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Created December 12, 2023 16:40
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This piece of code gets fake data with the appropriate characteristics from my trading backtesting system:
import datetime
from systems.provided.basic.system import basic_db_futures_system
system = basic_db_futures_system()
sp500 = system.rawdata.get_daily_percentage_returns('SP500')
us10 = system.rawdata.get_daily_percentage_returns('US10')
us10 = us10.reindex(sp500.index)
import pandas as pd
both = pd.concat([sp500, us10], axis=1)
both.columns = ['equity', 'bonds']
both = both.dropna()
us10 = both.bonds
equity = both.equity
adj = 0.05 / (us10.std()*16)
us10 = adj*us10
adj= (0.035/256) - us10.mean()
us10 = us10+adj
adj = 0.17 / (sp500.std()*16)
sp500 = adj * sp500
adj= (0.0575/256) - sp500.mean()
sp500 = sp500+adj
both = pd.concat([sp500, us10], axis=1)
both.columns = ['equity', 'bonds']
from syscore.interactive.display import set_pd_print_options
import pickle
import matplotlib
import pandas as pd
def pd_readcsv(
filename: str,
date_index_name: str = "index",
date_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
df = pd.read_csv(filename)
## Add time index as index
df = add_datetime_index(
df=df, date_index_name=date_index_name, date_format=date_format
return df
def add_datetime_index(
df: pd.DataFrame,
date_index_name: str,
date_format: str = "%Y-%m-%d",
) -> pd.DataFrame:
date_index = df[date_index_name]
date_index = date_index.astype(str)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(date_index, format=date_format).values
del df[date_index_name] = None
return df
data = pd_readcsv('/home/rob/temp/optimisation_data.csv')
import random
risk_free =.025
def single_bootstrap(data: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
len_data= len(data)
list_of_rows = [data.iloc[random.randint(0,len_data-1)].values for __ in range(len_data)]
list_of_rows = pd.DataFrame(list_of_rows)
list_of_rows.index = data.index
list_of_rows.columns = data.columns
return list_of_rows
allocation = dict(equity=.6, bonds=.4)
def apply_portfolio_weights(data: pd.DataFrame, allocation: dict) -> pd.Series:
weighted_returns = [data[instrument]*allocation[instrument] for instrument in allocation.keys()]
weighted_returns = pd.concat(weighted_returns, axis=1)
return weighted_returns.sum(axis=1)
def apply_leverage_and_portfolio_weights(data: pd.DataFrame, leverage: float, allocation: dict) -> pd.Series:
portfolio_returns = apply_portfolio_weights(data, allocation=allocation)
leveraged_returns = portfolio_returns * leverage
annual_borrowing_cost = risk_free*(leverage-1)
daily_borrowing_cost = annual_borrowing_cost / 256
return leveraged_returns - daily_borrowing_cost
def single_bootstrap_applying_leverage_and_portfolio_weights(data: pd.DataFrame, leverage: float, allocation: dict):
returns_for_bootstrap = single_bootstrap(data)
return apply_leverage_and_portfolio_weights(data=returns_for_bootstrap, leverage=leverage, allocation=allocation)
def multiple_geometric_mean_bootstrap(data: pd.DataFrame, leverage: float, allocation: dict, number_of_runs: int = 50) -> pd.Series:
values = [annual_geometric_return_given_account_curve(single_bootstrap_applying_leverage_and_portfolio_weights(
data=data, leverage=leverage, allocation=allocation
for __ in range(number_of_runs)]
return pd.Series(values)
def annual_geometric_return_given_account_curve(account_curve: pd.Series) -> float:
terminal_value = terminal_value_given_account_curve(account_curve)
return annual_geometric_return_given_terminal_value(terminal_value, len(account_curve))
def terminal_value_given_account_curve(account_curve: pd.Series) -> float:
one_plus = account_curve+1
cumulative_returns = one_plus.cumprod()
return cumulative_returns.iloc[-1]
import math
def annual_geometric_return_given_terminal_value(terminal_value:float, number_of_points: int) -> float:
return (1+daily_geometric_return_given_terminal_value(terminal_value, number_of_points))**256-1
import numpy as np
def daily_geometric_return_given_terminal_value(terminal_value:float, number_of_points: int) -> float:
return math.exp((1/number_of_points)*math.log(terminal_value))-1
return np.nan
x1=multiple_geometric_mean_bootstrap(data, 1.0, allocation, 1000)
x2=multiple_geometric_mean_bootstrap(data, 2.0, allocation, 1000)
leverage_options = [1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, 2.173, 2.5, 3.5, 4.346, 5.0]
all_results = {}
for l in leverage_options:
all_results[l] = multiple_geometric_mean_bootstrap(data, l, allocation, 250)
perc90 = [x.quantile(.9) for x in all_results.values()]
perc75 = [x.quantile(.75) for x in all_results.values()]
medians = [x.median() for x in all_results.values()]
perc25 = [x.quantile(.25) for x in all_results.values()]
perc10 = [x.quantile(.1) for x in all_results.values()]
all = pd.DataFrame({90: perc90, 75: perc75, 50: medians, 25: perc25, 10: perc10}, index =leverage_options)
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np
def optimise_with_corr_and_std(mean_list, stdev_list, corrmatrix):
sigma = sigma_from_corr_and_std(stdev_list, corrmatrix)
weights = optimise_with_sigma(sigma, mean_list)
return weights
def sigma_from_corr_and_std(stdev_list, corrmatrix):
stdev = np.array(stdev_list, ndmin=2).transpose()
sigma = stdev * corrmatrix * stdev
return sigma
def optimise_with_sigma(sigma, mean_list):
mus = np.array(mean_list, ndmin=2).transpose()
number_assets = sigma.shape[1]
start_weights = [1.0 / number_assets] * number_assets
# Constraints - positive weights, adding to 1.0
bounds = [(0.0, 1.0)] * number_assets
cdict = [{'type': 'eq', 'fun': addem}]
ans = minimize(
start_weights, (sigma, mus),
weights = ans['x']
return weights
def neg_sharpe_ratio(weights, sigma, mus):
# Returns minus the portfolio sharpe ratio (as we're minimising)
weights = np.matrix(weights)
estreturn = (weights * mus)[0, 0]
std_dev = (variance(weights, sigma)**.5)
return -(estreturn - risk_free) / std_dev
def portfolio_stdev(weights, sigma):
std_dev = (variance(weights, sigma)**.5)
return std_dev
def variance(weights, sigma):
# returns the variance (NOT standard deviation) given weights and sigma
return (weights * sigma * weights.transpose())[0, 0]
def addem(weights):
# Used for constraints
gap = 1.0 - sum(weights)
return gap
optimise_with_corr_and_std([.035,.0575], [0.05,0.17], np.array([[1,0.0],[0.0,1]]))
optimise_with_corr_and_std([.035,.0575], [0.05,0.17], np.array([[1,0.65],[0.65,1]]))
def risk_weights_from_cas_weights(cash_weights: np.array, stdev: np.array) -> np.array:
approx_weights = cash_weights * stdev
sum_approx = np.sum(approx_weights)
return approx_weights / sum_approx
risk_weights_from_cash_weights(np.array([0.77857023, 0.22142977]), np.array([0.05,0.17]))
def multiple_sharpe_ratio_bootstrap_allocation_to_equities(data: pd.DataFrame, leverage: float, allocation_to_equities: float, number_of_runs: int = 50) -> pd.Series:
allocation['equity'] = allocation_to_equities
allocation['bonds'] = 1-allocation_to_equities
values = [annual_sharpe_ratio_given_account_curve(single_bootstrap_applying_leverage_and_portfolio_weights(
data=data, leverage=leverage, allocation=allocation
for __ in range(number_of_runs)]
return pd.Series(values)
def annual_sharpe_ratio_given_account_curve(account_curve: pd.Series)-> float:
sr= 16*account_curve.mean()/account_curve.std()
return sr
allocation_options = [0., 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, .5, .6, .7, .8,.9, 1.0]
all_results = {}
for a in allocation_options:
all_results[a] = multiple_sharpe_ratio_bootstrap_allocation_to_equities(data, leverage=1.0, allocation_to_equities=a, number_of_runs=250)
import pickle
with open('/home/rob/temp/', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(all_results, f)
perc90 = [x.quantile(.9) for x in all_results.values()]
perc75 = [x.quantile(.75) for x in all_results.values()]
medians = [x.median() for x in all_results.values()]
perc25 = [x.quantile(.25) for x in all_results.values()]
perc10 = [x.quantile(.1) for x in all_results.values()]
all = pd.DataFrame({90: perc90, 75: perc75, 50: medians, 25: perc25, 10: perc10}, index =allocation_options)
def multiple_geometric_mean_bootstrap_allocation_to_equities(data: pd.DataFrame, leverage: float, allocation_to_equities: float, number_of_runs: int = 50) -> pd.Series:
allocation['equity'] = allocation_to_equities
allocation['bonds'] = 1-allocation_to_equities
values = [annual_geometric_return_given_account_curve(single_bootstrap_applying_leverage_and_portfolio_weights(
data=data, leverage=leverage, allocation=allocation
for __ in range(number_of_runs)]
return pd.Series(values)
leverage_options = np.arange(start=1.0, stop=10.0, step=0.25)
allocation_options = [0., 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, .5, .6, .7, .8,.9, 1.0]
joint_results = {}
for a in allocation_options:
joint_results[a] = {}
for l in leverage_options:
joint_results[a][l]= multiple_geometric_mean_bootstrap_allocation_to_equities(data, leverage=l, allocation_to_equities=a, number_of_runs=250)
with open('/home/rob/temp/', 'wb') as f:
pickle.dump(joint_results, f)
leverage_options = np.arange(start=1.0, stop=10.0, step=0.25)
allocation_options = [0., 0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.4, .5, .6, .7, .8,.9, 1.0]
with open('/home/rob/temp/', 'rb') as f:
joint_results = pickle.load(f)
medians = [[x.median() for x in results_for_allocation.values()] for results_for_allocation in joint_results.values()]
df_medians = pd.DataFrame(medians)
df_medians.index = allocation_options
df_medians.columns = leverage_options
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def heatmap(df: pd.DataFrame):
plt.imshow(df, cmap="RdYlBu")
plt.xticks(range(len(df.columns)), df.columns)
plt.yticks(range(len(df.index)), df.index)
df_medians[df_medians<0.03] = np.nan
perc_25 = [[x.quantile(.25) for x in results_for_allocation.values()] for results_for_allocation in joint_results.values()]
perc_25 = pd.DataFrame(perc_25)
perc_25.index = allocation_options
perc_25.columns = leverage_options
perc_25[perc_25<0.01] = np.nan
def max_df_point(df):
return df.stack().index[np.argmax(df.values)]
(0.3, 4.5)
(0.2, 3.25)
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