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Last active March 25, 2024 14:41
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  • Save robandpdx/86831d48ab7312f844a9e4ec2348b30a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robandpdx/86831d48ab7312f844a9e4ec2348b30a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Splitting large commits that prevent push to GitHub

You have discovered some very large commits in a repo history that prevent pushing the repo to GitHub, even when attempting to do a chunked push. These commits are larger that the push limit of 2G.

There are a few options for dealing with these large commits to unblock pushing to GitHub.

  1. delete the commit
  2. split the commit

Both options will rewrite the repo history. Deleting the commit can be problematic if there are later commits that depend on the commit being deleted. Spliting the commit into smaller chunks is a better option. We have created the chunk commit script to help commit the files from the large commit in smaller batches. After this has been done, chunked push script should work as expected.

Split a large commit

  1. Run git log --oneline and choose a commit older than the one you want to split. Note the commit sha.
  2. Then run git rebase -i <sha>. Change the text from pick to edit for the commit you want to split. Save and exit the editor.
  3. Run git reset HEAD^
  4. Now do git add... and git commit... as needed to make several commits from the unstaged files. Use the chunk commit script if there are lots of file.
  5. Once you have added and committed all the files, run git rebase --continue to complete the rebase.
[[ -z $SHA ]] && SHA=${1}
MSG=$(git log -1 --pretty="%B" "${SHA}")
(( LIMIT=1000 ))
(( COUNT=0 ))
for FILE in $(git ls-files --others --deleted --modified); do
git add "${FILE}"
if (( COUNT == LIMIT )); then
git commit -m "PARTIAL COMMIT: ${MSG}"
git commit -m "PARTIAL COMMIT: ${MSG}"
########################## #####################################
# Repositories larger than 2GB cannot be pushed to
# This script attempts to push one branch from such a repository in
# chunks smaller than 2GB. Make sure to use SSH as push protocol as
# HTTPS frequently runs into trouble with these large pushes.
# Run this script within the repository and pass the name of the
# remote as first argument.
# The script creates some temporary local and remote references with names like
# refs/github-sevices/chunked-upload/*
# If it completes successfully, it will clean up those references.
# Example: origin
# Set to exit on error #
set -e
# DRY_RUN can be set (either by uncommenting the following line or by
# setting it via the environment) to test this script without doing
# any any actual pushes.
# MAX_PUSH_SIZE is the maximum estimated size of a push that will be
# attempted. Note that this is only an estimate, so it should probably
# be set smaller than any hard limits. However, even if it is too big,
# the script should succeed (though that makes it more likely that
# pushes will fail and have to be retried).
# VARS #
# Default max push size is 1GB
# Remote to push towards, default origin
# Prefix for temorary refs created
# Tip commit of the current branch that we want to push to GitHub
HEAD="$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)"
# Name of the current branch that we want to push to GitHub
BRANCH="$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)"
# Options to push
########################## FUNCTIONS BELOW #####################################
#### Function Header ###########################################################
Header() {
echo ""
echo "-------------------------------"
echo "-- Push repository in chunks --"
echo "-------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "Gathering information from local repository..."
#### Function Git_Push #########################################################
Git_Push() {
if test -n "${DRY_RUN}"; then
# Just show what push command would be run, without actually
# running it:
echo git push "$@"
git push "$@"
#### Function Estimate_Size ####################################################
Estimate_Size() {
# usage: Estimate_Size [REV]
# Return the estimated total on-disk size of all unpushed objects that
# are reachable from REV (or ${HEAD}, if REV is not specified).
local REV=''
git for-each-ref --format='^%(objectname)' "${REF_PREFIX}" |
git rev-list --objects "${REV}" --stdin |
awk '{print $1}' |
git cat-file --batch-check='%(objectsize:disk)' |
awk 'BEGIN {sum = 0} {sum += $1} END {print sum}'
#### Function Check_Size #######################################################
Check_Size() {
# usage: Check_Size [REV]
# Check whether a push of REV (or ${HEAD}, if REV is not specified) is
# estimated to be within $MAX_PUSH_SIZE.
local REV=''
local SIZE=''
SIZE="$(Estimate_Size "${REV}")"
if test "${SIZE}" -gt "${MAX_PUSH_SIZE}"; then
echo >&2 "size of push is predicted to be too large: ${SIZE} bytes"
return 1
echo >&2 "predicted push size: ${SIZE} bytes"
#### Function Push_Branch ######################################################
Push_Branch() {
# usage: Push_Branch
# Check whether a push of ${BRANCH} to ${REMOTE} is likely to be within
# $MAX_PUSH_SIZE. If so, try to push it. If not, emit an informational
# message and return an error.
Check_Size &&
Git_Push ${PUSH_OPTS} --force "${REMOTE}" "${HEAD}:refs/heads/${BRANCH}"
#### Function Push_Rev #########################################################
Push_Rev() {
# usage: Push_Branch REV
# Check whether a push of REV to ${REMOTE} is likely to be within
# $MAX_PUSH_SIZE. If so, try to push it to a temporary reference. If
# not, emit an informational message and return an error.
local REV="$1"
Check_Size "${REV}" &&
Git_Push ${PUSH_OPTS} --force "${REMOTE}" "${REV}:${REF_PREFIX}/${REV}"
#### Function Push_Chunk #######################################################
Push_Chunk() {
# usage: Push_Chunk
# Try to push a portion of the contents of ${HEAD}, such that the amount
# to be pushed is estimated to be less than $MAX_PUSH_SIZE. This is
# done using the same algorithm as 'git bisect'; namely, by
# successively halving of the number of commits until the size of the
# commits to be pushed is less than $MAX_PUSH_SIZE. For simplicity and
# to avoid extra estimation work, instead of trying to find the
# optimum number of commits to push, we stop as soon as we find a
# range that meets the criterion. This will typically result in a push
# with a size approximately in the range
# $MAX_PUSH_SIZE / 2 <= size <= $MAX_PUSH_SIZE
while true; do
# find a new midpoint, this call sets ${bisect_rev} and $bisect_steps
# Note: $bisect_rev and $bisect_steps are ENV vars and need to be lower case
eval "$(
git for-each-ref --format='^%(objectname)' "${REF_PREFIX}" |
git rev-list --bisect-vars "${CHUNK_SIZE}" --stdin
# Check to see if we have hit the bottom and cant get smaller
if [ "${bisect_rev}" == "${LAST_REV}" ] && [ -n "${bisect_rev}" ] && [ -n "${LAST_REV}" ]; then
echo >&2 "We have hit the smallest commit:[${bisect_rev}] and its larger than allowed upload size!"
exit 1
# Try to push the bisect rev
echo >&2 "attempting to push:[${bisect_rev}]..."
if Push_Rev "${bisect_rev}"; then
# Success
echo >&2 "push succeeded!"
git update-ref "${REF_PREFIX}/${bisect_rev}" "${bisect_rev}"
# Failure
echo >&2 "push failed; trying a smaller chunk"
# Set the local vars
############################### MAIN ###########################################
# Header #
# Start to push the chunks #
while ! Push_Branch ; do
echo >&2 "trying a partial push"
# Clean up the local temporary references #
git for-each-ref --format='delete %(refname)' "${REF_PREFIX}" |
git update-ref --stdin
# Clean up the remote temporary references #
Git_Push ${PUSH_OPTS} --prune "${REMOTE}" "${REF_PREFIX}/*:${REF_PREFIX}/*"
##################### Push Local Branches individually #########################
# Legend:
# This script should be run from inside the local repository
# It will get a list of all local branches, checkout the individual branch,
# and push it to the remote.
# VARS #
MAIN_BRANCH="master" # Default branch main or master usually
BRANCH_LIST=() # List of all branches found in repository locally
BRANCH_COUNT=0 # Count of branches pushed to remote
TOTAL_BRANCHES=0 # Total count of branches found
COUNTER=0 # Current branch were pushing
ERROR_COUNT=0 # Count of all failed pushes
# Header #
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "Push Local Branches individually to remote"
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo ""
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "Main branch set to:[${MAIN_BRANCH}]"
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo ""
# Check to see we are on the main or master branch #
BRANCH_NAME=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
if [ "${BRANCH_NAME}" != "${MAIN_BRANCH}" ]; then
# Error
echo "ERROR! You need to currently have checked out the branch:[$MAIN_BRANCH] to run the script!"
exit 1
# Populate the list with all branches #
mapfile -t BRANCH_LIST < <(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname:short)' refs/heads/)
# Get total count of branches #
# Go through all branches found locally and push to remote #
for BRANCH in "${BRANCH_LIST[@]}";
# Increment the counter
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "Branch [${COUNTER}] of [${TOTAL_BRANCHES}]"
echo "Checking out git Branch:[${BRANCH}]"
git checkout "${BRANCH}"
echo "Pushing git branch to remote..."
if ! git push --force --set-upstream origin "${BRANCH}";
# Increment error count
echo "ERROR_CODE:[$?]"
# Increment branch count
# Footer #
echo "-----------------------------------------"
echo "Pushed:[${BRANCH_COUNT}] of [${TOTAL_BRANCHES}] branches to remote"
echo "-----------------------------------------"
exit 0
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