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Implement the handcrafting method
This is 'self contained code' which requires wrapping before using in pysystemtrade
## Uses weekly returns (resample needed first)
## Doesn't deal with missing assets
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy as sch
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
WEEKS_IN_YEAR = 365.25/7.0
MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE = 3 # Do not change
WARN_ON_SUBPORTFOLIO_SIZE = 0.2 # change if you like, sensible values are between 0 and 0.5
# Convenience objects
NO_RISK_TARGET = object()
class diagobject(object):
def __init__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "%s \n %s " % ( self.calcs, self.description)
In this section we create the candidate matrices and weights
unsorted_candidate_matrices = [
np.array([[1.,0.,0.],[0.,1.,0.],[0.,0.,1.]]), # equal weights
np.array([[1.,0.5,0.5],[0.5,1.,0.5],[0.5,0.5,1.]]), # equal weights
np.array([[1., 0.9, 0.9], [0.9, 1., 0.9], [0.9, 0.9, 1.]]), # equal weights
np.array([[1., 0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 1., 0.], [0.5,0.,1.]]), # first interesting row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
np.array([[1., 0.0, 0.9], [0.0, 1., 0.], [0.9, 0., 1.]]), # 2nd row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
np.array([[1., 0.5, 0.], [0.5, 1., 0.5], [0., 0.5, 1.]]), # 3rd row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
np.array([[1., 0.0, 0.5], [0.0, 1., 0.9], [0.5, 0.9, 1.]]), # 4th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
np.array([[1., 0.9, 0.0], [0.9, 1., 0.9], [0.0, 0.9, 1.]]), # 5th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
np.array([[1., 0.5, 0.9], [0.5, 1., 0.5], [0.9, 0.5, 1.]]), # 6th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
np.array([[1., 0.9, 0.5], [0.9, 1., 0.9], [0.5, 0.9, 1.]]) # 7th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
unsorted_candidate_weights = [[0.33333,0.33333,0.33333], # equal weights
[0.33333,0.33333,0.33333], # equal weights
[0.33333,0.33333,0.33333], # equal weights
[0.3, 0.4, 0.3], # first interesting row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
[0.27, 0.46, 0.27], # 2nd row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
[0.37, 0.26, 0.37], # 3rd row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
[0.45, 0.45, 0.1], # 4th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
[0.39, 0.22, 0.39], # 5th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
[0.29, 0.42, 0.29], # 6th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
[0.42, 0.16, 0.42] # 7th row of 'ABC' from 'Systematic Trading' table 8
def norm_weights(list_of_weights):
norm_weights = list(np.array(list_of_weights)/np.sum(list_of_weights))
return norm_weights
# To make comparision easier we compare sorted correlations to sorted correlations; otherwise we'd need many more than 10
# candidate matrices to cope with different ordering of the same matrix
def get_sorted_order_from_corr_matrix(cmatrix):
Returns the sort order for a correlation matrix
:param cmatrix: NxN np.array
:return: np.array you can use to re-order your assets
corr_sums = cmatrix.sum(axis=0)
corr_order = corr_sums.argsort()
return corr_order
def sort_corr_matrix_and_weights(cmatrix, cweights):
Sort a correlation matrix and weights
:param cmatrix: a NxN np.array
:param cweights: an N length list of weights
:return: tuple cmatrix, cweights [both reordered]
corr_order = get_sorted_order_from_corr_matrix(cmatrix)
new_cmatrix = cmatrix[np.ix_(corr_order, corr_order)]
new_cweights= list(np.array(cweights)[corr_order])
return new_cmatrix, new_cweights
## Now build the sorted lists
candidate_matrices = []
candidate_weights = []
for cmatrix, cweights in zip(unsorted_candidate_matrices, unsorted_candidate_weights):
new_cmatrix, new_cweights = sort_corr_matrix_and_weights(cmatrix, cweights)
def distance_between_matrices(matrix1, matrix2):
Return the euclidian distance between two matrices
:param matrix1: NxN np.array
:param matrix2: NxN np.array
:return: float
diff_matrix = matrix1 - matrix2
distance_squared = sum(sum(diff_matrix**2))
return distance_squared**.5
def get_weights_using_candidate_method(cmatrix):
Using interpolation, find the optimal weights from a correlation matrix using the candidate method
:return: a list of N weights
if len(cmatrix)==1:
return [1.0]
if len(cmatrix)==2:
return [0.5, 0.5]
if len(cmatrix)>MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE:
raise Exception("Cluster too big")
# we have to sort first, and then map back to the original weights
corr_order = get_sorted_order_from_corr_matrix(cmatrix)
sorted_cmatrix = cmatrix[np.ix_(corr_order, corr_order)]
# not quite inverse of weighting, in case of divide by zero
corr_weightings = [1.0/(0.0001+distance_between_matrices(sorted_cmatrix, candidate_matrix)) for candidate_matrix in candidate_matrices]
weighted_weights = np.array([corr_weight_this_candidate*np.array(weightings_for_candidate)
for corr_weight_this_candidate, weightings_for_candidate in
zip(corr_weightings, candidate_weights)])
weighted_weights = weighted_weights.sum(axis=0)
normalised_weights = norm_weights(weighted_weights)
# return to original order
natural_order_weights = [normalised_weights[idx] for idx in list(corr_order)]
return natural_order_weights
SR adjustment
relative_SR_adjustment_list= [
[-0.5, 0.65],
[-0.4, 0.75],
[-0.3, 0.83],
[-0.25, 0.85],
[-0.2, 0.88],
[-0.15, 0.92],
[-0.1, 0.95],
[-0.05, 0.98],
[0, 1],
[0.05, 1.03],
[0.1, 1.06],
[0.15, 1.09],
[0.2, 1.13],
[0.25, 1.15],
[0.3, 1.17],
[0.4, 1.25],
[0.5, 1.35],
x_values = [i[0] for i in relative_SR_adjustment_list]
y_values = [i[1] for i in relative_SR_adjustment_list]
multiplier_from_relative_SR=interp1d(x_values, y_values, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(y_values[0], y_values[-1]))
def adjust_weights_for_SR(weights, SR_list):
Adjust weights according to method in table 12 of 'Systematic Trading'
:param weights: List of starting weights
:param SR_list: np.array of Sharpe Ratios
:return: list of adjusted weights
assert len(weights)==len(SR_list)
avg_SR = np.nanmean(SR_list)
relative_SR_list = SR_list -avg_SR
multipliers = [float(multiplier_from_relative_SR(relative_SR)) for relative_SR in relative_SR_list]
new_weights = list(np.array(weights)*np.array(multipliers))
norm_new_weights = norm_weights(new_weights)
return norm_new_weights
class Portfolio():
Portfolios; what do they contain: a list of instruments, return characteristics, [vol weights], [cash weights]
can contain sub portfolios
they are initially created with some returns
def __init__(self, instrument_returns, allow_leverage=False, risk_target=NO_RISK_TARGET, use_SR_estimates=True,
top_level_weights = NO_TOP_LEVEL_WEIGHTS, log=print):
:param instrument_returns: A pandas data frame labelled with instrument names, containing weekly instrument_returns
:param allow_leverage: bool. Ignored if NO_RISK_TARGET
:param risk_target: (optionally) float, annual standard deviation estimate
:param use_SR_estimates: bool
:param top_level_weights: (optionally) pass a list, same length as top level. Used for partioning to hit risk target.
self.instrument_returns = instrument_returns
self.instruments = list(instrument_returns.columns)
self.corr_matrix = instrument_returns.corr()
self.vol_vector = np.array(instrument_returns.std() * (WEEKS_IN_YEAR ** .5))
self.returns_vector = np.array(instrument_returns.mean() * WEEKS_IN_YEAR)
self.sharpe_ratio = self.returns_vector / self.vol_vector
self.allow_leverage = allow_leverage
self.risk_target = risk_target
self.use_SR_estimates = use_SR_estimates
self.top_level_weights = top_level_weights
self.log = log
def __repr__(self):
return "Portfolio with %d instruments" % len(self.instruments)
def _cluster_breakdown(self):
Creates clusters from the portfolio (doesn't create sub portfolios, but tells you which ones to make)
Credit to this notebook:
:return: list of int same length as instruments
X = self.corr_matrix.values
d = sch.distance.pdist(X)
L = sch.linkage(d, method='complete')
ind = sch.fcluster(L, MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE, criterion='maxclust')
return list(ind)
def _cluster_breakdown_using_risk_partition(self):
Creates clusters, using a risk partitioning method
:return: list of int, same length as instruments
risk_target = self.risk_target
self.log("Partioning into two groups to hit risk target of %f" % risk_target)
assert risk_target is not NO_RISK_TARGET
vol_vector = self.vol_vector
count_is_higher_risk = sum([instrument_vol > risk_target for instrument_vol in vol_vector])
if count_is_higher_risk==0:
raise Exception("Risk target greater than vol of any instrument: will be impossible to hit risk target")
if count_is_higher_risk<(len(self.instruments)*WARN_ON_SUBPORTFOLIO_SIZE):
self.log("Not many instruments have risk higher than target; portfolio will be concentrated to hit risk target")
def _cluster_id(instrument_vol, risk_target):
# hard coded do not change; high vol is second group
if instrument_vol>risk_target:
return 2
return 1
cluster_list = [_cluster_id(instrument_vol, risk_target) for instrument_vol in vol_vector]
return cluster_list
def _create_single_subportfolio(self, instrument_list):
Create a single sub portfolio object
:param instrument_list: a subset of the instruments in self.instruments
:return: a new Portfolio object
sub_portfolio_returns = self.instrument_returns[instrument_list]
# IMPORTANT NOTE: Sub portfolios don't inherit risk targets or leverage... that is only applied at top level
sub_portfolio = Portfolio(sub_portfolio_returns, use_SR_estimates=self.use_SR_estimates)
return sub_portfolio
def _create_child_subportfolios(self):
Create sub portfolios. This doesn't create the entire 'tree', just the level below us (our children)
:return: a list of new portfolio objects (also modifies self.sub_portfolios)
# get clusters
if len(self.instruments)<=MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE:
if self._require_partioned_portfolio():
# Break into two groups to hit a risk target
self.log("Applying partition to hit risk target")
cluster_list = self._cluster_breakdown_using_risk_partition()
self.log("Natural top level grouping used")
cluster_list = self._cluster_breakdown()
unique_clusters = list(set(cluster_list))
instruments_by_cluster = [[self.instruments[idx] for idx,i in enumerate(cluster_list) if i==cluster_id]
for cluster_id in unique_clusters]
sub_portfolios = [self._create_single_subportfolio(instruments_for_this_cluster)
for instruments_for_this_cluster in instruments_by_cluster]
return sub_portfolios
def _require_partioned_portfolio(self):
If risk_target set and no leverage allowed will be True,
OR if top level weights are passed
otherwise False
:return: bool
if self.top_level_weights is not NO_TOP_LEVEL_WEIGHTS:
# if top level weights are passed we need to partition
return True
elif (not self.risk_target is NO_RISK_TARGET) and (not self.allow_leverage):
# if a risk target is set, but also no leverage allowed, we need to partition
return True
return False
def _create_all_subportfolios(self):
Decluster the entire portfolio into a tree of subportfolios
:return: None [populates self.subportfolios] or NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS
## Create the first level of sub portfolios underneath us
sub_portfolios = self._create_child_subportfolios()
if sub_portfolios is NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS:
# nothing to do
# Create the rest of the tree
for single_sub_portfolio in sub_portfolios:
# This will create all nested portfolios
return sub_portfolios
def show_subportfolio_tree(self, prefix=""):
Display the sub portfolio tree
:return: None
if self.sub_portfolios is NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS:
descrlist=["%s Contains %s" % (prefix, str(self.instruments))]
return descrlist
descrlist.append("%s Contains %d sub portfolios" % (prefix, len(self.sub_portfolios)))
for sub_portfolio in self.sub_portfolios:
return descrlist
def _diags_as_dataframe(self):
:return: A list of tuples (label, dataframes) showing how the portfolio weights were built up
diag = diagobject()
# not used - make sure everything is available
vw = self.volatility_weights
if self.sub_portfolios is NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS:
description = "Portfolio containing %s instruments " % (str(self.instruments))
diag.description = description
vol_weights = self.volatility_weights
raw_weights = self.raw_weights
SR = self.sharpe_ratio
diagmatrix = pd.DataFrame([raw_weights, vol_weights, list(SR)], columns=self.instruments,
index=["Raw vol (no SR adj)", "Vol (with SR adj)", "Sharpe Ratio"])
diag.calcs = diagmatrix = "No cash calculated"
diag.aggregate = "Not an aggregate portfolio"
return diag
description = "Portfolio containing %d sub portfolios" % len(self.sub_portfolios)
diag.description = description
# do instrument level
dm_by_instrument_list = self.dm_by_instrument_list
instrument_vol_weight_in_sub_list = self.instrument_vol_weight_in_sub_list
sub_portfolio_vol_weight_list = self.sub_portfolio_vol_weight_list
vol_weights = self.volatility_weights
diagmatrix = pd.DataFrame([instrument_vol_weight_in_sub_list,
dm_by_instrument_list, vol_weights], columns=self.instruments,
index=["Vol wt in group",
"Vol wt. of group",
"Div mult of group", "Vol wt."])
diag.calcs = diagmatrix
# do aggregate next
diag.aggregate.description = description + " aggregate"
vol_weights = self.aggregate_portfolio.volatility_weights
raw_weights = self.aggregate_portfolio.raw_weights
div_mult = [sub_portfolio.div_mult for sub_portfolio in self.sub_portfolios]
sharpe_ratios = list(self.aggregate_portfolio.sharpe_ratio)
# unlabelled, sub portfolios don't get names
diagmatrix = pd.DataFrame([raw_weights, vol_weights, sharpe_ratios, div_mult],
index=["Raw vol (no SR adj or DM)", "Vol (with SR adj no DM)", "SR","Div mult"])
diag.aggregate.calcs = diagmatrix
# do cash = diagobject()
description = "Portfolio containing %d instruments (cash calculations)" % len(self.instruments) = description
vol_weights = self.volatility_weights
cash_weights = self.cash_weights
vol_vector = list(self.vol_vector)
diagmatrix = pd.DataFrame([vol_weights, vol_vector, cash_weights], columns=self.instruments,
index=["Vol weights", "Std.", "Cash weights"]) = diagmatrix
return diag
def _calculate_weights_standalone_portfolio(self):
For a standalone portfolio, calculates volatility weights
Uses the candidate matching method
:return: list of weights
assert len(self.instruments)<=MAX_CLUSTER_SIZE
assert self.sub_portfolios is NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS
raw_weights = get_weights_using_candidate_method(self.corr_matrix.values)
self.raw_weights = raw_weights
use_SR_estimates= self.use_SR_estimates
if use_SR_estimates:
SR_list = self.sharpe_ratio
adjusted_weights = adjust_weights_for_SR(raw_weights, SR_list)
adjusted_weights = raw_weights
return adjusted_weights
def _calculate_portfolio_returns(self):
If we have some weights, calculate the returns of the entire portfolio
Needs cash weights
:return: pd.Series of returns
cash_weights = self.cash_weights
instrument_returns = self.instrument_returns
cash_weights_as_df = pd.DataFrame([cash_weights] * len(instrument_returns.index), instrument_returns.index)
cash_weights_as_df.columns = instrument_returns.columns
portfolio_returns_df = cash_weights_as_df * instrument_returns
portfolio_returns = portfolio_returns_df.sum(axis=1)
return portfolio_returns
def _calculate_portfolio_returns_std(self):
return self.portfolio_returns.std() * (WEEKS_IN_YEAR ** .5)
def _calculate_diversification_mult(self):
Calculates the diversification multiplier for a portfolio
:return: float
corr_matrix = self.corr_matrix.values
vol_weights = np.array(self.volatility_weights)
div_mult = 1.0/((,corr_matrix), vol_weights.transpose()))**.5)
return div_mult
def _calculate_sub_portfolio_returns(self):
Return a matrix of returns with sub portfolios each representing a single asset
:return: pd.DataFrame
assert self.sub_portfolios is not NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS
sub_portfolio_returns = [sub_portfolio.portfolio_returns for sub_portfolio in self.sub_portfolios]
sub_portfolio_returns = pd.concat(sub_portfolio_returns, axis=1)
return sub_portfolio_returns
def _calculate_weights_aggregated_portfolio(self):
Calculate weights when we have sub portfolios
This is done by pulling in the weights from each sub portfolio, giving weights to each sub portfolio, and then getting the product
:return: list of weights
sub_portfolio_returns = self._calculate_sub_portfolio_returns()
# create another Portfolio object made up of the sub portfolios
aggregate_portfolio = Portfolio(sub_portfolio_returns, use_SR_estimates=self.use_SR_estimates)
# store to look at later if you want
self.aggregate_portfolio = aggregate_portfolio
# calculate the weights- these will be the weight on each sub portfolio
if self.top_level_weights is NO_TOP_LEVEL_WEIGHTS:
# calculate the weights in the normal way
aggregate_weights = aggregate_portfolio.volatility_weights
raw_weights = aggregate_portfolio.raw_weights
# override with top_level_weights - used when risk targeting
assert len(self.top_level_weights)==len(aggregate_portfolio.instruments)
raise Exception("Top level weights length %d is different from number of top level groups %d"
% (len(self.top_level_weights)==len(self.aggregate_portfolio.instruments)))
aggregate_weights = self.top_level_weights
raw_weights = aggregate_weights
# calculate the product of div_mult, aggregate weights and sub portfolio weights, return as list
vol_weights = []
dm_by_instrument_list = []
instrument_vol_weight_in_sub_list = []
sub_portfolio_vol_weight_list =[]
for instrument_code in self.instruments:
weight = None
for sub_portfolio, sub_weight in zip(self.sub_portfolios, aggregate_weights):
if instrument_code in sub_portfolio.instruments:
if weight is not None:
raise Exception("Instrument %s in multiple sub portfolios" % instrument_code)
# A weight is the product of: the diversification multiplier for the subportfolio it comes from,
# the weight of that instrument within that subportfolio, and
# the weight of the subportfolio within the larger portfolio
div_mult = sub_portfolio.div_mult
instrument_idx = sub_portfolio.instruments.index(instrument_code)
instrument_weight = sub_portfolio.volatility_weights[instrument_idx]
weight = div_mult * instrument_weight * sub_weight
# useful diagnostics
if weight is None:
raise Exception("Instrument %s missing from all sub portfolios" % instrument_code)
vol_weights = norm_weights(vol_weights)
# store diags
self.dm_by_instrument_list = dm_by_instrument_list
self.instrument_vol_weight_in_sub_list = instrument_vol_weight_in_sub_list
self.sub_portfolio_vol_weight_list = sub_portfolio_vol_weight_list
self.raw_weights = raw_weights
return vol_weights
def _calculate_volatility_weights(self):
Calculates the volatility weights of the portfolio
If the portfolio contains sub_portfolios; it will calculate the volatility weights of each sub_portfolio, and then
weight towards sub_portfolios, and then calculate the multiplied out weights
If the portfolio does not contain sub_portfolios; just calculate the weights
:return: volatility weights, also sets self.volatility_weights
if self.sub_portfolios is NO_SUB_PORTFOLIOS:
vol_weights = self._calculate_weights_standalone_portfolio()
vol_weights = self._calculate_weights_aggregated_portfolio()
return vol_weights
def _calculate_cash_weights_no_risk_target(self):
Calculate cash weights without worrying about risk targets
:return: list of cash weights
vol_weights = self.volatility_weights
instrument_std = self.vol_vector
raw_cash_weights = [vweight / vol for vweight, vol in zip(vol_weights, instrument_std)]
raw_cash_weights = norm_weights(raw_cash_weights)
return raw_cash_weights
def _calculate_cash_weights_with_risk_target_partitioned(self):
Readjust partitioned top level groups to hit a risk target
:return: list of weights
assert self._require_partioned_portfolio()
assert len(self.sub_portfolios)==2
# hard coded - high vol is second group. Don't change!
high_vol_sub_portfolio = self.sub_portfolios[1]
low_vol_sub_portfolio = self.sub_portfolios[0]
high_vol_std = high_vol_sub_portfolio.portfolio_std
low_vol_std = low_vol_sub_portfolio.portfolio_std
risk_target_std = self.risk_target
assert high_vol_std>low_vol_std
# Now for the correlation estimate
# first create another Portfolio object made up of the sub portfolios
sub_portfolio_returns = self._calculate_sub_portfolio_returns()
assert len(sub_portfolio_returns.columns)==2 # should be guaranteed by partioning but just to check
correlation = sub_portfolio_returns.corr().values[0][1] # only works for groups of 2
# formula from
a_value = (high_vol_std**2) + (low_vol_std **2) - (2*high_vol_std *low_vol_std * correlation)
b_value = (2*high_vol_std*low_vol_std*correlation) - 2 * (low_vol_std**2)
c_value = (low_vol_std**2) - (risk_target_std**2)
# standard formula for solving a quadratic
high_cash_weight = (-b_value + (((b_value**2) - (4*a_value * c_value))**.5))/(2*a_value)
assert high_cash_weight>=0.0
raise Exception("Something went wrong; cash weight target on high risk portfolio is negative!")
assert high_cash_weight<=1.0
raise Exception("Can't hit risk target of %f - make it lower or include riskier assets!" % risk_target_std)
# new_weight is the weight on the HIGH_VOL portfolio
low_cash_weight = 1.0 - high_cash_weight
# These are cash weights; change to a vol weight
high_vol_weight = high_cash_weight * high_vol_std
low_vol_weight = low_cash_weight * low_vol_std
self.log("Need to limit low cash group to %f (vol) %f (cash) of portfolio to hit risk target of %f" %
(low_vol_weight, low_cash_weight, risk_target_std))
# Hard coded - high vol is second group
top_level_weights = norm_weights([low_vol_weight, high_vol_weight])
self.top_level_weights = top_level_weights
# We create an adjusted portfolio with the required top level weights as constraints
# we also need to pass the risk target to get same partitioning
# and use_SR_estimates to guarantee weights are the same
adjusted_portfolio = Portfolio(self.instrument_returns, use_SR_estimates=self.use_SR_estimates,
top_level_weights=top_level_weights, risk_target=self.risk_target)
return adjusted_portfolio.cash_weights
def _calculate_cash_weights_with_risk_target(self):
Calculate cash weights given a risk target
:return: list of weights
target_std = self.risk_target
self.log("Calculating weights to hit a risk target of %f" % target_std)
# create version without risk target to check natural risk
# note all sub portfolios are like this
natural_portfolio = Portfolio(self.instrument_returns, risk_target=NO_RISK_TARGET)
natural_std = natural_portfolio.portfolio_std
natural_cash_weights = natural_portfolio.cash_weights
# store for diagnostics
self.natural_cash_weights = natural_cash_weights
self.natural_std = natural_std
if natural_std > target_std:
# Too much risk
# blend with cash
cash_required = (natural_std - target_std) / natural_std
portfolio_capital_left = 1.0 - cash_required
self.log("Too much risk %f of the portfolio will be cash" % cash_required)
cash_weights = list(np.array(natural_cash_weights)*portfolio_capital_left)
# stored as diag
self.cash_required = cash_required
return cash_weights
elif natural_std < target_std:
# Not enough risk
if self.allow_leverage:
# calc leverage
leverage = target_std / natural_std
self.log("Not enough risk leverage factor of %f applied" % leverage)
cash_weights = list(np.array(natural_cash_weights)*leverage)
# stored as diag
self.leverage = leverage
return cash_weights
# no leverage allowed
# need to adjust weights
self.log("Not enough risk, no leverage allowed, using partition method")
return self._calculate_cash_weights_with_risk_target_partitioned()
# will only get here if the target and natural std are identical...
# unlikely - but!
return natural_cash_weights
def _calculate_cash_weights(self):
Calculate cash weights
Note - this will apply a risk target if required
Note 2 - only top level portfolios have risk targets - sub portfolios don't
:return: list of weights
target_std = self.risk_target
if target_std is NO_RISK_TARGET:
# no risk target, can use natural weights
return self._calculate_cash_weights_no_risk_target()
elif self.top_level_weights is not NO_TOP_LEVEL_WEIGHTS:
# top level weights passed, use natural weights
return self._calculate_cash_weights_no_risk_target()
# need a risk target
return self._calculate_cash_weights_with_risk_target()
Boilerplate getter functions
def volatility_weights(self):
if hasattr(self, "_volatility_weights"):
return self._volatility_weights
weights_vol = self._calculate_volatility_weights()
self._volatility_weights = weights_vol
return weights_vol
def cash_weights(self):
if hasattr(self, "_cash_weights"):
return self._cash_weights
weights_cash = self._calculate_cash_weights()
self._cash_weights = weights_cash
return weights_cash
def sub_portfolios(self):
if hasattr(self, "_sub_portfolios"):
return self._sub_portfolios
sub_portfolios = self._create_all_subportfolios()
self._sub_portfolios = sub_portfolios
return sub_portfolios
def portfolio_returns(self):
if hasattr(self, "_portfolio_returns"):
return self._portfolio_returns
portfolio_returns = self._calculate_portfolio_returns()
self._portfolio_returns = portfolio_returns
return portfolio_returns
def portfolio_std(self):
if hasattr(self, "_portfolio_returns_std"):
return self._portfolio_returns_std
portfolio_returns_std = self._calculate_portfolio_returns_std()
self._portfolio_returns_std = portfolio_returns_std
return portfolio_returns_std
def div_mult(self):
if hasattr(self, "_div_mult"):
return self._div_mult
div_mult = self._calculate_diversification_mult()
self._div_mult = div_mult
return div_mult
def diags(self):
if hasattr(self, "_diags"):
return self._diags
diags = self._diags_as_dataframe()
self._diags = diags
return diags
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