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Created December 7, 2013 15:03
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py.test fixtures for testing tornado apps
def test_root_output(client):
resp = client.fetch('/')
assert resp.code == 200
assert resp.body == 'Hello, world'
def test_async_output(client):
resp = client.fetch('/async')
assert resp.code == 200
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The tornado.testing Async stuff packaged as fixtures for use with py.test
import pytest
import socket
import sys
from tornado import netutil
from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer
from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
from tornado.testing import AsyncHTTPClient
from tornado.util import raise_exc_info
from import application
class AsyncClient(object):
## A port of parts of AsyncTestCase. See
def __init__(self, httpserver, httpclient):
self.__stopped = False
self.__running = False
self.__stop_args = None
self.__failure = None
self.httpserver = httpserver
self.httpclient = httpclient
def fetch(self, path, **kwargs):
## This seems a bit fragile. How else to get the dynamic port number?
port = self.httpserver._sockets.values()[0].getsockname()[1]
url = u'%s://localhost:%s%s' % ('http', port, path)
self.httpclient.fetch(url, self.stop, **kwargs)
return self.wait()
def io_loop(self):
## We're using a singleton ioloop throughout
return IOLoop.instance()
def stop(self, _arg=None, **kwargs):
"""Stops the `.IOLoop`, causing one pending (or future) call to `wait()`
to return.
assert _arg is None or not kwargs
self.__stop_args = kwargs or _arg
if self.__running:
self.__running = False
self.__stopped = True
def __rethrow(self):
if self.__failure is not None:
failure = self.__failure
self.__failure = None
def wait(self, condition=None, timeout=None):
if timeout is None:
timeout = 5
if not self.__stopped:
if timeout:
def timeout_func():
raise self.failureException(
'Async operation timed out after %s seconds' %
except Exception:
self.__failure = sys.exc_info()
self.__timeout = self.io_loop.add_timeout(self.io_loop.time() + timeout, timeout_func)
while True:
self.__running = True
if (self.__failure is not None or
condition is None or condition()):
if self.__timeout is not None:
self.__timeout = None
assert self.__stopped
self.__stopped = False
result = self.__stop_args
self.__stop_args = None
return result
def bind_unused_port():
"""Binds a server socket to an available port on localhost.
Returns a tuple (socket, port).
[sock] = netutil.bind_sockets(None, 'localhost', family=socket.AF_INET)
port = sock.getsockname()[1]
return sock, port
def app(request):
return application
def http_server(request, app):
## Build server as in testing:311
sock, port = bind_unused_port()
server = HTTPServer(application, io_loop=IOLoop.instance())
return server
def client(request, app, http_server):
return AsyncClient(http_server, AsyncHTTPClient())
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