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Robbie Trencheny robbiet480

terminally online
View GitHub Profile
"basics": {
"name": "Robert Trencheny",
"label": "Head Of Infrastructure at Flatfile Inc.",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "9258843728",
"website": "",
"summary": "Experienced Internet Consultant with a demonstrated history of working in the internet industry. Skilled in Web Applications, Amazon Web Services (AWS), PaaS, Docker and Kubernetes. Strong operations professional graduated from Y Combinator. ",
"location": {
robbiet480 / Collect_Instagram_Ad_Interests.js
Created June 20, 2019 22:18
A lil script to collect all of your Instagram ad interests automatically so you don't have to keep clicking "Show More".
// 1. On your computer, go to
// 2. Open dev tools by right clicking on the page and selecting "Inspect"
// 3. Click Console
// 4. Paste the following code
// 5. Hit enter
// 6. Wait
// 7. It will print out your list of interests once its done.
var allInterests = [];
robbiet480 / swift4-icons.stencil
Created May 15, 2019 04:49
A SwiftGen template for generating icon enums and helpers.
// swiftlint:disable all
// Generated using SwiftGen —
import UIKit
{% if families %}
{% set accessModifier %}{% if param.publicAccess %}public{% else %}internal{% endif %}{% endset %}
{% for family in families %}
{% set enumName %}{{param.enumName|}}{% endset %}
/** A wrapper class for Objective-C compatibility. */
robbiet480 / extract_watch_image_sizes.js
Created October 1, 2018 14:08
Extract image dimensions from the watchOS HIG
// Run this on
function pascalCase(str) {
var fixed = str.replace(/(\w)(\w*)/g, function(g0,g1,g2){return g1.toUpperCase() + g2.toLowerCase();}).split(' ').join('');
if(fixed.indexOf('(') > -1) {
fixed = fixed.substring(0, fixed.indexOf('('));
return fixed;
robbiet480 /
Last active July 23, 2018 23:15
A script to install Lets Encrypt certificates generated by Dehydrated into FreeNAS
Import and activate a SSL/TLS certificate generated by into FreeNAS 11.1 or later
Uses the FreeNAS API to make the change, so everything's properly saved
in the config database and captured in a backup.
Requires paths to the cert (including the any intermediate CA certs) and
private key, and username, password, and FQDN of your FreeNAS system.
"name": "Nazran, Russia (%u0)",
"key": "%u0",
"latitude": "43.323815",
"longitude": "45.017761"
"name": "Youngstown, United States (04G)",
"key": "04G",
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
"key": "UTK",
"longitude": "169.86667",
"iso": "MH",
"status": 1,
"name": "Utirik Airport",
"continent": "OC",
"type": "airport",
"latitude": "11.233333",
robbiet480 / Sample a Motorola SB6121 Surfboard's Signal
Created April 30, 2017 22:39 — forked from jeffp123/Sample a Motorola SB6121 Surfboard's Signal
This script is meant to be run with the Motorola SB6121 Surfboard Modem.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Sample a Motorola Surfboard modem's signal.
This script is meant to be run with the Motorola SB6121 Surfboard Modem.
If you run it on a different modem, it might not work, but it's worth a try...
It should be run as a cron job, every minute (or whatever interval you'd like)
into a text file. The file can later be used by a json parser to analyze the
import colorsys
def hsb2rgb(hsb):
Transforms a hsb array to the corresponding rgb tuple
In: hsb = array of three ints (h between 0 and 360, s and v between 0 and 100)
Out: rgb = array of three ints (between 0 and 255)
H = float(hsb[0] / 360.0)
S = float(hsb[1] / 100.0)
robbiet480 /
Last active February 4, 2017 09:09
A Python 3/asyncio implementation of DACP discovery and pairing for use with iTunes or Apple TV (tested on aTV Generation 4)
import asyncio
import aiohttp
from aiohttp import web
from zeroconf import ServiceInfo, ServiceBrowser, Zeroconf
import socket
import struct
import random
import hashlib