext | 0.6.0 | Library that is a part of pytorch, provides tools for text i/o, preprocessing, common datasets and more | Working with text data, includes utilities for text i/o, preprocessing, and datasets |
| torchvision | 0.11.1 | Library that is a part of pytorch, provides tools for vision i/o (like image and video), preprocessing, common datasets and more | Working with image and video data, includes utilities for vision i/o, preprocessing, and datasets |
| tornado | 6.3.2 | Web framework and asynchronous networking library | Building web applications and for handling multiple simultaneous connections, making it ideal for long polling, websockets, and other applications that require a long-lived connection to each user |
| tqdm | 4.64.0 | Fast, extensible progress bar for python | Creating progress bars in python scripts and notebooks, useful for long-running tasks |
| traitlets | 5.9.0 | Library for managing class attributes | Defining type-checked, dynamically configurable class attributes |
| trimesh | 3.9.29 | Library for loading, saving, and manipulating 3d triangle meshes | Working with 3d data and performing operations on 3d triangle meshes |
| typer | 0.4.2 | Library for building command line interface (cli) applications | Building cli applications, uses python type hints to provide automatic argument parsing, help text generation, and more |
| typing-extensions | 4.5.0 | Library for backported and experimental type hints | Enabling newer type hinting features in older versions of python |
| tzlocal | 5.0.1 | Library that returns the system’s local time zone | Getting the system’s local time zone as a tzinfo object |
| ujson | 5.8.0 | Ultra fast json encoder and decoder for python | Encoding and decoding json data, it is faster than the standard json library |
| unattended-upgrades | 0.1 | Module for automatic installation of security (and other) upgrades | Automating the installation of security upgrades in python environments |
| urllib3 | 1.25.8 | Library for making http requests | Making http requests, handling pooling of connections, retries, and more |
| uvicorn | 0.22.0 | Asgi server, built on uvloop and httptools | Serving web applications that have been built with asgi web frameworks |
| uvloop | 0.17.0 | Library, a fast implementation of asyncio event loop on top of libuv | Building high-performance asynchronous applications by providing a faster implementation of the asyncio event loop |
| wand | 0.6.11 | Bindings for magickwand, c api for imagemagick | Image manipulation tasks such as resizing, blurring, sharpening, and more |
| wasabi | 0.10.1 | Library to quickly print out text, tables, and more to the terminal | Printing colored text, tables, progress bars, and more to the console |
| watchfiles | 0.19.0 | Library for watching file, directory and glob modifications | Monitoring changes in files, directories, and file patterns |
| wcwidth | 0.2.6 | Library for dealing with string width on the terminal | Correctly displaying strings on the terminal, considering different character widths |
| weasyprint | 53.3 | Library for html/css to pdf conversion | Converting html/css content to pdf |
| webencodings | 0.5.1 | Module for character encoding aliases | Handling different character encodings in web content |
| websocket-client | 1.6.1 | Library for working with websocket apis | Creating and managing websocket connections in python |
| websockets | 10.3 | Library for building websocket servers and clients | Building websocket servers and clients, enabling real-time communication between a server and a client |
| werkzeug | 2.3.6 | Web application library | Used as a foundation for building web applications, provides utilities for url routing, data structures, and more |
| wheel | 0.34.2 | Built-package format for distribution | Creating .whl files which are a built-package format for python libraries, can be installed with pip |
| wordcloud | 1.8.1 | Library for creating word clouds | Generating word clouds from text data, for data visualization |
| wrapt | 1.15.0 | Module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching | Creating decorators, function wrappers, and monkey patching in python |
| wsproto | 1.2.0 | A pure python, sans-i/o implementation of the websocket protocol. wsproto is intended to provide a websocket implementation that can be flexibly used in any i/o library. | Used in web development to build websocket servers and clients, allowing real-time communication between the server and the browser. |
| xarray-einstats | 0.5.1 | A statistical package built on top of xarray. it provides a variety of statistical functions for use with xarray data structures. | Used in data analysis to perform statistical operations on multi-dimensional arrays. useful in scientific computing where complex data structures are used. |
| xarray | 2023.1.0 | Package that makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays simple, efficient, and fun! | Working with multi-dimensional arrays with labels, it provides a pandas-like and numpy-like programming interface |
| xgboost | 1.4.2 | Library for gradient boosting that is designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable | Building machine learning models, especially gradient boosting models for regression and classification tasks |
| xlrd | 1.2.0 | Library for reading data and formatting information from excel files | Reading excel files (.xls and .xlsx) in python |
| xlsxwriter | 3.1.2 | Module for writing files in the excel 2007+ xlsx file format | Creating excel files, it provides a lot of flexibility in terms of formatting, charts, and more |
| xml-python | 0.4.3 | Module for processing xml data | Parsing and creating xml data, it provides a simple api for diving into common xml data tasks |
| yarl | 1.9.2 | Library that encapsulates url manipulations | Constructing, deconstructing, and manipulating urls |
| zipp | 3.15.0 | Library for zipped archives and the pathlib-compatible zippath object | Working with zip archives, and provides a pathlib-compatible interface |
| zopfli | 0.2.2 | Bindings for google's zopfli compression algorithm. provides a higher compression ratio at the cost of slower compression speed. | Used in data compression tasks where a higher compression ratio is desired. useful in applications dealing with large amounts of data, such as data storage or network data transfer. |
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