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Created September 9, 2015 01:49
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selected code from codepath following bonus cam media submission to retry upload
// file input element gets media
// submission_media.hbs line:36
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" class='media-upload-form'>
// submission_media.js line:134
fileDidChange: function() {
setFile: function(file) {
// ...
file: file,
isError: false,
submission: {file: file.type}
this._mediaAdded = true;
return true;
// Play.SubmissionCameraWidget = Play.SubmissionMediaWidget.extend({
// Play.SubmissionMediaWidget = Play.SubmissionBaseWidget.extend({
// submission_base.js
Play.SubmissionBaseWidget = Ember.View.extend({
// ...
performValidation: function() {
var isValid = this.validate(this.get('submission') || {});
var cleaned = isValid ? this.clean(this.get('submission')) : null;
if(!this.get('controller')) { return; }
// controller = PlaySubmissionPart
isValid: isValid,
validSubmission: isValid ? cleaned : null
// play_submission.js
Play.PlaySubmissionController = Ember.Controller.extend({
// ...
isValid: function() {
var parts = this.get('controllers.playSubmissionParts');
return parts.everyProperty('isValid');
isValidDidChange: function() {
if(this.get('isValid')) {
// play_behavior.js
var endlessCreative = Ember.Mixin.create(creative, {
autosubmit: true,
messages: {
ok: {message: null, completed: false, sync: false, upload: true}
Play.EndlessPhotoBehavior = Play.Behavior.extend(endlessCreative, {});
Play.EndlessMovieBehavior = Play.Behavior.extend(endlessCreative, {});
Play.EndlessCameraBehavior = Play.Behavior.extend(endlessCreative, {});
Play.Behavior = Ember.Object.extend({
getResponse: function(submission, attemptNum) {
var responseType = this.interpret(submission, attemptNum);
Ember.assert("Must have a message for response type " +
responseType, !!this.messages[responseType]);
var responseParams = this.messages[responseType];
var isCompleted = !!responseParams.completed;
var shouldSync = isCompleted || (responseParams.sync === true);
var shouldUpload = shouldSync || (responseParams.upload === true);
var message = responseParams.message ? {
message: responseParams.message,
correct: this.getCorrectText(),
given: this.getSubmissionText(submission)
} : null;
return {
isCompleted: isCompleted,
shouldSync: shouldSync,
shouldUpload: shouldUpload,
message: message
// play_waypoint.js
shouldAutosubmit: function() {
return !!this.get('behavior.autosubmit');
isValid: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.playSubmission.isValid'),
_isSubmitDisabled: function() {
if(this.get('isSubmitting')) { return true; }
if(!this.get('isValid')) { return true; }
return false;
checkAutosubmit: function() {
if(!this.shouldAutosubmit()) { return; }
if(this.isAutosubmitting) { return; }
if(this._isSubmitDisabled()) { return; }, '_checkAutosubmit', 1);
_checkAutosubmit: function() {
if(!this.shouldAutosubmit()) { return; }
if(this.isAutosubmitting) { return; }
if(this._isSubmitDisabled()) { return; }
autosubmit: function() {
if(this.isAutosubmitting) { return; }
this.isAutosubmitting = true;
var submitPromise = this.submit();
if(this.get('isSubmitting')) {
submitPromise.then(B.bind(function() {
this.isAutosubmitting = false;
}, this));
} else {
this.isAutosubmitting = false;
pendingSubmissions: Ember.computed.alias(
submit: function() {
// ... much omitted
// suspects:
var response = behavior.getResponse(submission, attemptNum);
var pendingSubmissions = Ember.copy(this.get('pendingSubmissions'));
if(response.shouldUpload) {
var maxUploadSize = Play.get('maxUploadSize');
files.forEach(function(file, fileIndex) {
var mediaItem = mediaItems[fileIndex];
var upload = Play.Upload.create({mediaItem: mediaItem, file: file});
if(file.dummy) {
// don't upload dummy files.
} else if(shouldUploadFiles && file.size < maxUploadSize) {
// if you're uploading files, add and start right away.
upload, waypoint);
} else if (response.shouldSync) {
// if we're not uploading files
} else {
// if uploads are not starting, then if we're syncing, do nothing,
// since the files will be included in the sync. But if we are NOT
// syncing (i.e. for bonus cam), then send the 'pending' status
// update so that the images can be recovered in wired transfer.
var uploadController = (this.get('controllers.playSyncUploads')
.createUploadController(upload, waypoint));
.then(null, function(err) {});
}, this);
// play_sync_uploads.js
Play.PlaySyncUploadsController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
addAndStart: function(upload, waypoint) {
console.log('addAndStart', upload, waypoint);
var uploadController = this.add(upload, waypoint);
if(this.get('allowNewUploadStart')) {
} else {
// send update that the media item is pending, just so the system
// knows that it's ready. otherwise it won't get a notification until
// it's started.
return uploadController;
start: function(uploadController) {
console.log('start', uploadController);
uploadController.start().then(null, function() {
// ignore failure.
Play.PlaySyncUpload = Ember.Object.extend({
// ...
updateStatus: function(status) {
var options = {media_item: this.get('content.mediaItem'), status: status};
return this.get('waypoint').triggerAction('updateMedia', options);
_start: function() {
return this.get('content').start(); // Play.Upload
start: function() {
console.log('PlaySyncUpload start');
this.set('hasBeenStarted', true);
var retryable = Breadcrumb.retry(this._start, this, Play.xhrRetryOptions);
this.set('uploadRetryable', retryable);
var self = this;
return retryable.then(function() { self.confirmUploadOnCompletion(); });
def update_media(self, media_item, status='uploaded'):
media_index = first(
i for (i, m) in enumerate(
if m['upload_key'] == media_item['upload_key'])
# If this is new media, add it!
if media_index is None:
media_index = len(
media_item, media_index=media_index,
is_uploading=False, is_uploaded=False, is_ready=False))
# Update media!
'pending': {'is_uploading': False, 'is_uploaded': False},
'started': {'is_uploading': True, 'is_uploaded': False},
'uploaded': {'is_uploading': False, 'is_uploaded': True}
}[media_index].update(STATUSES.get(status, {}))
updates = {'media':}
if not self.has_media:
updates['has_media'] = True
if not self.in_gallery and media_item.get('in_gallery'):
updates['in_gallery'] = True
if status == 'uploaded':
return self
// upload.js
Play.Upload = Ember.Object.extend({
start: function() {
console.log('Play.Upload start');
if(this.get('isUploading')) { return; }
return this._start();
_start: function() {
this.deferred = Ember.RSVP.defer();
var self = this;
this.loadMediaPolicy().then(function() {
// media policy succeeded!
}, function() {
// media policy load failed
return this.deferred.promise;
startUpload: function() {
console.log('upload startUpload');
if(this.xhr !== null) { return; }
var self = this;
var xhr = Breadcrumb.NativeHooks.upload(
this.getPostUrl(), this.getUploadParams(), this.file,
function didComplete(e) {
if(self.xhr !== xhr) { return; } // skip if upload aborted.
self.didComplete(e); },
function didFail(e) {
if(self.xhr !== xhr) { return; } // skip if upload aborted.
self.didFail(e); },
function didProgress(e) {
if(self.xhr !== xhr) { return; } // skip if upload aborted.
self.didProgress(e); });
this.xhr = xhr;
this.setProperties({isUploading: true, progress: 0, isReady: false});
// retry.js
Breadcrumb.retry = function(options, action, context) {
console.log('Breadcrumb.retry', options, action, context);
var opts = options;
if(typeof options === 'function') { // action, context, [options]
opts = arguments[2] || {};
opts.action = arguments[0];
opts.context = arguments[1];
} // otherwise, called with {options}, no changes necessary
return Breadcrumb.Retryable.create(opts).start();
Breadcrumb.Retryable = Ember.Object.extend({
start: function() {
console.log('Retryable start');
if(this.get('isCompleted') || this.get('isInProgress')) {
throw new Error("Cannot start a Retryable more than once."); }
if(!this.deferred || this.deferred.promise.isRejected) {
this.deferred = Ember.RSVP.defer(); }
isInProgress: true,
isActing: true,
isError: false,
isFailure: false,
numAttempts: 1
return this;
act: function() {
var result =, deferred = this.deferred;
if(!result || !result.then) { // we are not a promise; resolve with value
if(this.deferred !== deferred) { return; } // had been restarted
} else { // returned a promise, so execute.
B.bind(function(value) {
var t1 = new Date().getTime();
if(this.deferred !== deferred) { return; } // had been restarted
}, this),
B.bind(function(err) {
if(this.deferred !== deferred) { return; } // had been restarted
}, this));
onReject: function() {
console.log('retry onReject');
// Are we final rejection?
if(this.get('numAttempts') >= this.get('maxAttempts')) {
isInProgress: false,
isActing: false,
isRetrying: false,
isWaitingToRetry: false,
isError: true,
isFailure: true
this.deferred.reject(new Error({
message: "Attempt " + this.get('numAttempts') +
" failed."}));
this.deferred = null;
// If not, retry.
var numAttempts = this.get('numAttempts'),
retryBackoff = this.retryBackoffForAttemptNum(numAttempts);
numAttempts: numAttempts + 1,
retryAt: new Date(new Date().getTime() + retryBackoff),
isError: true,
isRetrying: true,
isWaitingToRetry: true,
isActing: false
this.retryIntervalId = setTimeout(
B.bind(this.retry, this), retryBackoff);
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