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Created January 5, 2014 11:37
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Before the log he left with this message for some reason, just to put the "I warned you" part in context.
Jan 04 09:36:26 <philsturgeon> well im off. if anybody else has feedback for me about my online conduct then feel free to send me an email. but, there arent many corners you can shittalk me without somebody letting me know, so if anyone is doing that they should probably find somewhere better to do it
Jan 04 09:36:29 <philsturgeon> bye! :)
Also this is what prompted the rejoin.
Jan 04 09:46:12 <digia> read a couple of phils' blog posts and you hope for his own sake he doesn't try to walk through too many thin doors.
Jan 04 09:46:36 <Robbo_> digia: I don't know what you are trying to say
Jan 04 09:46:54 <digia> dat ego
And then this happened.
Jan 04 09:50:10 * philsturgeon ( has joined #laravel-offtopic
Jan 04 09:50:14 <digia> public function noobs_('Robbo_')
Jan 04 09:50:17 <Robbo_> oh hey bby
Jan 04 09:50:22 <Robbo_> digia: D:
Jan 04 09:50:28 <philsturgeon> digia: which parts specifically did you find egotistical?
Jan 04 09:50:34 <Robbo_> lmfao
Jan 04 09:50:42 <digia> *e-highfive
Jan 04 09:50:44 <digia> test is complete
Jan 04 09:50:46 <philsturgeon> (I warned you guys)
Jan 04 09:50:54 <Robbo_> I've lost it
Jan 04 09:51:19 <digia> I don't think any explanation is needed with your actions of jumping back in IRC to discuss a comment which wasn't overly negative with a new commer to this chat.
Jan 04 09:51:41 <Robbo_> philsturgeon isn't a regular in here, for the record, so he doesn't know you are new
Jan 04 09:51:43 <_druu> there we go.... *hand Robbo_ some popcorn*
Jan 04 09:51:50 <philsturgeon> digia: people tell me that somebody is talking about me, and it sounds like a valid concern. I'd hate to sound egotistical .
Jan 04 09:51:57 <philsturgeon> so tell me, what exactly was so egotistical ?
Jan 04 09:52:14 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: yeah im usually in #laravel not here
Jan 04 09:52:17 <k_89> and back
Jan 04 09:52:20 <Robbo_> I know this
Jan 04 09:52:23 <Robbo_> I'm everywhere ;)
Jan 04 09:52:25 <digia> If you were worried about your personal image I think you might ask for outsider opinions before blogging.
Jan 04 09:52:43 <_druu> Robbo_ Almighty <=== that movie was on tele recently
Jan 04 09:52:56 <philsturgeon> digia: I am concerned about my image, because it effects my career. I have several people review my blog posts before they go out, al of who are respected in the community.
Jan 04 09:53:00 <philsturgeon> so what is the specific concern?
Jan 04 09:53:12 <digia> We could settle this simply by asking people to read your most recent post and as the 'vibe' they received from it.
Jan 04 09:53:28 <Robbo_> I always thought you knew you sound egotistic
Jan 04 09:53:33 <Robbo_> Because you like always do
Jan 04 09:53:34 <Robbo_> lol
Jan 04 09:53:34 <philsturgeon> digia: I have not heard anybody say it sounded egotistical. I've had multiple people say they fucking loved it.
Jan 04 09:53:41 <philsturgeon> which is why im confused as to this new feedback
Jan 04 09:53:57 <digia> did these 'people' wear philsturgeon shirts?
Jan 04 09:54:02 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: I know I can sound abrasive, im fine with that. i call it "no bullshit".
Jan 04 09:54:12 <philsturgeon> digia: no we havent finished the checkout process for that yet
Jan 04 09:54:23 <digia> If you used laravel you might of had that up quicker.
Jan 04 09:54:32 <Robbo_> you wrote a full long winded blog on the topic of someone misunderstanding you on twitter? one I couldn't complete because you just kept beating around the bush after you made your point the first 1/4 of the article
Jan 04 09:54:43 <digia> please proceed to ->
Jan 04 09:54:57 <_druu> knowing phil in person: he is very self conscious about what he says, which some people may misinterpret as being self centered or egoistic....
Jan 04 09:55:01 <Robbo_> I like you digia
Jan 04 09:55:23 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: I explained the confusion in the first 1/4th. I explained the tribal mindset and the issues that causes in the rest. maybe you should read it.
Jan 04 09:55:25 <Robbo_> I did say I don't think he has an ego just that it sometimes might come off that way
Jan 04 09:55:32 <digia> We shall schedule a date after philsturgeon is done embarassing himself.
Jan 04 09:55:33 <Robbo_> Oh, classic
Jan 04 09:55:35 <_druu> philsturgeon: got to get used it it ;)
Jan 04 09:55:37 <Robbo_> "maybe you should read it"
Jan 04 09:55:49 <philsturgeon> digia: hi. i released the first ever live application on L4. I've been using it since August 2012
Jan 04 09:55:56 <philsturgeon> digia: so, im good.
Jan 04 09:56:18 <Robbo_> Don't go too far with that, you'll sound like pmjones
Jan 04 09:56:23 <digia> philsturgeon, first impressions are first impressions you can't ever change those. If a community member reads a blog post like that, after seeing an exit like yours... what is one to assume?
Jan 04 09:56:26 <philsturgeon> _druu: yeah im just amazed at how many people in the Laravel community are so sure im being a dick. i absolutely do not understand this.
Jan 04 09:56:34 <philsturgeon> digia: what exit?
Jan 04 09:56:40 <Robbo_> philsturgeon: you ask about how you sound like an ego and then say that?
Jan 04 09:56:51 <Robbo_> philsturgeon> digia: hi. i released the first ever live application on L4. I've been using it since August 2012
Jan 04 09:56:52 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: say WHAT?
Jan 04 09:56:56 <Robbo_> first ever live application on L4?
Jan 04 09:57:03 <Robbo_> how can you know that is true?
Jan 04 09:57:07 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: thats not egotistical, he linked me to the docs
Jan 04 09:57:12 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: taylor told me ;)
Jan 04 09:57:25 <Robbo_> how can he know it was true lol?
Jan 04 09:57:26 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: he sent me the link before anyone else outside of userscape.
Jan 04 09:57:35 <Robbo_> like you used L4 before it was out?
Jan 04 09:57:41 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: yes, before it was beta
Jan 04 09:57:43 <philsturgeon> before it had docs
Jan 04 09:57:45 <Robbo_> so did I
Jan 04 09:57:47 <philsturgeon> before it had controllers
Jan 04 09:57:52 <philsturgeon> lol
Jan 04 09:57:54 <digia> phili, can i call you phili? The first step to realizing your egotistical is putting down the goreous wall you've built and admitting it.
Jan 04 09:57:57 <philsturgeon> and thats not egotistical
Jan 04 09:58:03 <Robbo_> saying first ever is
Jan 04 09:58:12 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: no, its a legitimate fact,
Jan 04 09:58:17 <Robbo_> you want to know how you sound egotistical and I tell you
Jan 04 09:58:18 <Robbo_> fact or not
Jan 04 09:58:22 <Robbo_> and you say it isn't
Jan 04 09:58:23 <Robbo_> I don't even
Jan 04 09:58:47 <s_e> man this is like watching crippled pandas trying to breed
Jan 04 09:58:54 <philsturgeon> this is madness.
Jan 04 09:58:59 <Robbo_> my site was made in alpha, must be one of first eva then
Jan 04 09:59:00 <pushpak> eggactly s_e
Jan 04 09:59:01 <Robbo_> better flaunt it
Jan 04 09:59:10 <philsturgeon> so somebody says i dont know how to use laravel and i defend it with a fact. then i am egotistical
Jan 04 09:59:21 * PHP_is-Amazing (524bff68@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #laravel-offtopic
Jan 04 09:59:22 <Robbo_> it's the way you say it
Jan 04 09:59:23 <PHP_is-Amazing> ?
Jan 04 09:59:23 * k_89 wants to invite all the php twitter trolls here
Jan 04 09:59:30 <digia> The way you defended it was very self righteous. yes.
Jan 04 09:59:31 * PHP_is-Amazing has quit (Client Quit)
Jan 04 09:59:46 <philsturgeon> haha. ok
Jan 04 09:59:49 <philsturgeon> well im sorry.
Jan 04 09:59:51 <Robbo_> "I have been using laravel since august 2012"
Jan 04 09:59:56 <Robbo_> sounds much less passive agressive
Jan 04 10:00:00 <Robbo_> and egotistic
Jan 04 10:00:09 <k_89> ...
Jan 04 10:00:20 <Robbo_> also that is wehn I started using it
Jan 04 10:00:21 <Robbo_> im best
Jan 04 10:00:23 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: i dont understand how that is different. the two statements are identical.
Jan 04 10:00:26 <k_89> if he made the first ever project using l4, then what's wrong in saying it out
Jan 04 10:00:31 <pushpak> Robbo_ is on steroids today. Nuff said.
Jan 04 10:00:35 <ThomasBS> !tableflip
Jan 04 10:00:35 <Rommie> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Jan 04 10:00:36 <philsturgeon> k_89: right.
Jan 04 10:00:38 <_druu> Robbo_: I made the first html5 irc client prototype :O
Jan 04 10:00:47 <digia> I wrote C.
Jan 04 10:00:52 <digia> come at me.
Jan 04 10:00:53 <Robbo_> no they are not, one is informing him you know your shit, the other is informing him you know your shit and also stating you did it before anyone else
Jan 04 10:01:07 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: but i did
Jan 04 10:01:15 <digia> ^^^
Jan 04 10:01:16 <Robbo_> it doesn't matter if you did or not
Jan 04 10:01:16 <digia> HA!
Jan 04 10:01:20 <k_89> Robbo_, and, Aug 2012, l3 had just gotten enough bundles
Jan 04 10:01:25 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: so now you believe me?
Jan 04 10:01:28 <Robbo_> we are talking about what you said and how you said it, not what you did
Jan 04 10:01:31 <_druu> I'm too stoned for this shit right now...
Jan 04 10:01:32 <philsturgeon> a minute ago i was lying
Jan 04 10:01:33 <k_89> to make it feasible enough for big projects
Jan 04 10:01:41 <Robbo_> and now you care if I think you did or not (ego)
Jan 04 10:01:45 <Robbo_> also, I never said you didn't
Jan 04 10:01:48 <Robbo_> I said you can't know for sure
Jan 04 10:01:56 <Robbo_> and asked how you did know
Jan 04 10:01:58 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: hahaha, ok. so people get to just walk around making shit up and when i defend it im egotistical.
Jan 04 10:01:59 <digia> Who has the popcorn? Pass it this way please
Jan 04 10:02:04 <Robbo_> but to you that means I was saying you were lieing
Jan 04 10:02:05 * ThomasBS passes the popcorn
Jan 04 10:02:15 * pushpak passes popcorn
Jan 04 10:02:16 <Robbo_> making shit up?
Jan 04 10:02:16 <zackkitzmiller> I'm literally eating popcorn
Jan 04 10:02:18 <Robbo_> what are you on about?
Jan 04 10:02:20 <philsturgeon> or, i dont like people being a bunch of cunts about me, in case somebody who doesnt know which is right or wrong believes one of you lot
Jan 04 10:02:25 <zackkitzmiller> White cheddar. in the office kitcken
Jan 04 10:02:27 <zackkitzmiller> with the beers.
Jan 04 10:02:33 <Robbo_> you are being egotistical now
Jan 04 10:02:35 * coolhome has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
Jan 04 10:02:41 <ThomasBS> Can't we all just get along?
Jan 04 10:02:41 <Robbo_> I was explaining how you were being that way
Jan 04 10:02:43 <JeremyVaught> I wish I had some popcorn
Jan 04 10:02:46 <k_89> i think someone commented earlier that Robbo_ is afraid of phil, and he took it to heart
Jan 04 10:02:46 * digia "crunch" "crunch"
Jan 04 10:02:52 <Robbo_> But all you can hang on to is me saying how can you be sure that it was the first app
Jan 04 10:02:52 <k_89> it was you pushpak , right ?
Jan 04 10:02:59 <Robbo_> You care more about having the first app than anything else
Jan 04 10:02:59 <_druu> never go full retard....
Jan 04 10:03:03 <Robbo_> THAT is an ego
Jan 04 10:03:06 <pushpak> k_89: maybe :P
Jan 04 10:03:09 <digia> Woah... phili said the C word!!!
Jan 04 10:03:10 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: i dont even...
Jan 04 10:03:20 <JeremyVaught> :)
Jan 04 10:03:24 <_druu> digia: client?
Jan 04 10:03:29 <Robbo_> meh it's common knowledge he resorts to words like that
Jan 04 10:03:32 <pushpak> Robbo_ and philsturgeon = match made in heaven
Jan 04 10:03:35 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: firstly: I factually did. secondly, i dont see any harm in saying that. thirdly, im hangng things on you and digia too
Jan 04 10:03:40 <k_89> yeah, looks like that
Jan 04 10:03:43 <digia> _druu, no he doesn't have any of those.
Jan 04 10:04:02 <philsturgeon> digia: hahaha. because you know all about my career?
Jan 04 10:04:05 * Netbulae joins the popcorn frenzy
Jan 04 10:04:06 <Robbo_> There is no harm in saying it. It is the way you say it
Jan 04 10:04:11 <digia> phili don't include me... this is between you and Robbo_ cop now
Jan 04 10:04:14 <Robbo_> Which makes out like you have an ego
Jan 04 10:04:21 <Robbo_> I don't actually think you do
Jan 04 10:04:24 <digia> philsturgeon, you plaster it all over your website.
Jan 04 10:04:31 <digia> im surprised i don't know your dinner plans.
Jan 04 10:04:31 <Robbo_> But that is how you come off
Jan 04 10:04:39 <philsturgeon> digia: so why would I have clients, if i am CTO of a company?
Jan 04 10:04:43 <zackkitzmiller> philsturgeon and I are going for beers soon.
Jan 04 10:04:45 <philsturgeon> or is it egotistical to say that?
Jan 04 10:04:47 <zackkitzmiller> That's the dinner plans
Jan 04 10:04:49 <digia> WOAH! c-level!!
Jan 04 10:04:51 <philsturgeon> <3
Jan 04 10:04:53 <digia> sorry, i will bow.
Jan 04 10:04:57 <Robbo_> And when I explain to you that you come off that way? You keep coming back to "BUT I DID MAKE THE FIRST SITE DONT CALL ME A LIAR"
Jan 04 10:05:00 <philsturgeon> haha i literally cannot win
Jan 04 10:05:02 * _druu has had a beer with philsturgeon
Jan 04 10:05:10 <digia> If your a CTO than im a CEO
Jan 04 10:05:14 <philsturgeon> you guys get to just say things, then if i even try to point out its not true then you complain about that too
Jan 04 10:05:14 <Robbo_> No you can't win. Because you focus on something we weren't even meant to be discussing
Jan 04 10:05:20 <philsturgeon> what a pair of ridiculous people you are.
Jan 04 10:05:24 <digia> zackkitzmiller: LOL <3
Jan 04 10:05:27 * zackkitzmiller has beers with philsturgeon weekly
Jan 04 10:05:28 <Robbo_> No, I believe the word you used was cunts
Jan 04 10:05:46 <zackkitzmiller> It's always an argument.
Jan 04 10:05:48 <_druu> zackkitzmiller: jelly :(
Jan 04 10:05:49 <Robbo_> Because you come off ego like and we inform you, and explain it. Sorry
Jan 04 10:05:51 <zackkitzmiller> Don't be.
Jan 04 10:05:53 <Robbo_> We should just bow to you
Jan 04 10:06:00 <digia> I feel like this should be on reddit. philsturgeon is argueing on IRC.
Jan 04 10:06:01 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: oh yeah you're both definitely acting like a pair of cunts
Jan 04 10:06:04 <Robbo_> You wanted a fucking opinion
Jan 04 10:06:10 <Robbo_> And then can't take it
Jan 04 10:06:11 <_druu> zackkitzmiller: yeah, I'm quite happy my liver is still in good shape
Jan 04 10:06:25 <philsturgeon> im not asking anyone to bow, im asking for people to stop making bullshit assertions about me, my career and my personality, then complain when i point out facts
Jan 04 10:06:38 <Robbo_> And once again, missing much of what I have said
Jan 04 10:06:43 <digia> Taking bets that philsturgeon will leave with a long message again.
Jan 04 10:06:57 <Robbo_> I have said multiple times I don't think you have an ego. But that you come off that way. I try to explain it. Instead you call me a cunt.
Jan 04 10:07:09 * ThomasBS realizes we're out of popcorn
Jan 04 10:07:13 <digia> philsturgeon you realize all of what you just listed is on your website, twitter, github, etc.?
Jan 04 10:07:17 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: because you wont stop arguing that pointing out a fact is egotistical.
Jan 04 10:07:20 * _druu passes new popcorn
Jan 04 10:07:24 <digia> I havn't even looked at your linkedin yet.
Jan 04 10:07:36 * ThomasBS highfives _druu
Jan 04 10:07:42 <Robbo_> I am not argueing I am trying to get it through your thick head that the fact isn't the ego part it is the way you said it
Jan 04 10:07:43 * _druu taps fedora
Jan 04 10:07:47 * digia going for refills who needs a drink?
Jan 04 10:07:56 <philsturgeon> digia: I dont even know what your point is anymore. apparently i dont have any clients, or something. and im not a CTO, even though I am. so… what is your issue? lol
Jan 04 10:07:57 <_druu> digia: beer please
Jan 04 10:08:08 * digia passes _druu beer
Jan 04 10:08:11 <philsturgeon> if i didnt have time to kill before drinking i would even be dong this
Jan 04 10:08:15 <philsturgeon> zackkitzmiller: can we go yet?
Jan 04 10:08:21 <zackkitzmiller> No, I have a meeting in a few
Jan 04 10:08:21 <_druu> \o/
Jan 04 10:08:23 <SimonHampel> I can't actually work out what digia's issue is
Jan 04 10:08:28 * benjamin_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
Jan 04 10:08:38 <philsturgeon> SimonHampel: I think I MIGHT have stood his mother up
Jan 04 10:08:39 <Robbo_> SimonHampel: he is just trolling
Jan 04 10:08:48 <digia> philsturgeon at this point i don't have a point. I quit arguing about 5-8 lines after you came back. I'm just mocking you at this point. My sincere apologize.
Jan 04 10:09:00 <Robbo_> which is why I like digia
Jan 04 10:09:01 <philsturgeon> digia: you're not doing it particularly well though
Jan 04 10:09:08 <Robbo_> seems to have worked
Jan 04 10:09:11 <Robbo_> you called him a cunt
Jan 04 10:09:13 <digia> ^
Jan 04 10:09:17 <digia> i think it worked perfect
Jan 04 10:09:23 <digia> and i got a beer
Jan 04 10:09:28 <digia> plus free popcorn
Jan 04 10:09:43 <philsturgeon> digia: ooooooohh. clever. so you dont have a point. got it
Jan 04 10:09:44 <SimonHampel> from what I've been reading, I think mocking is a fair description
Jan 04 10:09:49 <Robbo_> I wasted time I am meant to be working to try help someone who wanted to know how they came off as egotistic and instead got called a cunt
Jan 04 10:09:54 <Robbo_> Good use of my time
Jan 04 10:09:56 <Netbulae>
Jan 04 10:09:58 <Robbo_> Back to work, bye
Jan 04 10:10:04 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: i was asking how the article was egotistical
Jan 04 10:10:36 <philsturgeon> Robbo_: I'll say over and over again, me pointing to my facts of experience in response to suggestions of inexperience is just logical
Jan 04 10:10:37 <Robbo_> And I was explaining how you come off as egotistical with something you said here. But hey, since I didn't stick to the specific rules of the question
Jan 04 10:10:50 <zackkitzmiller> Guys, guys,
Jan 04 10:10:52 <Robbo_> Yes. But you said it in an ego like way
Jan 04 10:10:52 <zackkitzmiller> enough
Jan 04 10:10:53 * pvde ( has joined #laravel-offtopic
Jan 04 10:10:59 <Robbo_> Ffs
Jan 04 10:11:01 <Robbo_> brick wall
Jan 04 10:11:04 <zackkitzmiller> time for beers.
Jan 04 10:11:05 <_druu> can we all have a beer now please
Jan 04 10:11:06 <zackkitzmiller> it's 600
Jan 04 10:11:13 <zackkitzmiller> which is time for beers.
Jan 04 10:11:18 <zackkitzmiller> _druu: I like how you think
Jan 04 10:11:20 <_druu> 0005 here
Jan 04 10:11:23 <Robbo_> I'd have more luck helping someone in #laravel
Jan 04 10:11:39 <SimonHampel> helping?
Jan 04 10:11:40 <digia> Robbo_ don't say that ;O
Jan 04 10:11:54 <_druu> zackkitzmiller: I know the good stuff ;)
Jan 04 10:11:55 <Robbo_> I should have just given up at the point he resorted to insults
Jan 04 10:12:11 <k_89> this was good
Jan 04 10:12:15 <philsturgeon> I've been insulted all day
Jan 04 10:12:20 <Robbo_> cool story
Jan 04 10:12:23 <Robbo_> write a blog about it
Jan 04 10:12:24 <digia> brb posting log on my blog!!!
Jan 04 10:12:33 <digia> philsturgeon don't worry i'll give you a backlink
Jan 04 10:12:44 <philsturgeon> digia: thanks! remember to try having a point.
Jan 04 10:12:47 <digia> i think i'll use one of your messages.... 'cunts'...
Jan 04 10:12:48 <digia> oh yes!
Jan 04 10:13:03 * ArjandeV has quit (Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
Jan 04 10:13:08 <Robbo_> no save that for comments
Jan 04 10:13:11 <Robbo_> when someone disagrees with you
Jan 04 10:13:16 <Robbo_> or just discusses anything in general
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