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Created November 6, 2010 18:46
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The plot2Ddist function plots the joint distribution of two variables, with estimated density contours and marginal histograms. Designed to plot paramter distributions for MCMC samples.
import pylab
import numpy
import pymc
import matplotlib.patches
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import scipy.stats
def frac_inside_poly(x,y,polyxy):
"""Calculate the fraction of points x,y inside polygon polyxy.
polyxy -- list of x,y coordinates of vertices.
xy = numpy.vstack([x,y]).transpose()
return float(sum(matplotlib.nxutils.points_inside_poly(xy, polyxy)))/len(x)
def fracs_inside_contours(x, y, contours):
"""Calculate the fraction of points x,y inside each contour level.
contours -- a matplotlib.contour.QuadContourSet
fracs = []
for (icollection, collection) in enumerate(contours.collections):
path = collection.get_paths()[0]
pathxy = path.vertices
frac = frac_inside_poly(x,y,pathxy)
return fracs
def frac_label_contours(x, y, contours, format='%.3f'):
"""Label contours according to the fraction of points x,y inside.
fracs = fracs_inside_contours(x,y,contours)
levels = contours.levels
labels = {}
for (level, frac) in zip(levels, fracs):
labels[level] = format % frac
def contour_enclosing(x, y, fractions, xgrid, ygrid, zvals,
axes, nstart = 200,
*args, **kwargs):
"""Plot contours encompassing specified fractions of points x,y.
# Generate a large set of contours initially.
contours = axes.contour(xgrid, ygrid, zvals, nstart,
# Set up fracs and levs for interpolation.
levs = contours.levels
fracs = numpy.array(fracs_inside_contours(x,y,contours))
sortinds = numpy.argsort(fracs)
levs = levs[sortinds]
fracs = fracs[sortinds]
# Find the levels that give the specified fractions.
levels = scipy.interp(fractions, fracs, levs)
# Remove the old contours from the graph.
for coll in contours.collections:
# Reset the contours
contours.__init__(axes, xgrid, ygrid, zvals, levels, *args, **kwargs)
return contours
def plot2Ddist(variables, axeslist=None, truevalues=None,
trimto=None, thin=1, histbinslist=[100, 100],
labels=None, scaleview=True,
plotscatter=True, plothists=True, plotcontours=True,
contourKDEthin=1, contourNGrid=100,
contourFractions=[0.6827, 0.9545, 0.9973],
labelcontours=True, returncontours=False,
scatterstyle={}, histstyle={}, contourstyle={}, **styleArgs):
"""Plot joint distribution of two variables, with marginal histograms.
The resulting graphic includes (at your discretion):
* a scatter plot of the 2D distribution of the two variables
* estimated density contours for the distribution
* marginal histograms for each variable
See for an example:
> plot2Ddist([a, b], truevalues=[intercept, slope], **styleargs)
The contour plotting can be quite slow for large samples because
of the gaussian kernel density estimation. Try passing a larger
value for contourKDEthin to speed it up.
variables -- list-like of length 2
a list of two array-like or pymc.Variable objects. The lengths
of the arrays or variable traces should be equal.
axeslist -- list-like of length 3
a list of three Matplotlib Axes for: the joint plot, marginal
x histogram, and marginal y histogram, respectively.
truevalues -- list-like of length 2
a list of the true values for each variable
trimto -- int
plot only the last trimto elements of each variable
thin -- int
plot only every thin-th element of each variable
histbinlist -- list-like of length 2
specify the bins (number or limits) for x and y marginal histograms.
labels -- list-like of two strings
the x and y axis labels
scaleview -- bool
whether to set the axes limits according to the plotted data
plotscatter, plothists, plotcontours -- bool
whether to plot the scatter, marginal histograms, and contours
scatterstyle, histstyle, contourstyle -- dict-like
additional keyword arguments for the plot, hist, or contour commands
contourKDEthin -- int
factor by which to thin the samples before calculating the
gaussian kernel density estimate for contouring
contourNGrid -- int
size of the grid to use (in each dimension) for the contour plotting
contourFractions -- list-like
countours are chosen to include the fractions of points specified here
labelcontours -- bool
whether to label the contours with the fraction of points enclosed
styleArgs --
leftover arguments are passed to both the plot and hist commands
### Set up figures and axes. ###
if axeslist is None:
fig1 = pylab.figure(figsize=(6,6))
ax1 = pylab.gca()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax1)
ax2 = divider.append_axes("top", 1.5, pad=0.0, sharex=ax1)
ax3 = divider.append_axes("right", 1.5, pad=0.0, sharey=ax1)
for tl in (ax2.get_xticklabels() + ax2.get_yticklabels() +
ax3.get_xticklabels() + ax3.get_yticklabels()):
axeslist = (ax1, ax2, ax3)
ax1, ax2, ax3 = axeslist
# Thin and trim variables.
if labels is None:
passedlabels = False
labels = [None, None]
passedlabels = True
for (ivar, variable) in enumerate(variables):
# Get the trace if this is a pymc.Variable object.
if isinstance(variable, pymc.Variable):
variables[ivar] = variable.trace()
if hasattr(variable, '__name__') and not passedlabels:
labels[ivar] = variable.__name__
if trimto is None:
trimto = len(variables[0])
x = variables[0][-trimto::thin]
y = variables[1][-trimto::thin]
### Plot the variables. ###
# Plot 2D scatter of variables.
if plotscatter:
style = {'ls':'', 'marker':',', 'color':'r', 'alpha':'0.5'}
ax1.plot(x, y, **style)
if plotcontours:
xkde = variables[0][-trimto::contourKDEthin]
ykde = variables[1][-trimto::contourKDEthin]
# Inspired by Abraham Flaxman's
style = {'linewidths':2.0, 'alpha':0.75, 'colors':'k',
if 'color' in style:
style['colors'] = style['color']
gkde = scipy.stats.gaussian_kde([xkde,ykde])
xgrid, ygrid = numpy.mgrid[min(x):max(x):contourNGrid * 1j,
min(y):max(y):contourNGrid * 1j]
zvals = numpy.array(gkde.evaluate([xgrid.flatten(),
contours = contour_enclosing(x, y, contourFractions,
xgrid, ygrid, zvals,
ax1, **style)
# Plot marginal histograms.
if plothists:
style = {'histtype':'step', 'normed':True, 'color':'k'}
ax2.hist(x, histbinslist[0], **style)
ax3.hist(y, histbinslist[1], orientation='horizontal', **style)
# Plot lines for the true values.
if truevalues is not None:
ax1.axvline(x=truevalues[0], ls=':', c='k')
ax1.axhline(y=truevalues[1], ls=':', c='k')
ax2.axvline(x=truevalues[0], ls=':', c='k')
ax3.axhline(y=truevalues[1], ls=':', c='k')
if scaleview:
if labels[0] is not None:
if labels[1] is not None:
if plotcontours and labelcontours:
frac_label_contours(x, y, contours)
if plotcontours and returncontours:
return axeslist, contours
return axeslist
"""An example of plot2Ddist.
Based on an example by Anand Patil:
import pymc as pm
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pl
# Set up parameters. Our model is y = a + b x + c x^2
a = pm.Uninformative('a',0)
b = pm.Uninformative('b',0)
c = pm.Uninformative('c',0)
v = pm.OneOverX('v',1)
# Locations of observations.
nx = 10
span = 5.0
x = np.linspace(-span/2,span/2,nx)
# Generate mock set of data.
slope = 2.0
intercept = 1.0
curve = 3.0
sigma = 3.0
data = (x**2)*curve + x*slope - intercept + np.random.normal(size=len(x))*sigma
# Observed variable.
y = pm.Normal('y',a+b*x+c*x**2,1./v,value=data,observed=True)
ypred = pm.Normal('ypred',a+b*x+c*x**2,1./v)
# Set up MCMC chain.
M = pm.MCMC([a,b,c,v,y,ypred])
M.use_step_method(pm.AdaptiveMetropolis, [a,b,c,v])
# Sample.
# Plot the function and envelope.
env = pm.Matplot.func_envelopes(ypred)
for e in env:
# Plot the parameter distribution from the samples.
from plot2Ddist import plot2Ddist
scatterstyle={'color':'r', 'alpha':0.5}
styleargs = {'color':'k', 'scatterstyle':scatterstyle}
plot2Ddist([a, b], truevalues=[intercept, slope], **styleargs)
plot2Ddist([a, c], truevalues=[intercept, curve], **styleargs)
plot2Ddist([b, c], truevalues=[slope, curve], **styleargs)
#plot2Ddist([a, v], truevalues=[intercept, sigma**2], **styleargs)
#plot2Ddist([b, v], truevalues=[slope, sigma**2], **styleargs)
#plot2Ddist([c, v], truevalues=[curve, sigma**2], **styleargs)
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roban commented Nov 6, 2010

The plot2Ddist function plots the joint distribution of two variables, with estimated density contours and marginal histograms.

Also includes code allowing the contours to be specified by the fraction of points contained inside them, which can be used to plot, for example, Bayesian credible regions (also called confidence regions) from samples in a Monte Carlo Markov Chain.



to see example plots of pymc chains (three using this code, one using the func_envelope function in pymc).


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