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Created November 8, 2020 09:12
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import sys
import inspect
def identity(x):
return x
def trampoline(f):
def wrapped(*args):
res = f(*args)
print(f"current recursion depth before unwrapping: {len(inspect.stack(0))}")
while hasattr(res, '__call__'):
res = res()
print(f"current recursion depth after unwrapping: {len(inspect.stack(0))}")
return res
return wrapped
class Solution(object):
# Problem: decorating the thunk causes the trampoline to be called from the thunk, thus evaluating the thunk.
def uniquePaths(self, m, n, cont=identity):
:type m: int
:type n: int
:rtype: int
print("m={},n={}".format(m, n))
if m == 1 or n == 1:
return cont(1)
return lambda: self.uniquePaths(m-1, n, lambda x: self.uniquePaths(m, n-1, lambda y: cont(x + y)))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Solution().uniquePaths(4, 3)
#Solution().uniquePaths(23, 12)
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