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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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Literate modeling first development ideas - continued on github
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Van der Pol equations to generate a nonlinear 2D vector field
and save a black box object
from PyDSTool import *
from PyDSTool.Toolbox import phaseplane as pp
import sys
# public exports
__all__ = ['F', 'target_dom', 'compute', 'L2_tol']
# ----
import yaml
with open('setup.yml') as f:
setup = yaml.load(f)
L2_tol = setup['error_tol']
#pars = {'eps': 1e-1, 'a': 0.5}
pars = setup['pars']
# target_dom = {'x': [-2.5, 2.5], 'y': [-2, 2]}
target_dom = setup['target_dom']
# Convenience variables
xdom = target_dom['x']
ydom = target_dom['y']
xInterval = Interval('xdom', float, xdom, abseps=1e-3)
yInterval = Interval('ydom', float, ydom, abseps=1e-3)
def build():
icdict = {'x': pars['a'],
'y': pars['a'] - pars['a']**3/3}
xstr = '(y - (x*x*x/3 - x))/eps'
ystr = 'a - x'
#DSargs.fnspecs = {'Jacobian': (['t','x','y'],
# """[[(1-x*x)/eps, 1/eps ],
# [ -1, 0 ]]""")}
algparams = {'max_pts': 3000, 'init_step': 0.01, 'stiff': True}
compatGens = findGenSubClasses('ODEsystem')
class ODEComponent(LeafComponent):
# compatibleSubcomponents=(sys,)
vdpC = ODEComponent('vdp_gen')
vdpC.add([Var(xstr, 'x', domain=target_dom['x'], specType='RHSfuncSpec'),
Var(ystr, 'y', domain=target_dom['y'], specType='RHSfuncSpec'),
Par(pars['a'], 'a'), Par(pars['eps'], 'eps')])
MC = ModelConstructor('vdp',
{'modelspec': vdpC,
'target': 'Vode_ODEsystem',
'algparams': algparams}
eventtol=1e-5, activateAllBounds=True,
withStdEvts={'vdp_gen': True},
stdEvtArgs={'term': True,
'precise': True,
'eventtol': 1e-5},
withJac={'vdp_gen': True})
# withJac option for automatic calc of Jacobian
return MC.getModel()
vdp = loadObjects('model.sav')[0]
vdp = build()
saveObjects(vdp, 'model.sav')
def F(xarray):
x, y = xarray
assert x in xInterval
assert y in yInterval
return vdp.Rhs(0, {'x':x, 'y':y}, asarray=True)
def compute(xarray, trajname='test'):
x, y = xarray
assert x in xInterval
assert y in yInterval
icdict = {'x': x,
'y': y}
vdp.compute(trajname, tdata=[0,5])
pts = vdp.sample(trajname)
return pts
def sanity_check():
print target_dom
x1 = sum(xdom)/2
y1 = sum(ydom)/2
print F((x1,y1))
pts = compute((x1,y1), 'test')
print len(pts)
plt.plot(pts['x'], pts['y'], 'k-o')
if __name__ == '__main__':
vdp_gen = vdp.registry.values()[0]
pp.plot_PP_vf(vdp_gen, 'x', 'y', subdomain=target_dom,
N=20, scale_exp=-1)
name: local linear fit
difficulty: easy
time: short
tags: graphical, ODE
- 2D, weakly nonlinear, determininstic vector field given as a black box function of (x,y) -> (f_x(x,y), f_y(x,y))
- finite, rectangular domain [x0,x1] X [y0,y1]
- Euclidean error tolerance of forward trajectories (chosen to be feasible for the given function f, unless task scenario is open to being proven inconsistent)
- Derive a UAC-satisfying local linear ODE approximation in the domain (where nonlinearity is fairly weak)
- Predict all forward trajectories up to given max tolerance of Euclidean error
eps: 0.1
a: 0.5
x: [1, 1.3]
y: [-0.9, -0.75]
error_tol: 0.002
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ID: 1
tag: solve scenario
import PyDSTool as dst
from PyDSTool.Toolbox import phaseplane as pp
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
tag: import public interface to the target model
from model import F, target_dom, compute, L2_tol
# Convenience variables
xdom = target_dom['x']
ydom = target_dom['y']
xdom_half = sum(xdom)/2
ydom_half = sum(ydom)/2
xdom_width = xdom[1]-xdom[0]
ydom_width = ydom[1]-ydom[0]
xInterval = dst.Interval('xdom', float, xdom, abseps=1e-3)
yInterval = dst.Interval('ydom', float, ydom, abseps=1e-3)
# Convenience function for orientation of new users
# (not explicit part of study context)
def demo_sim():
print target_dom
print F((xdom_half,ydom_half))
pts = compute((xdom_half,ydom_half), 'test')
print len(pts)
plt.plot(pts['x'], pts['y'])
tag: build linear model
- define build function
def build_lin():
# make local linear system spec
DSargs = dst.args(name='lin')
xfn_str = '(x0+yfx*y - x)/taux'
yfn_str = '(y0+xfy*x - y)/tauy'
DSargs.varspecs = {'x': xfn_str, 'y': yfn_str}
DSargs.xdomain = {'x': xdom, 'y': ydom} = {'x0': xdom_half, 'y0': ydom_half,
'xfy': 1, 'yfx': 1,
'taux': 1, 'tauy': 1}
DSargs.algparams = {'init_step':0.001,
'max_step': 0.001,
'max_pts': 10000}
DSargs.checklevel = 0
DSargs.tdata = [0, 10]
DSargs.ics = {'x': xdom_half*1.1, 'y': ydom_half*1.1}
DSargs.fnspecs = {'Jacobian': (['t', 'x', 'y'],
"""[[-1/taux, -yfx/taux],
[-xfy/tauy, -1/tauy]]""")}
return dst.Generator.Vode_ODEsystem(DSargs)
- instantiate local model
lin = build_lin()
tag: define uac
- test sample 30 x 30 grid of ICs in domain
def make_mesh_pts(N=30):
xsamples = xInterval.uniformSample(xdom_width/N, avoidendpoints=True)
ysamples = yInterval.uniformSample(ydom_width/N, avoidendpoints=True)
xmesh, ymesh = np.meshgrid(xsamples,ysamples)
return xmesh, ymesh, np.dstack((xmesh,ymesh)).reshape(N*N,2)
xmesh5, ymesh5, mesh_pts_test5 = make_mesh_pts(5)
xmesh30, ymesh30, mesh_pts_test30 = make_mesh_pts(30)
- mirror signature of F for linear model
def LF(pt):
x, y = pt
return lin.Rhs(0, {'x':x, 'y':y})
- L2 metric between vector fields
def metric(pt):
# could usefully vectorize this
return pp.dist(LF(pt), F(pt))
def condition(m, tol):
return m < tol
tag: define goal
notes: functions with richer diagnostic feedback about spatial errors
def error_pts(mesh_pts):
return np.array([metric(pt) for pt in mesh_pts])
def test_goal(mesh_pts, goal_tol=L2_tol):
errors_array = error_pts(mesh_pts)
result = condition(np.max(errors_array), goal_tol)
return dst.args(result=result,
tag: initial test that goal fails with a small sample
test = test_goal(mesh_pts_test5)
assert not test.result
tag: visualize mesh of errors
- figure 1
def viz_errors(mesh_pts, errors, fignum, scaling=2):
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
for pt, err in zip(mesh_pts, errors):
plt.plot(pt[0], pt[1], 'ko', markersize=scaling*err)
test30 = test_goal(mesh_pts_test30)
viz_errors(mesh_pts_test30, test30.errors, 1)
fig1 = plt.figure(1)
tag: visualize mesh of linear vectors overlaid with actual vectors
- figure 2
def get_all_Fs(F, mesh_pts):
return np.array([F(pt) for pt in mesh_pts])
# store globally for later convenience
all_Fs = get_all_Fs(F, mesh_pts_test30)
all_LFs = get_all_Fs(LF, mesh_pts_test30)
def Fmesh(xmesh, ymesh, F):
dxs, dys = np.zeros(xmesh.shape, float), np.zeros(ymesh.shape, float)
for xi, x in enumerate(xmesh[0]):
for yi, y in enumerate(ymesh.T[0]):
dx, dy = F((x,y))
# note order of indices
dxs[yi,xi] = dx
dys[yi,xi] = dy
return dxs, dys
Fmeshes5 = Fmesh(xmesh5, ymesh5, F)
LFmeshes5 = Fmesh(xmesh5, ymesh5, LF)
Fmeshes30 = Fmesh(xmesh30, ymesh30, F)
LFmeshes30 = Fmesh(xmesh30, ymesh30, LF)
def viz_VF(Fmeshes, meshes, fignum, col):
Fxmesh, Fymesh = Fmeshes
xmesh, ymesh = meshes
plt.quiver(xmesh, ymesh, Fxmesh, Fymesh, angles='xy', pivot='middle',
scale=10, lw=0.5, width=0.005*max(xdom_width,ydom_width),
minshaft=2, minlength=0.1,
units='inches', color=col)
# test case
viz_VF(Fmeshes5, (xmesh5, ymesh5), 2, 'r')
viz_VF(LFmeshes5, (xmesh5, ymesh5), 2, 'k')
#viz_VF(Fmeshes30, (xmesh30, ymesh30), 2, 'r')
fig2 = plt.figure(2)
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Problems with format so far:

  • comment structure is annoying: want triple-quote docstrings inside the functions, and not repeated outside for the studycontext metadata; don't want to keep indenting exactly the same amount for next note
  • May need a directive at start of each comment to signify to preprocessor to parse this differently
  • what to do if functions defined during development of need to be pushed to a common library? how does the provenance markup showing the order of sub-tasks in that file get affected?
  • each executable 'step' should be an individually executable script, so that different sub-tasks can easily be repeated and their setup iterated without having to comment out unwanted other steps
  • Need scripts to automate git add/commit/push with automated message part including "step #" of the process in the commit message
  • How to add math markup in a way that will be transformed to readable math in the browser?

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tonyfast commented Apr 2, 2015

So right now, the names in your files only have a meaning in the context of PyDSTool. The information is hard to liberate and parse.

Python files are meant for code and documentation. The semantic information is orthogonal to Python. You're structured document is in your language.

It should be an Ipython Notebook. The cell structure allows you to use mixed languages, python and yaml orthogonally. So magic can parse the yaml on execute.

I really think the first and easiest thing to change maybe the presentation layer of the python files are a notebook. Then people can see it.

Similarly, we can create a bl.ocks view of it and add to describe the larger context.

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