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Last active April 27, 2016 14:30
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  • Save robbiemu/d38e7b691cc102fa5eb6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save robbiemu/d38e7b691cc102fa5eb6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a script I was using to reformat the presentation of game data for heroes of the Storm at
// ==UserScript==
// @name HotSLogs Role Sorting icons
// @namespace
// @version v1 Lunara build
// @description Provides roll icons for each class, which are clickable to toggle hiding of other classes
// @author Robbiemu
// @include /https?\:\/\/\//
// @require
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
MoaH = {
"warrior": ["Anubarak","Tyrael","Johanna","Sonya","Arthas","Muradin","Chen","Diablo","ETC","Stitches","Leoric", "Rexxar", "Artanis", "Chogall", "Cho"],
"support": ["Brightwing","Rehgar","Uther","LiLi","Tyrande","Malfurion","Tassadar","Kharazim", "LtMorales"],
"assassin": ["Jaina","Kaelthas","Zeratul","Illidan","Kerrigan","Thrall","Falstad","Nova","Valla","Raynor","Tychus","TheButcher", "Chogall", "Gall", "Lunara"],
"specialist": ["TheLostVikings","Murky","Sylvanas","Nazeebo","Zagara","Azmodan","Gazlowe","Abathur","SgtHammer"]
Subroles = {
"Burst Damage": ["#E33B3B", ["Jaina", "Kaelthas"]],
"Bruiser": ["#E3A23B", ["Anubarak", "Artanis", "Arthas", "Leoric", "Sonya", "Tyrael"]],
"Sustained Damage": ["#E33B8E", ["Falstad", "Gall", "Illidan", "Nazeebo", "Raynor", "Thrall", "Tychus", "Valla", "Lunara"]],
"Tank": ["#CCCC99", ["Chen", "Cho", "Chogall", "Diablo", "ETC", "Johanna", "Muradin", "Rexxar", "Stitches"]],
"Ambusher": ["#E3E33B", ["Kerrigan", "Nova", "TheButcher", "Zeratul"]],
"Healer": ["#3BE33B", ["Brightwing", "Kharazim", "LiLi", "LtMorales", "Malfurion", "Rehgar", "Uther"]],
"Siege": ["#A660E8", ["Azmodan", "Gazlowe", "SgtHammer", "Sylvanas", "Zagara"]],
"Support": ["#60CDCD", ["Tassadar", "Tyrande"]],
"Utility": ["#DDDDDD", ["Abathur", "Murky", "TheLostVikings"]]
function hexToRgb(hex) {
var result = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(hex);
return result ? {
r: parseInt(result[1], 16),
g: parseInt(result[2], 16),
b: parseInt(result[3], 16)
} : null;
function formatHeroesTable() {
jQ('thead tr[role=row] > th[scope=col]:contains("Hero"), thead tr > th[scope=col] > a:contains("Hero")').parents('table').each(function(i,datatable) {
console.log("formatting heroes table");
jQ(Object.keys(MoaH)).each(function(k,role) {
var image = '<img src="'+role+'.png" data-title="'+ role.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + role.slice(1) +'" style="max-width: 20px; margin-right: 2px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);" />';
jQ(MoaH[role]).each(function(k,hero) {
jQ(jQ(image).insertBefore(jQ(datatable).find('tbody tr img[id$=imgcolumn][src*='+hero+']')).parents('tr')[0]).addClass(role);
jQ('img[data-title='+role.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+role.slice(1)+']').click(function() {
jQ(datatable).find('tbody tr:not(.'+role+')').toggle();
function() {
jQ(this).attr("title", jQ(this).data("title"));
function() {
jQ(Object.keys(Subroles)).each(function(k,role) {
var bgcA = hexToRgb(Subroles[role][0]);
var bgc = "rgb(" + bgcA.r + "," + bgcA.g + "," + bgcA.b + ")";
jQ(Subroles[role][1]).each(function(k,hero) {
jQ('tbody tr img[id$=imgcolumn][src*='+hero+']').parent().css("background-color", bgc);
jQ(document).ready(function() {
jQ(jQ('#DataTables_Table_0 > tbody tr')[Math.floor(jQ('#DataTables_Table_0 > tbody tr').length/2)]).css("backgroundColor", "silver")
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