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Created May 14, 2023 15:21
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"Decoding Shader Code Fragment"
Model: GPT-4
for(float i,e,g,v;i++<50.;o+=.02/exp(e*3e4)){v=2.;vec3 p=vec3((FC.xy*v-r)/r.y*g,g);p.yz*=rotate2D(.9);p.y-=.56;for(int j;j++<11;p=abs(p)/e-vec3(.4,4,0))p.xz=length(p.xz)*vec2(cos(e=fract(atan(p.x,p.z)*.955+(j<2?t/3.:s))-.5),e),v/=e=clamp(dot(p,p),.1,.5);g+=e=p.x/v;}
This code seems to be a fragment of a Shader, possibly written in GLSL or a similar shader language.
Let's break down the different parts of this code:
for(float i,e,g,v;i++<50.;o+=.02/exp(e*3e4)): This is a loop running 50 times. i is the loop variable. e, g, and v are other floating-point variables initialized without specific values. The last part of the for loop (o+=.02/exp(e*3e4)) is an operation that seems to be incrementing o by .02 divided by e to the power of 3e4. This increment happens after each iteration of the loop.
v=2.;vec3 p=vec3((FC.xy*v-r)/r.y*g,g);: v is set to 2.0. vec3 seems to be a 3-dimensional vector, and p is a variable of this type. FC.xy might represent the X and Y coordinates of a point, r could represent a radius or other measurement, and g is the previously mentioned float variable.
p.yz*=rotate2D(.9);p.y-=.56;: This line is applying a 2D rotation matrix to the y and z coordinates of p, and then subtracting .56 from the y coordinate of p.
for(int j;j++<11;p=abs(p)/e-vec3(.4,4,0)): This is another loop running 11 times with an integer j. Inside the loop, it modifies p by dividing its absolute value by e and subtracting a vector from it.
p.xz=length(p.xz)*vec2(cos(e=fract(atan(p.x,p.z)*.955+(j<2?t/3.:s))-.5),e),v/=e=clamp(dot(p,p),.1,.5);: This is a complex line involving a lot of mathematical operations on p, including trigonometric functions, vector dot products, and more.
g+=e=p.x/v;: This line seems to be setting e to p.x/v, and then incrementing g by e.
Without more context, it's hard to determine exactly what this code does. It seems to be working with vectors and applying various mathematical transformations to them, which is typical in shader programming. Shaders are used to determine the final color of a pixel in computer graphics, often used for effects like lighting, shading, texture mapping, and post-processing. However, this code snippet is incomplete, and it's not clear what FC, r, t, s, o and some of the other variables represent or where they are initialized. Also, function rotate2D is not defined in this snippet.
Make it human readable?
It's quite difficult to make the code human readable without knowing its full context, but I can try to break it down in simpler terms and add comments. This code is from a shader language, which is often used to create complex visual effects in games and other graphics-intensive applications, so understanding it might require some familiarity with 3D math and shader programming.
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// Define some floating point variables, i, e, g, v
// Loop 50 times, incrementing i each time
for(float i = 0, e, g, v; i < 50; i++) {
// At the end of each loop, increment o by 0.02 divided by e raised to the power of 30000
o += 0.02 / exp(e * 30000);
// Set v to 2
v = 2.0;
// Create a 3D vector p. This seems to involve some other vectors and variables (FC, r) that are not defined in this code snippet
vec3 p = vec3((FC.xy * v - r) / r.y * g, g);
// Rotate the yz coordinates of p by 0.9 (this is a 2D rotation in the yz plane)
// Then subtract 0.56 from the y coordinate
p.yz *= rotate2D(0.9);
p.y -= 0.56;
// Start another loop, this time with an integer j, running 11 times
for(int j = 0; j < 11; j++) {
// In each loop, modify p by dividing its absolute value by e and subtracting a new 3D vector from it
p = abs(p) / e - vec3(0.4, 4, 0);
// More complex operations on p, involving trig functions, vector operations, and a conditional (j<2 ? t/3. : s)
// This part could be calculating a new position for p based on some angle and other parameters
p.xz = length(p.xz) * vec2(cos(e = fract(atan(p.x, p.z) * 0.955 + (j < 2 ? t/3. : s)) - 0.5), e);
// Divide v by e, where e is clamped by dot product of p
v /= e = clamp(dot(p, p), 0.1, 0.5);
// Increment g by e, where e is the ratio of x component of p to v
g += e = p.x / v;
This code appears to be performing some form of graphical calculation or transformation, possibly related to rendering a scene or an object in a 3D environment. However, without the full context and understanding the purpose of the shader or the graphical program, it's hard to provide a more precise explanation.
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