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Created April 10, 2017 16:12
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Arch Linux Setup
# Installation
- Follow (german)
# Network
## Cable link
ip link
dhcpcd <device>
## Wifi (during installation / no GUI)
## Wifi (for production)
**For GUI use with KDE:**
- Install [NetworkManager](
pacman -Sy plasma-nm
- Enable service
systemctl enable NetworkManager.service
- Reboot
- Configure wifi with the button in the taskbar
## Bluetooth
- Install bluetooth packages
pacman -S bluez bluez-utils bluez-firmware
- Add user to `lp` group
usermod -g lp andreas
- Enable service
systemctl enable bluetooth.service
### GUI
- (KDE) Install GUI
pacman -S bluedevil
### Audio
- Install `pulseaudio-bluetooth`
pacman -S pulseaudio-bluetooth
- If connect does not work, set simple pairing mode:
hciconfig hci0 sspmode 0
# Software
## Via Pacman
- google-chrome
- atom
- vlc
### OpenSSH
- Install openssh
pacman -S openssh
- Choose one of the following:
- Use existing config
- Copy `.ssh` folder into `~/`
cp -R <sourcepath>/.ssh ~/.ssh
- Change permissions on private key
chmod 600 ~/.ssh/id_rsa
- Create new key-pair
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "<email>"
### Git
- Install git
pacman -S git
- Download auto-complete script
curl -o ~/.git-completion.bash
- Call it from inside `.bashrc`:
# Git auto-completion
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
. ~/.git-completion.bash
### Keepass
- Install keepass
pacman -S keepass
- Download [keepasshttp plugin](
- Copy the file
sudo mv ~/Downloads/KeePassHttp.plgx /usr/share/keepass
- Install [chromeIpass plugin](
- Launch keepass
### docker
- Install docker and docker-compose
pacman -S docker docker-compose
- Enable docker service
systemctl enable docker.service
- Reboot
- Check if docker runs
docker info
- Login with docker
docker login
### Java
- Install Java 8 JDK
pacman -S jre8-openjdk
- Create a desktop starter file as basis for other Java programs like smartgit or intellij
- Save `java.desktop` into `/usr/share/applications`:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=OpenJDK 7 Runtime
Name[de]=OpenJDK 7 Laufzeitumgebung
Comment=open with OpenJDK Java
Comment[de]=mit OpenJDK Java öffnen
Exec=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -jar %f
### Yaourt
According to [these instructions](
- Add to pacman config file `/etc/pacman.conf`
SigLevel = Never
Server =$arch
- Install yaourt
pacman -S yaourt
## Special shit
### Google Chrome
- Install yaourt
- Install Google Chrome
yaourt google-chrome
### SmartGit
- [Download SmartGit]( (TAR archive) and extract it
- Create a **global java desktop starter file** as described in the Java installation section
- Create the desktop starter file `smartgit-starter.desktop` in `/usr/share/applications`
[Desktop Entry]
- Make it executable
- Choose an icon in the GUI properties
- Drag'ndrop it into the task bar
### nvm
Following the manual:
- Install nvm by script
curl -o- | bash
- Open new shell
- Install latest node
nvm install node
### Arduino IDE
- Install `arduino` packages
pacman -S arduino arduino-avr-core
- **Reboot** *(or bother with Arduinos not showing up as `ttyUSB`/`ttyACM`)*
- Install `ncurses5-compat` libraries for proper `libtinfo` shared lib
- Add key to keyring
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 702353E0F7E48EDB
- Install the lib
yaourt ncurses5-compat-libs
- For virtual devices, you need `gcc-libs-multilib`
yaourt gcc-libs-multilib
- Confirm to replace the conflicting `gcc-libs` package if asked to
- Also for virtual devices you need `glxinfo`:
yaourt glxinfo
### VPN
- Install `openconnect` and `networkmanager-openconnect`
- Start connection in Terminal:
sudo openconnect
### GPG Key
### Google Drive
- Install and [setup]( `gdrivefs`
yaourt gdrivefs
- Use the network-manager [dispatcher service]( to mount gdrivefs after internet connection is established
- Enable the service
systemctl enable NetworkManager-dispatcher.service
- Create the script
touch /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
chown root:root /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
chmod 755 /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
nano /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/
echo "Works" > /home/rob/GDFS-TEST
date >> /home/rob/GDFS-TEST
mkdir -p /mnt/gdfs
gdfs -o allow_other /var/cache/gdfs.creds /mnt/gdfs
- Restart `NetworkManager` (or reboot)
systemctl restart NetworkManager.service
### KDE Wallet
Follow [this tutorial](
### Telegram
- Download it from the website and run it.
- On first startup it creates a folder at `~/.local/share/TelegramDesktop/`
## Apache Kafka
### Local
- Download latest release from
- Untar it to `/opt/storm` or similar and `chown` it
- Add directory to path by adding those lines to `~/.bashrc`:
export PATH=/opt/storm/bin/:$PATH
# Customizing
## Taskbar
### Icons only
- Right click task bar
- Choose `Alternatives...`
- Choose `Icon-only`
- Click `Change`
## Terminal
### Aliases
- Create new file `~/.bash-aliases` with following contents:
# Linux
ll='ls -lh'
lla='ll -a'
- Include it in `~/.bashrc`
if [ -f ~/.bash-aliases ]; then
. ~/.bash-aliases
### Prompt
- Extend `~/.bashrc` by the following
# Prompt
gitbranch () {
if [ "$(git branch 2>&1 | cut -c1-5)" == "fatal" ]; then
echo ""
echo "[$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)]"
PS1='[\u@\h \W]$(gitbranch)\$ '
- More options:
# Troubleshooter
## "A start job is running for ..."
- Appears on boot
- Likely is related to a [wrongly configured]( `fstab`
- Resolve:
- Show all devices and their IDs:
- Update the `/etc/fstab` accordingly
- Check `/dev/` paths
- Check `UUID`s
- Check everything!
- Fix it
- Reboot
## Remove unneeded packages
pacman -Rsn $(pacman -Qdtq)
## No playback with Amarok
- Install optional dependency `gst-libav`
- Configure Phonon
- Amarok > Settings > Configure Amarok > Playback > Configure Phonon
## "Not in sudoers file"
- Probably used `usermod -g ... ...` instead of `usermod -aG ... ...`
- Readd to `wheel` group
usermod -aG wheel
- Reboot
## Telegram always starts on login
Clear the session [(Source)](
- Open *System Settings*
- Open *Startup and Shutdown*
- Go to the *Desktop Session* tab
- Select *Start with an empty session* in the *On Login* area
- Logout and login again
## Fix `sudo` autocompletion
Add this to `~/.bashrc`[^sudoautocompletion]:
complete -cf sudo
## Arduino not detected
- Check cable!!!!
- Check `lsusb`
- Check `dmesg -w`
- Check the cable again!!!!!
## Windows Dual Boot
Follow instructions in
### Linux boot loader not showing up
As root:
bootctl install
mv /boot/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgf4.efi /boot/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgf4.efiBAK
mv /boot/EFI/systemd/boot_x64.efi /boot/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/.
mv /boot/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/boot_x64.efi /boot/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgf4.efi
### Linux boot loader not showing Windows entry
> Written with [StackEdit](
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