I hereby claim:
- I am robcee on github.
- I am robcee (https://keybase.io/robcee) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAzKAG5vptxYxAV21g2bwR0P0r4vtl5VZku8cCaZZPhkQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
alias.undo=reset --soft HEAD^ | |
alias.stash-all=stash save --include-untracked | |
alias.glog=log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' | |
alias.dlog=log --oneline | |
alias.edconfig=config --global -e | |
alias.co=checkout | |
alias.cb=checkout -b | |
alias.stat=status | |
core.autocrlf=false |
#EXTM3U | |
#PLAYLIST:CBC Radio Streams | |
#EXTINF:-1,CBC Music (Atlantic) | |
http://cbcmp3.ic.llnwd.net/stream/cbcmp3_cbc_r2_hfx | |
#EXTINF:-1,CBC Music (Central) | |
http://cbcmp3.ic.llnwd.net/stream/cbcmp3_cbc_r2_wpg |
#!/bin/bash | |
# | |
# fail if any commands fails | |
set -e | |
# debug log | |
set -x | |
if [ ! -e ${env.APP_TAG_NAME} ] | |
then | |
echo "${env.APP_TAG_NAME} not found. Exiting..." |
/** | |
* pinchy preferences. | |
* | |
* Execute in a Browser Scratchpad. | |
* 1. Open Firefox Developer Tools (cmd-opt-i) | |
* 2. Open Settings (gear icon) | |
* 3. Check "Enable browser chrome and add-on debugging toolboxes" | |
* and "Enable remote debugging" in "Advanced Settings" | |
* 4. Maybe restart the browser | |
* 5. Open Scratchpad (shift-F4) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
/* | |
* This is a JavaScript Scratchpad. | |
* | |
* Enter some JavaScript, then Right Click or choose from the Execute Menu: | |
* 1. Run to evaluate the selected text (Cmd-R), | |
* 2. Inspect to bring up an Object Inspector on the result (Cmd-I), or, | |
* 3. Display to insert the result in a comment after the selection. (Cmd-L) | |
*/ | |
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public | |
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, | |
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ | |
var __SCRATCHPAD__ = !(typeof(window) == "undefined"); | |
if (__SCRATCHPAD__ && (typeof(window.gBrowser) == "undefined")) { | |
throw new Error("Must be run in a browser scratchpad."); | |
} | |
// If we're developing in scratchpad, shutdown the previous run |
// open a web console | |
let {devtools} = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/devtools/Loader.jsm", {}); | |
// console.profile(); | |
let targét = devtools.TargetFactory.forTab(gBrowser.selectedTab); | |
let startTime = Date.now(); | |
let endTime; | |
gDevTools.showToolbox(targét, "inspector").then(() => { |
This interface is partly implemented in Firefox Nightly builds. Some parts are not implemented, some APIs may yet change, and anything marked "(future plan)" is a long way off. You can [https://github.com/jimblandy/DebuggerDocs fork this specification on github] to draft and discuss revisions.
The Debugger
constructor makes objects with methods for debugging code running in global objects in other compartments. Given a Debugger
instance, you can:
statement execution by providing appropriate handler functions;