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Last active June 7, 2023 06:31
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Notes on "Steering AI for the Public Good: A Dialogue for the Future" panel (2023-06-06 at IAS)

"Steering AI for the Public Good: A Dialogue for the Future"

2023-06-06 at IAS

Youtube Recording

panel flyer


  • Alondra Nelson
  • Miranda Bogen
  • Brian Christian
  • Sorelle Friedler
  • William Isaac

Nelson's intro

Nelson: WH OSTP; AI Bill of Rights

OSTP creation 1976 in 1976 by legislation mentioning "mitigate risk"

Nelson's intro includes lots of mention of "alignment"

  • "Thick Alignment" a la Geertz

  • panelists were at IAS for a working group on AI policy related to AI Bill of Rights

risks include:

  • destabilization of worker experience
  • bias/disc.
  • security
  • mis/dis info
  • catastrophic outcomes (extinction risk)

Bogen -- Meta, partnership on AI

Christian -- "The Alignment Problem" book

Friedler - Haverford CS, OSTP, FAccT, Google X (and Swarthmore)

Isaac -- HR DAG, Deepmind

First round of remarks

Bogen - expand notion of "user"

  • 'future generations" "extremely long-term

Christian - RLHF, values from corpus, human raters (low-wage, but perhaps enfrachised in a way?)

Friedler- metrics, notions of difference / inclusion (demo. groups)

  • non-LLM models, less attention but probably greater impact today

Isaac - stakeholders, public access - APIs for evaluation\

  • independent eval.

Labor hiring, employment

  • Isaac - displacement, training data (compensation for artists, etc.)

  • augmentvs.displace

Friedler - how an input/correction from humans gets used

  • e. g. "self-driving" cars that need drivers - can these jobs be worthwhile?\
  • we have agency (writer's strike)

Christian - hiring will be changed

Bogen - system cards: whole system, not just isolated models

Civil rights / liberties

Bogen - fight for rights and liberties is a process, aiming for progress, never finished

How are these rights/fights manifest in the AI context?

  • conversations about AI are a reminder of values we want to re-visit, protect
  • leave room for improvement vs. "lock in"

Friedler - need new tools (not just technical) rather than new rights

  • transparency mechanisms

Energy Consumption / Resources

shift from blockchain -> LLMs

public goods?

Friedler - convo crypto on energy use was encouraging, actually

  • AI engergy use similar in scale? less transparency

Christian - climatet and AI risks are very similar

  • alignment → numerical objective == externalities

  • "climate is an alignment problem"

  • AI objective is capitalism, given incentives of the orgs that train them

Alignment (thick)

  • hard to think about values at societal level

Christian --

one heartenin gstory of AI progress: CV went from carefully hand-crafted features and training data to models that can learn everything from just images

  • RLHF is similar? learn values from positive/negative feedback without needing to articulate them explicitly. It seems to work!

  • Challenge: heterogeneous values. Current methods assume there's some average set of values that can be discovered and heterogeneity is just noise.

  • All the AI alignment folks he knows are now reading Poli Sci to try to understand collective decision-making.


  • thinksofCVworkingwellinWesternhouseholds(to recongnize chair, table, etc), but not in non-Western contexts

at Deepmind:

  • rule-based

  • transparency about RLHF

encouraing progress? machine translation, working better and better, even for low-resource languages. works well now!


  • lots of good use cases for AI
  • increasing public recognition that it's not magic
  • e.g. help Dr.s, not replace
  • human in loop, guidance


  • can make things faster, easier, less expensive
  • does that make more room for important things?
  • embed values in key systems that get widely used -> less need for many separate enforcement actions?

policy steps:

  • not one right thing

  • take actions today to raise the floor, move on to harder things

Policy takeaways

  • Christian - alignment will be messy, not elegant CS solutions

  • layers of law, agencies, etc. Bogen - lots of open Qs

  • don't let that stop us

  • act and learn more - over decades

Friedler - sector-specific approach - e.g. HHS, Dept. of Labor - domain experts, technical support

Isaac - many conversations mash together the tech and the application

  • generic eval vs. application-specific eval
  • encourage disclosure of evaluation data / metrics, transparency about performance
  • invest in research! build capacity to understand not just CS, need social science etc.


Q: Educate users?

Bogen: research suggests education not automatically effective

Friedler - ed. is not enough. need rules, not just personal responsibility/education

Q: Hinton "pause"? other cultures?

Christian- shows overton window has shifted

Isaac - large firms vs. community efforts: this needs to be taken into account in thinking about regs

Nelson - wonders if calls for facial rec. moratoria informed calls for AI pause?

Q: Static rep. of human values vs. dynamic application context


  • trolley prob. vs. impact of self-driving cars at scale on traffic patterns

  • Social media effects over time what infra do we need to deal w that?

Isaac - institution building

  • collective decision-making

  • governance /government

  • provide space for dynamic responce

Friedler - systems are monitored already\

  • intervention point:include variety of value-based metrics


  • metrics are value-laden

  • don't subsume that in technical decisions made by isolated engineers, need broader conversation

Q: LLMs just store information and plagarize?

Isaac - they store, but can do more?

  • Still working out limits

  • not magic, but range is impressive

Bogen - AI is a variety of things

  • remember there's more than one technology
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