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Created October 9, 2017 17:42
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procmailrc for format conversion
# Convert old-style inline PGP messages to MIME
* !^Content-Type: message/
* !^Content-Type: multipart/
* !^Content-Type: application/pgp
:0 fBw
* ^-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
* ^-----END PGP MESSAGE-----
| formail \
-i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=encrypt"
:0 fBw
* ^-----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
| formail \
-i "Content-Type: application/pgp; format=text; x-action=sign"
# Preconverts all plain-text mail arriving in certain encoded
# MIME formats into a more compact 8-bit format which can be
# used and displayed more easily by most programs.
* ^Content-Type: *text/plain
:0 fbw
* ^Content-Transfer-Encoding: *quoted-printable
| mimencode -u -q
:0 Afhw
| $FORMAIL -I "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
:0 fbw
* ^Content-Transfer-Encoding: *base64
| mimencode -u -b
:0 Afhw
| $FORMAIL -I "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit"
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