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Created April 10, 2019 01:42
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Create a complete Ghost Website on Azure with Domain Assignment
DB_USER=admin_$RANDOM #set this to whatever you like but it's not something that should be easy
DB_PASS=$(uuidgen) #Again - whatever you like but keep it safe! Better to make it random
#You can get a list of locations by running
#az account list-locations --query [].name
echo "Creating Resource Group"
az group create -n $RG --location $LOCATION
echo "Spinning up mysql $DB_SERVERNAME in group $RG Admin is $DB_USER"
az mysql server create --resource-group $RG \
--name $DB_SERVERNAME --admin-user $DB_USER \
--admin-password $DB_PASS --sku-name $DBSKU \
--ssl-enforcement Disabled \
--location $LOCATION
echo "Guessing your external IP address from"
IP=$(curl -s
echo "Your IP is $IP"
echo "Popping a hole in firewall for IP address $IP (that's you)"
az mysql server firewall-rule create --resource-group $RG \
--server $DB_SERVERNAME \
--name AllowMyIP \
--start-ip-address $IP \
--end-ip-address $IP
echo "Popping a hole in firewall for Azure services"
az mysql server firewall-rule create --resource-group $RG \
--server $DB_SERVERNAME \
--name AllowAzureIP \
--start-ip-address \
echo "Creating Ghost Database - this relies on the MySQL client being installed locally and accessible from your PATH"
mysql --host=$ \
--password=$DB_PASS \
-e 'create database ghost;'
echo "Creating AppService Plan for Linux. If you want Windows change the script to remove the --is-linux flag"
az appservice plan create --name $APPNAME \
--resource-group $RG \
--sku $SKU \
echo "Creating Web app"
az webapp create --resource-group $RG \
--plan $APPNAME \
--name $APPNAME \
--deployment-container-image-name "$IMAGE"
echo "Creating the app settings"
az webapp config appsettings set --name $APPNAME \
--resource-group $RG \
--settings \
database__client=mysql \
database__connection__database=ghost \
database__connection__host=$ \
database__connection__user=$DB_USER@$DB_SERVERNAME \
database__connection__password=$DB_PASS \
echo "Setting up logging"
az webapp log config --application-logging true \
--web-server-logging filesystem \
--detailed-error-messages true \
--docker-container-logging filesystem \
--failed-request-tracing true \
--level information \
--name $APPNAME \
--resource-group $RG
echo "Setting up the hostname using $DOMAIN. If you see an error here you'll need to rerun the command once issues are addressed with DNS"
az webapp config hostname add --webapp-name $APPNAME \
--resource-group $RG \
--hostname $DOMAIN \
echo "Let's see that pretty site of yours..."
open http://$DOMAIN
echo "Tailing the logs... this could take up to 5 minutes to start"
az webapp log tail -n $APPNAME -g $RG
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